
I think back to my upbringing, I grew up in a warm and peaceful environment. Love to laugh. In the first 20 years of life, he rarely had opinions with people, and his popularity was very good. However, I was out of school

author:Accounting Online

I think back to my upbringing, I grew up in a warm and peaceful environment.

Love to laugh.

In the first 20 years of life, he rarely had opinions with people, and his popularity was very good.

However, after I left the school door and entered the society, I encountered a lot of interpersonal confusion.

In fact, I am still me, and I have not changed. Still loves to laugh, has a straight personality, and does not like to argue with people for anything.

However, strangely enough, I encountered a lot of interpersonal confusion. For many years, I couldn't figure it out.

I even hid when I saw people, as long as right and wrong made me emotionally troubled, I avoided.

When I first decided to do finance, I just didn't like dealing with people. Feel like finances just have to deal with numbers.

I'm as kind to numbers as to my friends.

Others call on friends to gather energy, and my dealings with people consume my energy. I'd rather find a secluded place where no one is, read a book, listen to a piece of music, and write something I appreciate. I'm really more comfortable and fulfilling than a lot of people being lively together.

I always thought that my choice of finance would avoid the interpersonal interactions that I didn't like.

Recently, when I was free, I watched a lot of videos on self-media to talk about my experience of growing up.

The experience of many people hit me with interpersonal confusion at once.

I think my biggest weakness was that I cared too much about what other people thought of me, and I cared too much about how others understood me.

I would have mood swings because others one-sidedly evaluated me, and even angrily go to the other party's theory. I also have mood swings because others misinterpret my meaning and misunderstand my meaning. I even feel that others should understand me and should give actual evaluations that match my own. I think this is a basic quality that a normal person should have. I even think that a person should be a gentleman and be a normal person.

As I got older, I got busier. I suddenly realized that in fact, I sometimes ignore other people's feelings, make not very accurate evaluations of others, and even misunderstand other people's good intentions. I am not a roundworm in someone else's stomach, and no one else is a roundworm in my stomach. For a person to really understand a person, it is necessary to be in contact with each other frequently and pay attention to each other at all times. Such a person, is not the parents and relatives, childhood classmates and partners can do it?

I suddenly found that I had been living in the gentle township of my relatives and childhood classmates, and I did not really accept the change of my social role.

People I meet in society don't understand me, and they don't spend a lot of time getting to know me, because it's not normal for a sentence to be wrong, or something wrong, and others make wrong judgments about my evaluation? Don't I judge others in this way?

In recent days, I have watched a lot of videos, all of which are about experience. In fact, many people have a variety of ideas, everyone pays attention to their own hearts, pay attention to their own personal growth, pay attention to their relatives and families, where is the time to pay attention to others? Don't I and don't pay much attention to other people's inner feelings?

I suddenly understood the source of my interpersonal confusion. Don't you think that the one-sided evaluation given by others is wrong? Don't you think others should understand me? Don't you think that everyone else should be a gentleman, not a villain?

If I don't set so many shoulds and shoulds for others in my heart, won't I be confused?

How others evaluate me is someone else's business. If others think I'm bad, am I really bad? If others don't understand me, am I just doing something wrong? Others have made villains, what else can I do with others?

As long as the heart is peaceful, there is a positive and warm heart. What about the outside world.

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