
"How much is Daddy's pit baby?" Before the child is born, it is doomed to fail the future political trial

Political trials are all about examining 3 generations.

If you want to participate in the preparation examination, most of them are indispensable to the link of political examination, such as national examination, provincial examination, public institution examination and so on.

"How much is Daddy's pit baby?" Before the child is born, it is doomed to fail the future political trial

The purpose of setting up a political review is to rule out the possibility of misconduct and misdeeds together. Only the so-called Gen zheng Miao Hong can become a competent public official.

"How much is Daddy's pit baby?" Before the child is born, it is doomed to fail the future political trial

Three generations of political interrogation have deterred many candidates

The reason why 90% of the political trials are not in the candidates themselves

Anyone who can choose to participate in the examination with a political review will definitely be self-reflective and their parents will reflect, and there will be no one who "acts against the wind", knowing that they do not meet the requirements and insist on preparing for the exam.

After all, the people who take part in the preparation examination are bent on going ashore, and if the written test and interview are passed, who will be willing to be brushed off because of the political review?

"How much is Daddy's pit baby?" Before the child is born, it is doomed to fail the future political trial

Therefore, candidates who fail to pass the political examination will be extremely surprised when they get the results. They didn't know it at all, and they tried their best to get such a result, wouldn't it be a waste of time?

It is difficult to say that political adjudication is difficult, and it is also simple to say

Political adjudication seems to be very strict, but in fact, there are certain regulations. Zero tolerance for mistakes in the bottom line principle category, as long as you don't step on the mine, basically not so terrible.

However, many candidates feel terrible, is it not because there is too much uncertainty in the political trial? This feeling of uncertainty makes candidates extremely insecure.

"How much is Daddy's pit baby?" Before the child is born, it is doomed to fail the future political trial

After all, the political review is just a hammer, there is no chance of re-examination and revision, and it will even imply that the candidate's future preparation road is not feasible. One door, no door.

"How much is Daddy's pit baby?" Before the child is born, it is doomed to fail the future political trial

"How much is Daddy's pit baby?" Before the child is born, it is doomed to fail the future political trial

A netizen asked for advice on the Internet and asked: If he was sentenced for drunk driving 8 years ago, will his child's future development be affected.

Such a question is stupid! The answer is yes, the first thing is that the baby can't take the preparation test later, and even his baby's baby can't take it.

"How much is Daddy's pit baby?" Before the child is born, it is doomed to fail the future political trial

It is this once unappreciated drunk driving problem that has led to the involvement of three generations of direct families. If he had been more rational at the time, wouldn't he have caused such a tragedy?

The result we do not know, after all, everyone has the time when sensibility overcomes reason, holding a fluke mentality to complete a thing, if not caught, with a grateful heart, if caught, you have to bear a very serious punishment.

"How much is Daddy's pit baby?" Before the child is born, it is doomed to fail the future political trial

But perhaps he should be thankful that he did not get away with it, because if he had not been caught in that drunk driving, the next time he encountered the same situation, he would still take the side of the sword, and once it caused the tragedy, it would be too late to regret it.

"How much is Daddy's pit baby?" Before the child is born, it is doomed to fail the future political trial

With this incident, this father must pay attention to the education of his children

Timely guidance to prevent children from making the same mistakes

The child is the shadow of the parent, when there is something wrong and problematic in the parent, it must be more restrained in their behavior, because it is not necessarily at any time, it will be transferred to the child.

Transfer is not to say that it appears out of thin air, but when you make the relevant behavior, the baby secretly imitates and remembers it psychologically, after all, the parents' behavior is the standard answer in their eyes.

"How much is Daddy's pit baby?" Before the child is born, it is doomed to fail the future political trial

So, don't feel like your problems have nothing to do with other people, even if they are scolded. But in fact, the biggest impact is their own children.

Children do not have any social experience and behavioral experience, and even they have to learn to express emotions, let alone the temptation of the outside world.

Push your heart and ask your child for forgiveness

After having children, many parents are for the first time, without any experience, or even groping forward. Because you are not familiar with it, there is a good chance that something will go wrong. And it's very common for parents to make mistakes.

"How much is Daddy's pit baby?" Before the child is born, it is doomed to fail the future political trial

Once they find out that they have done something wrong, parents must know how to apologize to their children. Don't feel like a parent, you must maintain a high image, even if you are wrong, you can't lose face.

But this kind of domineering behavior is the biggest obstacle to equal relations. If parents can put down their dignity and apologize to their children, the children will feel 100% respect, and when they make mistakes, they will have the courage to take responsibility.

"How much is Daddy's pit baby?" Before the child is born, it is doomed to fail the future political trial

Similarly, this father also has to apologize to the child when he is mature enough, after all, because of his own reasons, it has affected her career choices, which is a fatal mistake!

Today's Topic:

Do you think this father should apologize to his son? If it were you, what would you do? If you don't apologize to your son, how should you solve it? Welcome to share your thoughts!

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