
Look up at the bright moon - Cai Maoyou Yingchun ink painting tiger works to appreciate

Look up at the bright moon - Cai Maoyou Yingchun ink painting tiger works to appreciate

Because each painter has different perceptions of natural objects and social life, and has different thoughts, feelings and ideals, the tiger image and the ideological meaning contained in each painter's pen are also different. The painter Cai Maoyou's ink painting of the tiger implies his unique sentimentality. Appreciate the painter's "Look up at the bright moon", paint the tiger with ink brushes, focus on the interest of ink painting, make full use of the advantages of ink, and play out the thick and dry wet, the key lies in how to grasp and control the moisture of the ink, which has a practical process, the grasp of the characteristics of rice paper. Taste the details of its picture: ink painting tiger is outlined first, and then covered with thick and light changes in ink color according to the structure after drying; Another painting method is the boneless method, which first uses splashed ink to sweep out the structural clumps, and even outlines the edges and rubs, all in one go. The whole work is embellished with pine leaves, the moon is behind, the tiger sits like a mountain, the tiger image created by the painter is mostly benevolent, wise and elderly, and the manners are mostly solemn, calm, thoughtful, alert, gentle and calm, implying a bit of peace of mind and looking at the world, showing the image of the king of modesty, kindness and kindness.

Look up at the bright moon - Cai Maoyou Yingchun ink painting tiger works to appreciate

The painter is the heart of the painter, from the tiger to the man. The painter strives for physical appearance in the creation of the image of the tiger, and the real quality of the fur is real enough to have a soft and tactile sense of body, but it is very general, by no means a naturalistic only seeks to resemble, he is like a god. "Little Tiger Babe" is a work, the picture is particularly cute. The painter outlines the tiger boy posture with dry brush and heavy ink color, and the thickness of the stroke is played at will according to his own control, and the change is caused, and the picture is suddenly enriched. This work depicts the performance in place, the relationship between virtual and real, and the visual center such as the head and the front legs are painted fully and heavily. The hind legs are painted lightly and virtually, appearing to have a sense of perspective. When dyeing ink color, organically leave more blank space and increase the sense of layering. The coloring determines the direction of the pen according to the structure, and pays attention to the organic white space of the color, which is particularly ethereal and vivid, showing the image of the spirit of the tiger in his pen.

Look up at the bright moon - Cai Maoyou Yingchun ink painting tiger works to appreciate

The creation of Chinese ink painting is "taking poetry as the law", "books as bones", and painting is like writing poetry and writing books. Painter Cai Maoyou's work "The King of the Snow Wild" first renders the background with a slightly withered light ink flower blue, lining the white snow in front, and then outlines the tiger-shaped outline, and after coloring, the tiger spots are written in thick ink when it is dry and not dry, blending with nature, slightly infiltrating, and rich in fur texture. Finally, the finishing touch, leaving a highlight with light ochre yellow rendering like a picture grape transparent crystal, staining the mouth and nose with light vermilion or light akebode red, using a hook pen to outline the tiger whiskers, the hair root out of the flesh, straight and elastic, interspersed with orchids. The painter renders with color, writes with ink and pen, skillfully manages the layout, is full of visual rhythm and rhythm, and is full of fun, making his tiger shape, tiger state, tiger nature sentient and righteous, which is sent by the painter's sentimentality; the picture composition, the arrangement of scenes, the configuration relationship between various objects, the picture art language - points, lines and ink color Composition of the surface are carefully designed, created according to the law of beauty, the entire artistic image gives people an atmospheric, dignified, majestic aesthetic feeling, and the spirit of the new era that modern people yearn for.

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