
"Forgive, but don't forget" Part 1 "White Land" (series 83)

"Forgive, but don't forget" Part 1 "White Land" (series 83)


In Qiqihar in December, the cold shrouded the four fields, dripping water into ice, and in the morning, the water tank in the kitchen formed a thin circle of ice. The windowsills and door frames are covered with snow, and the snow on the roof melts down the eaves, freezing into crystal clear ice cones, and the sun refracts a colorful aura.

The winter was much colder then than it is now. The image says to what extent it is cold, the adult tells the little boy not to pee outside, you have to disobey, not to sprinkle outside, then there is a good play to see, did not wait for a bubble of urine to sprinkle the chicken will be frozen together with the urine column, a pull down. I haven't tried it, I just don't want to go to the toilet and. Holding bubble urine is easy to do, find a corner in the yard to sprinkle casually, holding bubble is not easy to do. In the public toilet, there is wind on all sides, squatting there in the daytime, and the north wind bites the ass egg and hurts. There was a lot of in the pit, frozen into a pile of ice, and at the top was a Debon state hard dung tip, which had to be let go before it could be defecated. This made the wind harder, and I squatted for two minutes to get cold, and I almost didn't freeze into a popsicle. Often before the stool in the stomach is excreted, people will put on their pants and run home, frozen with a red face, full of red ass, warm against the fire wall for half a day, the stomach is panicked and want to go to the toilet, bad!

My mother, because of her experience of cleaning toilets for many years, found a set of experiences to avoid the cold, and she asked me to go to the single dormitory on the third floor of the factory to go to the toilet, where the toilet has sufficient heating, and you can squat as long as you want. The idea is wonderful, it is comfortable to go to the stool, but it is more than two hundred meters away. Once I had diarrhea, I couldn't put on a cotton hat and ran to the third floor, and when I came back, my ears were frozen white, and I itched for several days. My mother said that it was frostbite, and I was not allowed to go out bare-headed, wear fully armed, wear a neat coat, hat, gloves, and you said that trouble is not trouble! I really don't understand how people are convenient, how they don't have this unspeakable suffering of mine!

Anyone who has been born in the Northern Wilderness must have learned the power of a blizzard. The severe cold froze the snow in the wilderness into a powdery form, and the roaring north wind stirred the snow particles into the air as soon as it came, and the snow flakes in the sky covered the earth like a tarpaulin, and the wind and snow danced wildly in the sky, and the heavens and the earth were all the same. The ditches and bumps were filled, the main roads and trails were blocked, and even the dry weeds on the sides of the ditches were flooded with heavy snow.

The wind and snow were too big for me to go out, so I simply called Binzi, Spring Festival, Tienan and other friends to come to the house to play. My mother was willing to let them play at my house so that I wouldn't go out and cause trouble. Another reason I don't want to go out is frostbite on my feet, and in winter, no matter how thick cotton shoes I wear, I will be extremely itchy. That year, my mother carried me two years old from Shandong to Qiqihar Beiman Steel Mill, and my mother heard that the northern wilderness was strangely cold, and specially bought a thick cotton coat to keep out the cold. Afraid of freezing me after getting off the train, he wrapped my body tightly around my body in a coat, and his two small feet in thin cotton shoes were exposed. The mother did not expect that it would take an hour to run from Qiqihar to Fularki, the north manchurian steel mill, and it was as cold as the outside of the car, and the adults were freezing unbearablely, let alone a child. Along the way, I stretched my legs and kicked my feet and cried incessantly, and my mother couldn't help it. She thought I was sick, and as soon as the car arrived at the station, she went to the hospital for examination, and the doctor checked and found that my feet were frostbitten. Since then, there has been a frostbite problem.

