
The more people who have no money, the more they like to be generous in these 3 aspects, which eventually leads to poverty. Kazuo Inamori believes that the poor are particularly generous in their thinking, consumption, and time. (1) Ideologically

author:Spring Breeze Mulan

The more people who have no money, the more they like to be generous in these 3 aspects, which eventually leads to poverty.

Kazuo Inamori believes that the poor are particularly generous in their thinking, consumption, and time.

(1) Particularly generous in thinking.

At night, I thought of a thousand roads, and in the morning I got up or took the same road. Many people's thoughts stay on self-consolation and self-deception, and they can always imagine the future very beautifully, but they do not pay for practical actions and become "giants in thought, dwarfs in action."

The poor like to talk big, talk big, imagine the future, etc., while the rich are different, they mostly talk about business things.

The difference between them is that one is talking about what they don't have, and the other is talking about what they already have. The rich don't waste their time on these fictitious statements.

(2) Consumption is particularly generous.

We often joke: "The richer the person, the more he cuts the door." It is true that in some respects the richer the person cuts the door, and the poorer the person becomes, the more generous he is. Poor people often want face very much, are particularly generous in spending money, eat expensive meals, and buy a car even if they borrow money. And the rich often don't care about these, but instead cut the door everywhere.

Especially today's young people, many of whom are moonlight people, meet their own lives through various lending software, but this habit of life will cause themselves to fall into the vortex of debt.

(3) The time is particularly generous.

If there's one thing in the world that's fair to everyone, it's time. The rich spend their time making money every day and doing a lot of things in a limited amount of time.

But for the poor, the most useless thing in life is time, a lot of time, and they will waste a lot of time in exchange for a little reward, or for games.

The reason why Kazuo Inamori was able to succeed was that he avoided the above three points very well, and through his own efforts and continuous summarization, he finally had today's achievements.

At the same time, Kazuo Inamori also said: Whether people have appeared or not, you can see at a glance, people who can achieve great things usually have 3 significant characteristics.

(1) Be able to be patient

The eldest husband can bend and stretch, in fact, this point has been recognized in our country for a long time. It is necessary to withstand the praise and praise of others at a high place, and to withstand the sneers of others at the low point of life. Don't complain or get discouraged, study hard to accumulate, and wait for the next opportunity.

(2) The pursuit of perfection

Kazuo Inamori said: It is very difficult to truly achieve perfectionism, but it is easy to have the attitude of pursuing perfection, which can effectively reduce mistakes, which is the most basic mentality of successful people.

(3) Innovation and thinking

Compared with ability, the right way of thinking is the key to success, if the thinking direction is wrong, even if you put in more effort, it will end up being a failure. When Kazuo Inamori founded Kyocera, he insisted on taking an innovative development idea, and when Ren Zhengfei visited Japan, he also told Ren Zhengfei that he had to innovate and could not let others grasp his lifeline.

People with these three characteristics are either already successful or on the way to success. Kazuo Inamori's business wisdom has influenced many Chinese businessmen, ren Zhengfei and Ma Yun are his fans, and they have learned a lot of business management from him.

After retiring, Kazuo Inamori founded Moriwa Juku to teach business philosophy to entrepreneurs around the world, with more than 9,000 students worldwide. In his later years, Kazuo Inamori also wrote about his life's feelings and understandings into books such as "Dry Law", "Living Law", "Heart Law", "Chengfa", "Heart", and "Advice written by Kazuo Inamori to young people".

"Dry Method": A summary and sharing of More than 70 years of work experience by Kazuo Inamori, the book reveals the secret of "happy work", how to correctly understand work and devote yourself to work, find fun in work, and do a better job.

"Living Law": Kazuo Inamori believes that only the things that are actively pursued can be obtained, and if you want to succeed, you must first change your thinking, improve your mind, hone your will, and do things with an altruistic heart, the road will become wider and wider, and life will become more and more exciting.

"Heart Law": The heart method is a combing of Kazuo Inamori's management philosophy, and the book expounds Kazuo Inamori's profound interpretation of the value of life, human nature, adversity, and contentment. Kazuo Inamori believes that a person's success is first of all the maturity of the mind, and cultivating the mind is the first step towards success.

"Chengfa": Take the work in front of you seriously, and be fully committed to knowing that you like it, which is the shortcut to a full life. Less complaining, more effort, nothing can be done.

 #See the world in the headlines ##认知 #

Kazuo Inamori's philosophical thinking about business management and his perception of life are worth learning from everyone.

Ji Xianlin said: In the past seventy or eighty years, the person who is both an entrepreneur and a philosopher is Mr. Kazuo Inamori.

Haier CEO Zhang Ruimin said: "Mr. Inamori is my most respected entrepreneur, and I am very inspired by his books.

Ren Zhengfei said: "I have read every book by Kazuo Inamori, and his thoughts have a great influence on me, but I don't know which book influenced me and when it began to affect me." ”

Kazuo Inamori said: If a person's mentality changes and his ideological concepts change, he will be able to glow with great combat effectiveness!

In 2022, whether you are a business owner or a worker, you should improve your work and life a step, and it is worthwhile to spend your leisure time and read Kazuo Inamori about the wisdom of business management and life, and learn even a little bit of help for work and life.

Click on the link below to get started!

Kazuo Inamori - Philosophy of Success / Mind Method, Living Method / Heart / Advice to Young People 【Hanmo Bookstore】

The more people who have no money, the more they like to be generous in these 3 aspects, which eventually leads to poverty. Kazuo Inamori believes that the poor are particularly generous in their thinking, consumption, and time. (1) Ideologically

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