
@即将面试的你, these preparations should be →

author:Shanxi Jinsha
@即将面试的你, these preparations should be →

Job search class

@即将面试的你, these preparations should be →

  After passing the screening of resumes, you will enter the job interview. When you receive an interview notice, in addition to excitement, will you be nervous, and how to prepare for the interview?

Today's lesson

From interview etiquette and company research

and how to grasp the initiative, etc

Let's talk about it

Preparation for interviews

@即将面试的你, these preparations should be →

Interview etiquette

How do you impress an interviewer?

Etiquette is a priority during the interview

At the same time, it is easy to overlook

@即将面试的你, these preparations should be →

Before the interview

Preparation stage


Review the basic situation, culture and requirements of the applicant unit to make sure that you have a clear idea


Bring 3-5 resumes to spare, as well as portfolios, certificates and other relevant documents, in a neat folder so that the interviewer will feel that you are prepared


Choose the right clothing according to the company's culture and position requirements, if you don't know the cultural characteristics of the applicant's unit, wearing professional formal wear (men's suit and tie, women's professional skirt) is definitely the safest attire


In terms of grooming, the hairstyle should be "not covered in front, not in the ears, and not in the back", and girls can wear no makeup or professional light makeup

@即将面试的你, these preparations should be →

Interview stage

Pay attention to these things


Punctuality, punctuality, punctuality, say important things three times! If you are suddenly late, call ahead of time


After meeting the interviewer, greet the other person by nodding or shaking hands, and after taking a seat, tuck your abdomen and hold your chest and palate, and make eye contact with the interviewer when communicating


Pay attention to listening to questions in the Q&A session, and if you are unclear, you can confirm it with the other party in time, and avoid answering questions that are not asked; The "Situation, Task, Action, Outcome" (STAR) rule can be used when answering questions; When you encounter a problem that you don't understand, tell the other party honestly, and don't pretend to understand if you don't understand

@即将面试的你, these preparations should be →

The interview is over

Don't ignore these things


Remember to thank the interviewer for giving you the opportunity and express your strong interest in the position; Leave politely, put away the seats, close the door, and take away disposable paper cups and other garbage


Take the initiative to ask for the interviewer's contact details so that you can reach out to the interviewer within a week after the interview, follow up on the interview results, and re-express your interest and sincerity in the position you are applying for

Take control of the details and make a good first impression

Maybe it's a plus point for the interview!

@即将面试的你, these preparations should be →

Before the interview to the company

"Iron Triangle" research

How do I prepare for the interview?

Teach you a framework model of the "Iron Triangle of Employer Research".

@即将面试的你, these preparations should be →



  Usually the company's official website will contain a lot of information about itself and the industry in which it operates, or through search engines and professional news websites, you can find news, analysis and reports related to the company and its industry, and understand the latest developments and trends in the industry.

It can revolve around the following aspects

Gather intelligence ↓


Relevant policies: whether there are policy restrictions or policy support for the current development of the industry in China, for example, with the comprehensive promotion of the green and low-carbon development strategy, the new energy vehicle industry has grown rapidly in recent years, and both international and domestic brands have shown strong growth in the automotive market


Key players in the industry: Who are the companies at the forefront of the industry? How competitive are they in the market, and what are the specific differences in their products? For example, new energy vehicles, well-known domestic companies include BYD, Weilai Automobile, Xiaopeng Motors, GAC New Energy Vehicles, etc., and the most well-known in the world is Tesla


Technology Trends: What are the current core technologies in the industry? For example, one of the core technologies of new energy vehicles is in the power battery, and the world's major manufacturers include CATL and BYD in China, and LG Chem and Panasonic in the world. Are battery chemistries the mainstream trend of the future? Not necessarily, many companies are developing hydrogen, nuclear and solar power, which are less polluting to the environment

  Industry research can access information through industry research websites, industry reports, industry news, and industry insiders.

@即将面试的你, these preparations should be →



  After doing a good job of industry research, it is necessary to understand the situation of the interview unit. In general, these aspects can be noted:


Basic information of the company: including the company's development history, the company's geographical coordinates, the company's scale and the company's latest news


Products/services and technologies: what are the products or services of the company, what core competencies it has compared to its competitors, what position it is in the industry, market performance, major projects, etc


Corporate culture: corporate work style, values, industry reputation, in addition to working hours, work intensity, work location, etc

@即将面试的你, these preparations should be →



Gather information about the position

Specifically, it includes ↓


Job Responsibilities and Skill Requirements: Understand the main tasks and outputs of the position, and the knowledge, tools, skills and methods that may be used


Career development of the position: What are the possibilities for the career development direction of the applied position, whether it is single or diverse. For example, a programmer position may progress from a senior programmer to a product manager or technical sales


Treatment: Clearly understand the salary range, composition and other benefits of the position, such as health insurance, annual leave, training plan, etc

  Information about companies and positions can be obtained through the official website, job search social networking sites, and you can also consult the previous brothers and sisters who have joined the company.

@即将面试的你, these preparations should be →

Take the initiative politely in an interview


Always very passive during interviews

What the interviewer asks and what he answers

I don't know how to take the initiative

Teach you three tricks!

@即将面试的你, these preparations should be →


Be well prepared

  Prepare for pre-set and answer interview questions, such as:

  Why should you apply for our company?

  Why are you applying for this position?

  What do you think is the advantage of applying for this position?

  Give us a project you've worked on and tell us about your experience.

  How do you understand this position?

  What do you think is the gap between you and the job requirements?

  If we hire you, what are your plans for the first three years after joining the company?

  What do you expect from your salary package?


  The above questions are all frequently asked questions in the interview, and you need to ask and answer yourself in advance, with only one core purpose, to show that you are a match for the position.

  When you are preparing, you can ask your classmates and friends for a mock quiz, and with more practice, you may be able to answer calmly in the real interview in the future.

@即将面试的你, these preparations should be →


own inadequacies

  For the question of lack of work experience, you can dig into your past experience of learning ability and adaptability, and tell the interviewer that whether it is knowledge, skills or experience, you have enough potential and confidence to learn and master quickly.

  For example, one student described his learning ability as follows: "In my sophomore year, I formed a team to participate in the robot programming competition organized by the school, and we started from scratch and mastered the principle of circuit design in just one month, and used C language for simple programming to realize the function of robot obstacle avoidance. ”

  Regarding shortcomings or deficiencies, in fact, all people have shortcomings and deficiencies, the only difference is that some people are willing to face up to their own shortcomings and deficiencies, and think about countermeasures, how to avoid the impact of shortcomings and deficiencies on themselves; And some people just blindly avoid their shortcomings, and unfortunately when asked in an interview, there is no escape.

  For example, some students said that their shortcomings were carelessness, so they would carry out phased verification when dealing with tedious and complex work, and then continue to promote the project under the condition of ensuring that the data and results are correct, although it will affect the efficiency to a certain extent, but it is much stronger than rework, and is currently exploring their own ways to improve efficiency and ensure that things are done quickly and well in the future.

@即将面试的你, these preparations should be →


Positive mindset

  No matter if you encounter the interviewer's deliberate difficulties in the interview, or encounter your own difficult questions, you can maintain a smile and positive body language, be polite and courteous, do not deliberately greet, and do not be arrogant, for each interview with a learning and growth mentality, pay attention to the experience in the process and the summary after the interview, no matter what the result is, take each interview experience as an opportunity to learn and grow, only in this way, quantitative change will lead to qualitative change, and be more calm and calm in the future interview.

Know yourself and know your opponent and respond positively

I wish all of you who are looking for a job a smooth interview!

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