
Parenting | the baby still crying after feeding? It may not be that you have not eaten enough, and there are several situations that bao mom should pay attention to

Wen | Little Bean Sprout Parenting Note

When many mothers feed their babies, there may be a situation where the baby is still crying after drinking milk? Many mothers do not know what is wrong with the baby, especially novice mothers, who have little experience, encounter similar situations, and will think that the baby is not full, or has not eaten well, and will continue to feed the baby.

However, when the baby has a similar situation, it may not be that it is not full, and the following situations, the mother should also pay attention.

Parenting | the baby still crying after feeding? It may not be that you have not eaten enough, and there are several situations that bao mom should pay attention to

Why is the baby still crying after feeding?

Intestinal colic

Intestinal colic is the most common phenomenon in many newborn babies, which is due to flatulence caused by immature gastrointestinal development of babies.

Intestinal colic occurs not in the size of the child's age, but in whether the baby's gastrointestinal and intestinal function development is normal, and whether the baby eats too much milk, resulting in indigestion. However, it generally occurs within three months of the baby, and most babies do not exceed five months at the latest, and the intestinal colic will improve.

Babies have colic, usually sudden loud cries, or persistent loud cries, accompanied by shortness of breath, curled up, or straightened.

Parenting | the baby still crying after feeding? It may not be that you have not eaten enough, and there are several situations that bao mom should pay attention to


When the baby has this situation, the baby mother can give the baby a plane hug, the plane hug as the name suggests is to let the baby be held by us like a plane, generally the baby face down, with the hand to support the baby, let the baby lie on the arm of the baby, such an action will alleviate the baby's discomfort, but pay attention to this posture Bao Mom do not last too long.

In addition to the plane hug, the mother can also help the baby massage the baby's small belly, and gently rubbing the baby's small belly will also alleviate the baby's discomfort. In addition, the mother should also pay attention to the surrounding environment, the noisy environment will affect the baby's mood, making the baby more uncomfortable.

Oral problems

When the mother feeds the baby, it is found that the baby starts to cry while eating, if this happens, the mother can first observe the baby's mouth, especially the baby who is budding teeth.

The discomfort of the baby's mouth will not only affect the baby's mood, but also affect the baby's diet, so the mother should always pay attention.

Parenting | the baby still crying after feeding? It may not be that you have not eaten enough, and there are several situations that bao mom should pay attention to

When the baby reaches the age of teething, the newly grown deciduous teeth will cause the baby's gums to swell and hurt, and the baby will cry. In addition, some babies will also have mouth ulcers, mouth ulcers can easily cause the baby to have fever, loss of appetite, irritability and so on.

If the baby is in the stage of teething, the mother can massage the baby's gums with cold water in a clean scarf to relieve the baby's swelling and pain.

If it is a problem with the baby's mouth ulcers, the mother needs to go to the regular hospital and seek help from a doctor. In addition, the same is true of the peri-oral problem.

Breast milk situation

When the mother is feeding the baby, if the posture is not right, the baby is uncomfortable or the baby's nasal cavity is covered by the mother's breast, affecting breathing, and the baby will also cry.

In addition, if the mother's milk is insufficient, the baby is struggling to feed, or cannot suck the milk, the baby will also use crying to express it.

Parenting | the baby still crying after feeding? It may not be that you have not eaten enough, and there are several situations that bao mom should pay attention to

First of all, the mother should use the feeding posture to avoid covering the baby's mouth and nose, and secondly, the mother should pay attention to the baby's food intake, if there is a shortage of milk, prepare formula for the baby in advance to avoid the baby's lack of milk or not enough to eat, resulting in crying.

The sprouts have something to say

There are many reasons for babies to cry, especially for babies who are relatively young, and mothers must pay more attention to them, do not blindly give medicine to the baby, or change the baby's daily habits to avoid unnecessary harm and impact to the baby.

Pay attention to the sprouts and help you bring a good baby!

(Image from the Internet)

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