
Of the 12 "most" of the 12 constellations, who is on the list?

Of the 12 "most" of the 12 constellations, who is on the list?

The richest zodiac sign: Taurus

The highest-value zodiac sign: Libra

The most domineering constellation: the lion

The gentlest sign: Gemini

The darkest constellation: Scorpio

Of the 12 "most" of the 12 constellations, who is on the list?

The happiest zodiac sign: Pisces

The most enthusiastic zodiac sign: Aries

The most temperamental zodiac sign: Taurus

The most flowery zodiac sign: Sagittarius

The most obsessive zodiac sign: Cancer

The most romantic zodiac sign: Pisces

The most responsible sign: Taurus

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