
What determines iq in your baby's month of birth? Three aspects are the key, and it's not too late for parents to know

author:Tomato Mommy

"What month was your child born?" As soon as a child is born, some mothers will be asked about the child's birth month. New moms are curious: Is this important, is there anything special to say?

Baby born in June, chased by grandma to praise "really smart"

Xiao Yuanbao was born in June, and after the baby's full moon, her mother often held the baby out to bask in the sun. There was an old grandmother in the courtyard, she was particularly interesting, she saw that Xiao Yuanbao looked white and red, so she chased after Yuanbao's mother and asked, "What month was your child born?" "Everyone is a person who gets together to chat, and Yuanbao's mother talked a little more about the topic."

What determines iq in your baby's month of birth? Three aspects are the key, and it's not too late for parents to know

Unexpectedly, this grandmother heard that the child was born in June, and she smiled happily, kept poking the child's face with her fingers, and read the words in her mouth: "Oh, what a blessing!" Eyes dripping, your children must be smart when they grow up! "This grandmother speaks sonorously and forcefully, and she is very vocal. Therefore, Yuanbao's mother was stunned and asked curiously: "How many months is the child born, is it related to IQ?" ”

Does the month of birth determine a child's IQ?

If you want to know the birth month of your child, whether you can determine the level of your child's IQ. We need to first understand what IQ is and how IQ is tested.

What determines iq in your baby's month of birth? Three aspects are the key, and it's not too late for parents to know

IQ is actually the number of IQ, and the IQ of children is generally compared with children of the same age. On weekdays, everyone praises children for being "smart", and the high probability is that children are faster than children of the same age. However, for some small babies under the age of 19, outsiders may judge the baby's intelligence from the baby's motor flexibility, development, speech, etc.

However, it should be noted that if someone speculates on the iq of a child from the month of birth of a child, he feels that the child in a certain month is destined to be particularly intelligent after birth. Obviously, that's a claim that has no scientific basis.

If someone points out that a child is particularly intelligent and has a high IQ. Then, only by letting the child get the scientific report and test the IQ index can we convince people and prove that the child's IQ is high.

What determines iq in your baby's month of birth? Three aspects are the key, and it's not too late for parents to know

In the early 20th century, French psychologists compiled the world's first intellectual strength table, which set the IQ index of people at 100 points. But the IQ level of normal people, the results after the test are basically around 85 points to 115 points. Therefore, if you want to determine the child's IQ level, then you can let the child take the test of the intelligence scale, and finally look at the score of the scale, the higher the score, the higher the score, the higher the child's IQ.

To summarize the answer to this question, the month of a child's birth does not determine the IQ of a child. What really determines a child's IQ are these aspects:

First of all, the most important thing is the genetic aspect: if the average parent's IQ is high, the child will most likely be smarter.

What determines iq in your baby's month of birth? Three aspects are the key, and it's not too late for parents to know

Secondly, the child's early childhood feeding, nutrition has not kept up: if the feeding is breast milk, the child grows up eating breast milk, it may be a little higher than the child who grows up eating milk powder. This is because breast milk contains active substances that promote children's intellectual development, which are beneficial to children's physical and brain development.

Of course, what is more important is the cultivation and exercise of the day after tomorrow, and environmental factors are also crucial. Relevant surveys have shown that if children have a poor living environment, no parental care, no books to read, and little communication with people as children, the child's IQ is lower than that of children who grow up in a good environment.

Therefore, if parents are very concerned about their children's intelligence and want to develop their children's brains, they can think of some ways to try to improve their children's IQ level.

What determines iq in your baby's month of birth? Three aspects are the key, and it's not too late for parents to know

So, how to promote children's intellectual development and make children more and more intelligent?

Experts pointed out that people's intelligence level is not set in stone and will be affected by a variety of factors. For example, age, education, training promotion, etc. Among them, the education and training improvement of the day after tomorrow is particularly important, which can develop the child's brain to a certain extent.

So, how to improve the child's intelligence level?

1 Diligently let the child use his brain

Let the child activate the brain, and the more the child uses the brain, the smarter he is. The potential of the human brain is infinitely developed, and the appropriate use of the brain can stimulate the potential.

What determines iq in your baby's month of birth? Three aspects are the key, and it's not too late for parents to know

For example, let the child smile more, have fun, play some favorite small games, even if it is to casually read the "flip through the book" of self-amusement, can make the child's mood stabilize, train finger flexibility, improve the child's IQ.

2. Read more books with your child

Parents accompany their children to read together and soar in the ocean of knowledge, which can develop children's imagination and develop the brain faster. For example, reading books for school-age children with children and learning new things with children can improve the level of intelligence. Especially in early childhood, children should actively read to improve intelligence.

What determines iq in your baby's month of birth? Three aspects are the key, and it's not too late for parents to know

Here is a set of popular science cognition "Wonderful World Flip Book", very suitable for 2-4 years old children to see, children in the understanding of the underwater world, sports, transportation, small animals on the basis of, but also touch and explore the page turning, small holes, visual and tactile double improvement, enhance interactivity and fun. Parents playing with the baby can enhance parent-child feelings. Flipping through the hollow design in the book, the three-dimensional sense is full, so that the child's cognitive form is no longer single flat, enhance the child's imagination and creativity, thereby improving the IQ ability.

What determines iq in your baby's month of birth? Three aspects are the key, and it's not too late for parents to know

"The Wonderful World Flipbook" has 4 major themes, 48 scenes, more than 100 knowledge points, and the brains of children are passively turned, and it is difficult to be smart and smart. Unconsciously, it cleverly helps children to reveal the knowledge of popular science, so that the baby can broaden his horizons and develop his brain.

When my child was a child, he loved to read and turn over books, often pointing to the car in the book and shouting "car", every time the child opened and stretched the three-dimensional page, he would clap his hands excitedly, jump out of his mouth to talk to himself, and play with his own special hi skin. Gradually, I found that children can know more things, and the dimension of understanding some festivals and objects is also one level higher. This kind of brain thinking exercise, I am very satisfied with the results, it is an unexpected little surprise.

What determines iq in your baby's month of birth? Three aspects are the key, and it's not too late for parents to know

"Wonderful World Flip Book" is a set of cardboard books, the child's small hands love to tear and are not afraid, this is easy to tear. Books belong to the hardcover series, and it is very face-saving to give gifts during the holidays. The book is designed with rounded corners around the perimeter to avoid children being scratched, and it is very thoughtful.

Look at the world with the eyes of children, this set of best-selling books is really the child's love, but also the child's intelligence improvement baby, hurry to click the link below to place an order!

【Early morning parents recommended】Wonderful world flip book 2-4 years old baby science popular science three-dimensional flip book (all 4 volumes) ¥49.8 purchase

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