
What are the customs Chinese New Year's Eve Chinese New Year's Eve today? Let's take a look!

Chinese New Year's Eve, also known as the Great Chinese New Year's Eve, is the night of the last day of the lunar year, that is, the night before the Spring Festival.

The december of the lunar calendar is mostly a large month, with thirty days, so it is also called Chinese New Year's Eve.

December is the 29th of the small month, and the Chinese New Year's Eve of 2022 is December 29.

What are the customs of the Chinese New Year's Eve?

1. Eat Chinese New Year's Eve meal

On this day, people are ready to get rid of the old and welcome the new, and eat a reunion dinner.

2. Paste the Spring League

Chunlian is also called door pairs, spring stickers, couplets, pairs, peach symbols, etc., which depicts the background of the times with neat, dual, concise and exquisite words, expresses good wishes, and is a unique literary form of the mainland.

3. Window flowers

People also like to paste various paper cuts on the windows - window flowers. Window flowers not only set off the festive atmosphere, but also combine decoration, appreciation and practicality.

4. Paste the word Fu

At the same time as pasting the Spring Festival, some people should paste large and small "Fu" characters on the door, wall, and lintel of the house. Pasting the word "Fu" during the Spring Festival is a long-standing custom of mainland folk.

5. Paste New Year paintings

Spring Festival hanging and pasting New Year paintings are also common in urban and rural areas, and the thick black and colorful New Year paintings have added a lot of prosperous and joyful festive atmosphere to thousands of households.

6. Burn firecrackers

Chinese folk have a saying of "opening the door and firecrackers". That is, at the beginning of the new year, the first thing every household does when it opens its doors is to set off firecrackers and welcome the new with the sound of beeping firecrackers.

7. Ancestor worship

In ancient times, this kind of etiquette was very popular. Due to the different customs of various places, the form of ancestor worship is also different, some ancestors go to the wild to worship the ancestral tombs, some go to the ancestral shrine to worship the ancestors, and the large family places the ancestral tablets in the main hall in turn, displaying offerings, and then the worshippers kneel in the order of the elder and the young.

8. Press the old money

The money is issued by the elders to the younger generations, and the New Year's money reflects the care of the elders for the younger generations, and the respect of the younger generations for the elders, which is a folk activity that integrates the family ethical relationship.

Ancient poetry is a condensed language, let's understand how the ancients lived Chinese New Year's Eve through ancient poetry.

Except at night

Don Bai Juyi

Years of twilight and many thoughts, the end of the world is not returned. Old add new nails, sick reduce old radiance.

The township is still remembered, and the meritorious name has died. Forty-nine ming dynasties, should be enlightened.

Don Yuanshu

Remembering the old days and the night, see the Junhua candle. Tonight's greeting text, overlapping new year's greetings.

Idle place whispered crying, empty hall back to the moon sleep. Sad little children, stir up the fire.

Except for night work

Don Gaushi

The hotel is cold and sleepless, and the guest's heart turns miserable.

Hometown tonight thinking of thousands of miles, sad side ming dynasty another year.

Don Meng Haoran

Passing the three bus roads, the body is in danger. Chaotic mountains and snowy nights, lonely candles and strangers.

Gradually drifting away from flesh and bones, turning to slave relatives. Nakan is drifting, and the coming days are new.

Qinzhou Shou Nian

Don Zhang said

The old year is over, and the new year is coming tomorrow. Carefully follow the bucket handle, look northeast to spring back.

Song Wen Tianxiang

The air is empty, and the years are gone. The end of the road is stormy, and the poor side is full of snow and frost.

Life is exhausted with the years, and the world is forgotten. There is no revenge to slaughter Su Meng, and the lights are not yet in the night.

Chinese New Year's Eve

Ming Wen Zhengming

When people Chinese New Year's Eve busy, I picked out old poems by myself.

Mo Xiao shusheng is too pedantic, and a year's work is a literary word.

Qing Zhao Yi

The shadow of the candle shook the red flame shangming, and Han knew that he had accumulated Qiongying.

The old man got up in a cold cloak to listen to the rooster's first call.

The new year is coming,

Bless the children,

Learn to progress!




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