
One Chinese character a day - 尋

Looking for xún, means searching, looking, and there is a meaning along the line, which extends to the connection continuously, and extends to time, indicating immediately, soon.

Today we come to know the word "looking for xún".

One Chinese character a day - 尋

【Glyph evolution】

Looking, the oracle bone (like a person with two arms out) (sleeping mat), means opening both arms, measuring the length of the mat. The ancients measured the length of the flattened sleeping mat to calculate the precise height of the sleeping person. Some oracle bones replace seats in the shape of long strips, emphasizing the measurement of "length"; at the same time, "mouth" (items with long, wide, and height characteristics) is added to indicate the length or width or height of the measuring items. The seal text replaces the length of the oracle bone with "work", emphasizing the use of a special ruler to measure the length; at the same time, "彡" (hair, substitute head) is added to indicate that the height of the person is measured from head to toe. Original meaning: Verb, measure the length of the item with both arms outstretched. Lishu omits the "彡" (hair) in the seal glyph. In the "Simplified Scheme for Chinese Characters", the simplified script "尋" is omitted, and the "work" (work ruler) and "mouth" (article) in the Lishu glyph are omitted.

【Calligraphy Masters】

【Definition of words】


1. Will be aware. From the mouth, from the (彐) inch. Original meaning: eight feet for seeking) A unit of length in ancient China, eight feet is seeking

Seek, reason also. - "Sayings". The two arms of the man are seeking, and the eight feet are also.

Seek, long also. The method of Zhou Guan is widely sought. - "Dialect One"

It is a ruler. - "Poetry Lu Song Gong". Biography: "Eight feet to find."

Stretch your elbows. - "The Book of The Great Dai Li Ji · Main Speech"

Degrees of shu shu two humerus also. - "Little Erya"

Three searches between hooves. - "History of Zhang Yi Biography". Suo Yin: "Seven feet to find." According to the press, Cheng Shi Yao Tian Yun, Degree Guang Yue Xun, Degree Shen Yue Yu. Both arms are extended for degrees. Du Guang is flat and straight, and it is eight feet; The depth is the side of the arm, and it is only seven feet. It is said to be exquisite, and the search is based on two arms, so the two feet are also eight feet, and the search or the words are seven feet. ”

Fight for the best of your people. - "The Twelve Years of Zuo Chuan and Chenggong"

There is no way to find the ruler. - "Chinese Jin"

Chihiro iron lock sinks to the bottom of the river. - Romance of the Three Kingdoms

Deeper than the search. ——[English] By Huxley, Yan Fu's translation of "The Theory of Heavenly Speech"


2. Look

Learn from afar. - The Book of the Later Han Dynasty

Find what you want. --Jin· Tao Yuanming's "Peach Blossom Origin"

Look for its side. ——" Xu Xiake's Travels and Travels to Huangshan

Look for its aspect. - The Book of the Later Han Dynasty: The Biography of Zhang Heng

3. Inquiry; Research; ascertain

You can find their source in everything. ——Su Shi, "Painting of Wang Wei Wu Daozi"

4. Use

Seek, use also. - "Little Erya"

Day after day. - "Zuo Chuan Zhao A.D. Year"

Will look for axe Ke. - "Confucius Language: Guan Zhou"

Searching for a web for food, Profit in the night: this spider also. - Romance of the Three Kingdoms

Three years will be spent searching for a teacher. - "The Fifth Year of the Left Transmission and the Duke"

5. Continue

After the death of Marquis Wu, his wife died and died on her deathbed, but she was loyal and filial to her son. - Romance of the Three Kingdoms

What is good is harmful, what is damaged is good, and what is entangled is endless. ——Tan Sitong's "Thoughts"

6. Crusade, send troops to suppress

The three armies of fu were looking for, and the arrogance of the barbarian Rong Di was not pious, so he took the wu. - "Chinese Zhou Yu"

7. Chase

It is a swift feather, looking for the scenery. --Han · Zhang Heng", "Xijing Fu"

8. Pass "burnt". Remove hair with hot water

If you can find an alliance, you will find it. It can also be cold. - "The Twelve Years of The Left Transmission and the Lamentation of the Duke"

Hire allies, find old alliances also. - "The Legend of the Ram: Three Years of Chenggong"


9. Often, often.

10. Moment, soon

Unsuccessful, the search for the end of the disease. --Jin· Tao Yuanming's "Peach Blossom Origin"

Ministry of Search and Migration. --Qing· Zhang Tingyu's History of the Ming Dynasty

Emperor Xun was executed. --Qing· Shao Changxun's "Qingmen Leftovers"

Please return. ——" Yutai Xinyong Ancient Poems for Jiao Zhongqing's Wife"


11. Along, down

Shao Sui went north in search of the mountain. - Book of the Later Han Dynasty

The light boat pan-moon search for the creek, suspected to be the mountain yin snow later. - Don Li Bai's "East Lumen Rafting"

【The Story of the Word】

One Chinese character a day - 尋

Walk alone on the river to find flowers

Don Du Fu

Huang Siniang's family is full of flowers, and thousands of flowers are pressed low.

The butterflies dance from time to time, and the warblers cry at ease.


The path around Huang Siniang's house was full of flowers, and thousands of flowers were bent and the branches were low and low from the ground.

Frolicking butterflies swirl among the flowers and leave, and the free little yellow warblers call pleasantly.


This is a very interesting little poem about the scene. The paths are full of flowers, the branches full of flowers are pressed down and hung low, and above the petals are lingering butterflies, which dance around the branches. From here, we smell the rich floral fragrance. On the path next to the flowers, there are crisp and chirping yellow warblers, and their lively and free looks give people a relaxed and pleasant feeling. The poet uses these very rhythmic words, which make the whole bright and complex picture full of movement, and also make the poetry have a brighter and more fluent rhythm. The language of the whole poem is full of colloquialism. It is very intimate to read, and the heartfelt joy that the poet feels in the spring jumps out on the paper.

This group of poems was written after Du Fu settled in The Caotang in Chengdu, in the spring of 761 (the second year of Emperor Suzong of Tang) or in 762 (the first year of Zong Baoying of the Tang Dynasty). In 760 (the first year of the first century), Du Fu, after suffering from chaos, built a grass hall on the banks of Huanhua Creek in the western suburbs, and temporarily had a place to live. In the spring of the following year, when the flowers bloomed, he walked on the banks of the Jinjiang River to admire the flowers, and wrote a group of poems called "Seven Absolute Sentences of Seeking Flowers Alone by the Riverside".

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