
How do you develop social skills at all stages of your child's life?

Human beings are group animals, and how we communicate with others in the group and express our own thoughts and opinions has a great impact on our lives.

How do you develop social skills at all stages of your child's life?
How do you develop social skills at all stages of your child's life?

Nowadays, more and more parents are paying attention to the development of their children's cognitive ability, but also gradually realizing the importance of cultivating their children's social skills. How does parent-child relationship relate to a child's social skills? How do you interact positively with children of different ages? How to guide children to use critical thinking to solve problems?

As the saying goes, "Parents are a child's first teachers". In order to make family education an inexhaustible source that nourishes children's hearts, parents need to explore the mysteries of education, find appropriate educational methods, and grasp the best educational opportunities. First of all, we need to distinguish between the age groups of children.

How do you develop social skills at all stages of your child's life?

In infancy

Talk to your baby more, and when your baby is crying or making a sound, you can talk to them, so that in addition to allowing them to listen to your voice more, you can also stimulate your baby's desire to interact with you.

Give the baby more hugs and kisses, the baby in this period needs physical contact, don't worry about giving him too much attention.

Stay calm, sometimes the baby cries, we don't know why, we will feel annoyed, at this moment the baby can feel your mood. So it is recommended that you change hands with the people around you and take a deep breath to calm yourself down before facing the baby. Babies need a very harmonious and happy environment, so first of all, they must adjust themselves, and then infect the baby with positive and happy emotions.

How do you develop social skills at all stages of your child's life?

At the age of 1.5 to around the age of 2

When children are around 1.5 to 2 years old, they can already say some simple sentences and follow simple instructions, but they are not very good at sharing them. At this point, moms can take time out to organize small parties or play dates.

Children in this period like low rules, and parents can also tell their children that when they are angry, they can express themselves in words, they cannot use beating people, and they must respect other people's bodies and love small animals. When your child is doing well, don't skimp on the encouragement and support you should give, but don't overly praise.

How do you develop social skills at all stages of your child's life?

The child is a little older

When the child is older and can express his feelings, parents can encourage the child to expand their circle of friends, including attending social activities (such as birthday parties) and teaching the child to use appropriate wording to express his feelings.

When the child reaches the age of school, they will have more opportunities to interact with others, such as: sharing toys or sharing their emotions and needs with others, at this time parents need to pay attention to their own words and deeds, because children observe our adults' words and deeds all the time, so it is recommended that parents do not argue loudly in front of their children, but also pay attention to their own politeness and manners when communicating with others.

How do you develop social skills at all stages of your child's life?

If you want your child to have good social skills, you must start from the parents themselves, if you and your child have a good interaction, a good parent-child relationship, you can directly help your child improve their ability to express emotions and social skills. As a parent, there are many ways to directly or indirectly improve your child's ability in this regard, such as respecting your child's feelings, giving your child a sense of psychological and physical security, letting your child know that you care about him, and so on.

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