
"Everything has a response, everything has a landing"

"Everything has a response, everything has a landing"

I saw a sentence like this on Weibo:

"The expression that makes people feel more secure than I love you is: everything has an account, everything has a fall, and everything has a response." 」

I've seen a question that asks, "What is the feeling you want most?" ”

Someone said, "It's probably that way, everything has a response, and everything has a fall." ”

Indeed, feelings need to be active, but more need to be responded to, more commitment, it is better to do more for each other.

In fact, adult life is very passive, and what can make us take the initiative must be what we like, care about, and put in our hearts.

"Everything has a response, everything has a landing"

People who don't love you, like people who pretend to be asleep, can't wake up.

I have always seen such words as follows: "You are the person who will wipe my hands to reply to the message when I take a bath, and I am the person you love to ignore" Every time you take the initiative but do not get a response, the disappointment in your heart will increase a lot.

Take the initiative for a long time, but not cherished, for any person, probably will become very tired and tired, this tiredness is not physical exhaustion, but from the helplessness of the soul.

Many people will think, how to judge whether a person really likes themselves, in fact, is very good proof, then look at your chat history to see who is more proactive.

The person who doesn't love you, you take the initiative, he's passive.

The person who doesn't love you, you seconds back, he reincarnates.

"Everything has a response, everything has a landing"

This is the unspoken rule in the relationship, not taking the initiative, not responding, just because I don't like it.

Many people are in such a state, you don't look for me, I naturally will not look for you, just like this, two people slowly estranged, slowly became strangers to each other.

It's just that sometimes they don't look for and don't take the initiative because they don't care in their hearts, and some people don't look for and don't take the initiative, really because they care too much, but they are already afraid of disappointment and frustration, and they are afraid of getting a response to pay.

Feelings are not one person's one-man show, no matter how well you sing, you can't achieve the feelings of two people, if one of them is not willing to take that step, then all the efforts may be in vain.

"Everything has a response, everything has a landing"

Those who take the initiative to approach you are not very idle, not that there is nothing to do, and it is not because you are good, but because you like it, it makes a person seem particularly special.

And all the inaction, non-response, excuses to say busy, say no time, mostly because they don't like it, don't care, because the person he's waiting for is not you.

Therefore, feelings also need to be pointed to the end, even if there is no response, no one can always disturb a person without skin and face.

And the feelings we want are not like this, but the kind that no matter what you say or do, they will respond to you, even accompany you.

Good feelings are walking side by side, not one dragging hard, and the other refusing to go, no one likes to take the initiative, but when we meet someone we like, we all involuntarily want to get closer.

"Everything has a response, everything has a landing"

People who truly love you will always put you first.

There are no people who don't understand, only people who don't want to be careful.

Those who have no heart will not teach, and those who have a heart do not have to teach.

For the rest of your life, please find someone who responds to everything!

People who respond to everything take the initiative and respond in a timely manner to give you a solid sense of security.

People who respond to everything, take your words with confidence and put them into action.

The person who responds to everything, you are always on the top of the list when you need him.

Cherish those who can respond to you in everything, stay away from those who only enjoy your good, but never "responsible" for you, and understand that some wrong people have liked it is enough.

"Everything has a response, everything has a landing"

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