Outside the window, the vast snow that was reversing quickly became a blur, and even the sky could not be seen. The wind blew snowflakes in through the cracks in the doors, turning into a pool of water at the outhouse door and forming a thin layer of ice. We took turns telling stories at home, often talking for a long time about large flakes of snow flapping on the windows, as if birds were flapping their wings. The children tell each other all kinds of stories, some that make you sad, some that make you afraid, some that make you sad, and some that make you very funny. We spent the winter like this, sitting quietly, listening to it fascinatingly, if there was no story, how tedious the long time would be! I like to listen to TieNan's stories the most, he is the most learned child among us, he can talk to the point, whether it is heard or from the book, he can remember, open his mouth to be interesting. When I tell a funny story, I am serious, everyone feels funny, I also feel funny, it seems that part of my inner sadness has been drifted away by the snowstorm.

Whenever Tienan painted and talked in a colorful way, we listened with relish, making everyone laugh. I often feel ashamed to think that I can't make up a story like this, and I like to read and dream of being a writer! For example, he once told a fool's story:

Once upon a time there was a rich man who always wanted his spoiled and stupid son to learn some skills. A friend gave Lao Cai an idea, asking him to give his son a sum of money to go out and wander around, learn some "true scriptures" by himself, and come back, and have a big future in the future.

Lao Cai took the advice of his friend, took out a large amount of money to bring to his son, and told his son that this is not a simple matter, don't worry about coming back, at least learn the real ability to see him again, and live up to Lao Tzu's painstaking heart of Jackie Chan. The old rich man's son picked up his backpack and set off, his nose turned upwards, his legs bent inward, his eyes glazed over, walking through village after shop, wandering around alone, not seeing anything noteworthy.

One day, he had just walked to a house and found that the house seemed to be crumbling, and at a critical moment, he suddenly heard a child shouting: "Big things are not good, the house is going to fall!" Two old men ran out of the house. The son felt that this was a "true scripture" worth learning, and quickly paid the money to the child to thank him for teaching himself how to save people. The son of the old man thanked the people and continued to walk forward, and then met two pigs jumping out of the pigsty, saying that it was too late and fast, and a big man rushed up to grab out the bristles and shouted: "Boar sow, where to escape!" Then drag the two pigs back to the pigsty. Lao Cai's son felt that Hanzi was so powerful and powerful, that he should be an example for himself to learn from, and immediately asked Hanzi to drink and worship him as a teacher. While the two were drinking in a tavern, they suddenly saw a neighbor's man running out the door with his head in his hand, and in the midst of surprise, a boy angrily held up a stick and chased him out. Their doubts were quickly dispelled, and it turned out that the neighbor's family spoiled the child badly, and the son beat him when he was unhappy. The father may feel that the child has no face after him, so he quickly calmed down and said, "Son, son, don't beat daddy, daddy buy you candy to eat." This trick is really smart, the child's anger suddenly subsided, smiling and smiling, and he never chased his father again. The son of the old rich man was overjoyed, thinking that how the cheap things in the world had been bumped into himself, this time it was good, and he could get the third "True Scripture" without spending money.

In fact, the son of the old rich man thought that he had succeeded in learning from the experience, and there was no one smarter than him around, and there was no delay, so he immediately went back to his hometown and wanted to return to his hometown as soon as possible to report to his parents on his studies. A few days later, the son of the old rich man returned to the village, and before he could enter the house, he shouted with great interest: "Big things are not good, the house is going to fall!" The old rich couple was frightened when they heard the shouting, and hurriedly crawled out of the house with a rolling belt. The son saw this and then shouted, "Boar sow, where to escape!" The old man eased up, saw that the house had not fallen, and the son was so rude that he dared to call him a boar, and he was furious and took a shovel and hit the contrarian. The son was horrified, thinking that I had learned something wrong, which made his old man angry, so he plucked up the courage to block the shovel handle with his arm, and quickly said the third true scripture: "Son, son, don't beat Daddy, Daddy buy you candy to eat!" ”

As a result, the old man did not come up in one breath and died alive.

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