
Su Lijie, a female master of Peking University, returned to her hometown to work as a painter because of her job search, and said frankly: I am very happy

author:An electric fish that loves to fly

A female master from Peking University returned to her hometown to work as a painter: social thinking behind happiness

Su Lijie, a female master of Peking University, returned to her hometown to work as a painter because of her job search, and said frankly: I am very happy

Behind the bustling city, there are countless stories of strugglers. Among them, the experience of Su Lijie, a female master of Peking University, is particularly eye-catching. She had a dream to enter Peking University, one of China's top universities, but she repeatedly hit a wall on the road to finding a job. Eventually, she chose to return to her hometown, picked up a paint brush, and became an ordinary painter. In the face of this change, Su Lijie said calmly: "I am very happy. ”

Su Lijie, a female master of Peking University, returned to her hometown to work as a painter because of her job search, and said frankly: I am very happy

This sentence is simple and straightforward, but it contains deep meaning. In the eyes of many people, the master's degree of Peking University should have a glamorous career, however, the reality has given Su Lijie a heavy blow. She has been running around the job market, and the resumes she has submitted are like a stone in the sea, and there are few responses. Faced with such a predicament, she did not choose to sink, but bravely made a change.

Su Lijie, a female master of Peking University, returned to her hometown to work as a painter because of her job search, and said frankly: I am very happy

"I started thinking, what do I really want?" Su Lijie said in an interview. She recalled the days when she was studying at Peking University, the days when she worked hard for her dreams, and the days when she discussed life and the future with her classmates. She realized that true happiness does not come from the glamour of her profession, but from inner satisfaction and recognition of self-worth.

Su Lijie, a female master of Peking University, returned to her hometown to work as a painter because of her job search, and said frankly: I am very happy

So, she decided to return to her hometown and start a new life. She chose the profession of painter, and although this job seems mundane, it gives her a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment that she has never felt before. With her own hands, she has added color to the houses in her hometown and to her own life.

Su Lijie, a female master of Peking University, returned to her hometown to work as a painter because of her job search, and said frankly: I am very happy

"Whenever I see the new look of the houses that I've painted, I feel immense joy and pride." Su Lijie said with a smile. There was a happy smile on her face, and it was a joy that radiated from the depths of her heart.

Su Lijie, a female master of Peking University, returned to her hometown to work as a painter because of her job search, and said frankly: I am very happy

However, Su Lijie's experience also provokes us to think about social reality. In the highly competitive job market, many highly educated talents face the dilemma of finding a job. In order to find their dream job, they have to travel far and wide and even give up their interests and hobbies. This phenomenon not only wastes human resources, but also has a great impact on the physical and mental health of individuals.

Su Lijie, a female master of Peking University, returned to her hometown to work as a painter because of her job search, and said frankly: I am very happy

So, what should we make of this phenomenon? First of all, we need to recognize that career is not the only measure of a person's worth. Everyone has their own interests and hobbies, and they all have their own things that they are good at and like to do. We should respect everyone's choices and encourage them to pursue their dreams and interests.

Su Lijie, a female master of Peking University, returned to her hometown to work as a painter because of her job search, and said frankly: I am very happy

Secondly, we also need to reflect on the employment environment in society. Why is it difficult for highly educated talents to find jobs? What's the problem behind this? We need to start from the institutional level, reform employment policies, optimize the employment environment, and provide more employment opportunities and development space for talents.

Su Lijie, a female master of Peking University, returned to her hometown to work as a painter because of her job search, and said frankly: I am very happy

In addition, we should also strengthen the training and guidance of talents. At the higher education level, schools should focus on cultivating students' practical ability and innovative spirit, so that they can better adapt to the needs of society. At the same time, the society should also strengthen the guidance and support for talents, and provide them with more development opportunities and platforms.

Su Lijie, a female master of Peking University, returned to her hometown to work as a painter because of her job search, and said frankly: I am very happy

Of course, we should also praise brave people like Su Lijie. Instead of being defeated by the predicament of reality, she chose to face and change bravely. She used her actions to tell us that as long as we have dreams and courage, we can find our own happiness and success.

Su Lijie, a female master of Peking University, returned to her hometown to work as a painter because of her job search, and said frankly: I am very happy

At the end of the interview, when asked about her future plans, Su Lijie said that she will continue to do her job as a painter, and at the same time, she will also look for more opportunities and challenges. She hopes to contribute to the development of her hometown through her own efforts.

Su Lijie, a female master of Peking University, returned to her hometown to work as a painter because of her job search, and said frankly: I am very happy

After listening to Su Lijie's words, I couldn't help but be moved by her courage and determination. She used her own experience to tell us that no matter what the situation is, we should maintain a positive attitude and face and change bravely. Only in this way can we truly find our own happiness and success.

However, Su Lijie's story also makes us wonder: in this era full of opportunities and challenges, should we also re-examine our career choices and life plans? Should we, too, be like her, and be brave enough to pursue our dreams and interests? These questions are worth thinking about and exploring for each of us.

Finally, let us once again praise Su Lijie for his courage and determination. Her story is not only an inspirational legend, but also a mirror that reflects the dreams and pursuits that each of us has deep inside. Let's work hard for our dreams together!

Female masters of Peking University returned to their hometowns to work as painters: multiple choices and self-worth realization

Su Lijie's story is like a pebble thrown into the surface of a calm lake, stirring up layers of ripples. Her choice is not only a challenge to the traditional professional concept, but also a profound exploration of self-worth. As Goethe said, "What determines a person's life, and his entire destiny, is only in a moment." Su Lijie's "in a flash" allows us to see the infinite possibilities of life. Netizens praised her for her courage in pursuing inner truth and being a model for contemporary youth. This respect for multiple choices has undoubtedly injected new vitality into society. Su Lijie's experience teaches us that everyone's life deserves to be respected, and every choice deserves to be encouraged. On the road to chasing our dreams, we should all move forward bravely and fearlessly.

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