
Children get sleepy as soon as they read? There is a reason for the logic of thinking behind it!

As the saying goes, "There is a house of gold in the book, and there is a beautiful jade in the book." Books can be said to be the ladder of human growth and progress, and their value is immeasurable. However, when it comes to reading, the child who was still energetic before sat at his desk, and just turned a few pages, he was sleepy and yawned. Why is that? Why does reading make people sleepy? Is it really because there are no "cultural cells"?

Children get sleepy as soon as they read? There is a reason for the logic of thinking behind it!

Today, Lele will give parents a good analysis of what is dragging the "hind legs" of children to acquire knowledge!

Reason one

The brain turns on the protective mechanism

The brain is a big energy consumer, with only 2% of the body weight, leveraging 20% of the total calorie consumption of the human body. Reading is a fully mobilized behavior of the brain, which not only requires accurate recognition of the eyes and the continuous plucking of memory, but also requires long-term, immersive input and thinking.

As long as the child keeps reading, the brain has to run at high speed all the time. Coupled with the fact that there are always some small emotions seducing them, such as being hungry and thirsty, wanting to watch TV brush mobile phones, taking a nap on the sofa, etc., the brain also has to allocate a part of the energy to persuade its little master to continue to work hard, which is really heartbreaking!

Children get sleepy as soon as they read? There is a reason for the logic of thinking behind it!

But just as the brain will be tired after a long period of exercise, after a long period of cognitive load, it will make people produce a physiological indicator that the brain needs to rest - "mental fatigue". As a result, the brain will officially "protest": you don't read the book! Let me rest and catch my breath!

Reason two

Bad habits formed by conditioning

Due to the lack of reasonable planning of learning and rest time, many children continue to study with drowsiness when they need to rest. Although we have learned the allusion of "head overhanging beam cone thorn strands" since childhood, in fact, if we are already tired, continuing to read will only speed up the arrival of mental fatigue.

The brain is more sensible, it is afraid that the owner is too tired, will silently exercise the "right to protection" - let people look more and more sleepy, so as to rest. In this way, not only is the learning efficiency difficult to maintain, but the experience of "reading with sleepiness" will gradually form a conditioned reflex, resulting in children being sleepy as soon as they learn, and invisibly tying sleep and reading together.

Reason three

Didn't find the right book

It's all books, but the effect of hypnosis is very different, and children also have moments when they can't release their hands. For example, picture books, comic books, novels... After reading one book after another, I stayed up all night and worked tirelessly. But if you open the first page of the English vocabulary book and just finish memorizing the first word abandon... Just fell asleep.

Children get sleepy as soon as they read? There is a reason for the logic of thinking behind it!

This is really the problem with the book. Cognitive science has found that people are less efficient at "information conversion" for books where language is less fluently organized. Harviland and Clark of Stanford University's School of Psychology conducted a reading comprehension test in 1974 in which participants read 68 short sentences, including:

Half of the sentences have direct matching of the contextual content; the other half of the sentences are indirectly matched, and there is a lack of logical connection in the middle.

It turned out that there was a significant difference in the time it took to read the two types of sentences, with a difference of 0.181 seconds between the two types. Therefore, for those books that are easy to understand, the brain processes them effortlessly, and even curiosity to learn will push children to read more and more energetically. However, books with strong professionalism may exceed the brain's comprehension ability for a while, resulting in a large increase in reading consumption, so children will quickly see "sleepy".

Reason four

Too comfortable reading environment

The indoor temperature is suitable, the light is sufficient; there is no noise interference around, it is quiet; the table and chairs are highly coordinated, and it is comfortable to sit... This is indeed an impeccable reading (sleeping) environment! According to the BBC channel's Science Spotlight, people usually choose to read in a quiet and comfortable atmosphere, and these conditions happen to be suitable for sleep. If the child is not fully concentrated while reading, it is equivalent to dozing off and giving a pillow.

Children get sleepy as soon as they read? There is a reason for the logic of thinking behind it!

Seeing this, some parents will ask: The child next door is studying hard all day, why not be sleepy? Could it be that the brain is different?

In fact, as early as the 1980s, studies have found that when the "academic bullies" carry out cognitive tasks, the energy metabolism rate of the cerebral cortex is lower. That is to say, when the "xueba" thinks about the problem, it consumes less energy. This gap leads to the processing of the same information, which is easy for some people to transform and difficult for others to ascend to the sky.

Like what:

"Xueba" back word: apple

Ordinary people memorize words: pneumonoultramicrosco

Some people have hypothesized that the reason why "xueba" are more focused and durable may not be because they work harder than others, but because their brains are more efficient, the so-called "neural efficiency hypothesis".

This speculation was also confirmed by a German research team in 2018:

In simple terms, the smarter the person, the higher the brain work efficiency, the lower the energy consumption of processing the same task, it is not easy to trigger the brain's negative feedback mechanism, and the more difficult it is to be sleepy when reading. But don't get discouraged! In addition to congenital factors, parents can still help their children's brains maintain good function through acquired efforts.

If a child is sleepy as soon as he reads a book, parents may wish to find the problem from the root cause, and then "prescribe the right medicine":

When studying, pay attention to ways and methods, use the brain scientifically, reasonably arrange the learning time, and achieve the combination of work and leisure. If your child feels tired and sleepy, do not reluctantly support reading, especially do not "drive the night train" to read, so as to avoid forming bad habits. Before going to bed, it is best not to let the child sleep through reading, because this habit is most likely to form the conditioned reflex of "falling asleep as soon as you read".

Help your child choose reading material that is cognitively appropriate and read step by step. Reading is a gradual process, early exposure to advanced knowledge, will make children resistant, unwilling to try more, to let children through different stages and levels of reading to complete the upgrading of reading ability.

Create a collaborative reading environment for children, stimulate their enthusiasm for reading and their desire to share and communicate. From a child's point of view, it is important to have an environment where you can read collaboratively. When reading with their peers, they have a greater sense of group identity and belonging, and can feel the pleasure and benefits of group discussions. Parents can also create a good family reading environment through parent-child co-reading, which can not only help children maintain their focus on reading, but also play a leading and exemplary role.

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