
Inheriting the red gene | the story behind five heroes and martyrs in a glorious revolutionary family

author:Qilu one point

Qilu Evening News Qilu One Point Correspondent Li Xiaowei Zhang Zongshuai Reporter Chen Jiaqi

Inheriting the red gene | the story behind five heroes and martyrs in a glorious revolutionary family

On April 29th, the theme interview group of "Learning a Hundred Years of Party History, Walking the Red Corridor, and Opening a New Bureau in Zouping City" came to Qingyang Street in Zouping City. Zhou Bingyu, a retired teacher at Liquan Primary School, told the story of "five martyrs in one door" to the Qilu Evening News and Qilu One Point reporter.

In the small village of Dongwotuo Village, Qingyang Town, Zouping County, there is such a family that has walked out of five heroes, and after the sacrifice of the five heroes, they are called "five martyrs of one door" by the locals.

Inheriting the red gene | the story behind five heroes and martyrs in a glorious revolutionary family

Zhao Shaojiu was the initiator of the family's participation in the anti-Japanese activities. Zhao Shaojiu, known as Chengshun, was born in a poor peasant family, with 5 brothers, ranking fifth. The eldest brother and the second brother died early, and the third and fourth brothers were loyal. Because he was well-informed and had a straight disposition, he was in charge of everything in the family, and the whole family respected him.

Inheriting the red gene | the story behind five heroes and martyrs in a glorious revolutionary family

In the middle of February of the lunar calendar in 1940, the main force of the Eighth Route Army was stationed in the nearby Chenjiazhuang and collected anti-Japanese donations from the rich households in various villages. This move touched the interests of the landlords in various villages, who gritted their teeth in hatred for Zhao Shaojiu and Zhang Xiangpo, and colluded with the pseudo-Six Regiments of the anti-communist diehards to prepare to poison Zhao Shaojiu and Zhang Xiangpo. One day, Zhao Shaojiu went to Xujiazhuang to catch up with the market, and was arrested by the pseudo-Six Regiment, which had already set up an ambush. The enemy tied Zhao Shaojiu to Liujia Village, locked him in a pigsty, and tortured him severely. Speaking of this, Zhou Bingyu's voice choked and shed tears, "First with a whip, then with an iron brand, his lips and chest were burned, but he preferred to die." On the same day, Zhang Xiangpo was also arrested at home. The distraught enemy took Zhao Shaojiu and Zhang Xiangpo to the nearby village of Guojiadong and buried them alive in a pit. The terrible enemy buried and shoveled Zhao Shaojiu with a shovel, Zhao Shaojiu's head was almost shoveled off, and his life was forever frozen at the age of 45. ”

After Zhao Shaojiu took the throne, his sons and nephews Huailiu, Huaiju, Huaixuan, Huaishu, Huaishan, Huaiwu, Huaitong, and others bore the hatred of the country and the family, inherited the legacy of their fathers, and successively participated in the revolution. Among them, Zhao Huaiju, Zhao Huaixuan, and Zhao Huaishan died heroically in the War of Resistance Against Japan and were posthumously regarded as martyrs, and Zhao Huaitong was posthumously regarded as martyrs after his heroic sacrifice in the War of Liberation.

"Today we are here to remember the martyrs, encourage the sons and daughters of China not to forget their original intentions, keep in mind the mission, and contribute to the construction of a rich and strong motherland." Zhou Bingyu sighed.

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