
Throughout the Spring Festival movie, the best thing that brought me the viewing experience was "Exchange Life"

Throughout the Spring Festival movie, the best thing that brought me the viewing experience was "Exchange Life"

He Lu Xiaogu, an 18-year-old child who has just reached adulthood

A family of several people has lived in the alley for several lifetimes

There is a good brother who has always had a crush on a girl, Jin Hao

He wants to get out of the alley and change his life

Throughout the Spring Festival movie, the best thing that brought me the viewing experience was "Exchange Life"

He is a middle-aged lawyer with a smooth tongue

Find ways to make money What conscience is simply does not exist

Since childhood, parents divorced and the family was broken

He wants to make more money to splurge

Forget childhood memories for a while

By chance, he pressed the wishing machine

Two people exchanged lives

Throughout the Spring Festival movie, the best thing that brought me the viewing experience was "Exchange Life"

A lawyer with a sense of youth appeared in front of Jin Hao

It's very cute

He is the movie "Exchange Life" that brought me the best viewing experience this Spring Festival

The second brush exchange of life gave me a new understanding from this comedy

Lu Xiaogu changed his way of living and became a rich uncle

And Zhongda lawyer changed the way he lived and became a little baby in a warm family

Both wanted to go out

Both men also walked out

Xiao Gu felt the benefits of having money

Chasing girls dare to charter the entire food stall

Buy milk tea and buy oversized cups

Throughout the Spring Festival movie, the best thing that brought me the viewing experience was "Exchange Life"

But he understood that all this was false

He hopes that Kim Hao likes his soul rather than his body

He understood it only after everything he went through

Getting out of the alley is a dream The dream is to make a good life for your family

He believes that only by going out can you grow

But as everyone knows, my family never cares

Don't care if you make money, don't care if you become famous

Because in their eyes you will always be their child

Throughout the Spring Festival movie, the best thing that brought me the viewing experience was "Exchange Life"

He longed to live a different life, a different way of living

but forgot what it had cost him

That kind of happy family that makes Zhongda jealous

The kind of boyish spirit that Jin Hao deeply likes and is not beaten by life

The happiness he pursues

But they didn't know that they were in happiness

Until Xiaogu of Zhongda's mind lies on the sofa at home

Say that this home belongs to me

It was only then that Xiao Gu realized what he had lost

Throughout the Spring Festival movie, the best thing that brought me the viewing experience was "Exchange Life"

It made me realize what we had lost

Those ordinary days

Those idle nagging

Throughout the Spring Festival movie, the best thing that brought me the viewing experience was "Exchange Life"

Those days after day you and I feel ordinary breakfast

Those after-dinner talks for the sake of calculating the pounds of the shop next to the plate

Those cruel words that you don't hesitate to say

It's annoying, can you leave me alone, can you stop nagging

Since when did we give this attitude to the people closest to us

Maybe that's really what was said

The worst emotions to those closest to you

Throughout the Spring Festival movie, the best thing that brought me the viewing experience was "Exchange Life"

So you think of the place where you are with your closest people as a cage

I want to break free, I want to escape, I want to go out and see the bigger world

But have you ever thought that you are the whole world of your family?

It is a great blessing to have a warm family in life

The night when someone waits for you to come home is the warmest time

Although there are grandmas who are not sober

Although there is a humble living environment

Although happy families can also have some suffering

But that's not how home is

There are bitter and sweet, laughter and tears

Being safely loved by your family will give you the courage to overcome everything

Throughout the Spring Festival movie, the best thing that brought me the viewing experience was "Exchange Life"

I still remember the end of a movie with Kim Hao and her pit daddy mom

Billboards waiting for trains at the station

So close, so far

The distance you think of

I didn't know I was close

Throughout the Spring Festival movie, the best thing that brought me the viewing experience was "Exchange Life"

The happiness around you is the real distance

I love a conversation near the end

Mom, you see it's a little snail, isn't his shell heavy

That's his home


It's a time of wind and rain

You can have a warm place

I understand that you are my home

Throughout the Spring Festival movie, the best thing that brought me the viewing experience was "Exchange Life"

The point of the movie is not about the high or low rating

It depends on whether the person watching can get empathy

I only know the mom who watched with me

When I see this, I will say that you asked me this when I was a child

When I saw the Jinhao health supplement course, I also said that he had taken this kind of class

Seeing that Jin Hao was deceived by Zhongda, he would say that this silly girl has a pie in the sky

Seeing Zhongda turned into a goose, my mother would also laugh goose-goose-goose

Throughout the Spring Festival movie, the best thing that brought me the viewing experience was "Exchange Life"

See the video clip after Grandma retrieves the password

She would also be a little choked and think of her grandmother

When we're all talking about the plot of a movie

When we're all talking about a movie character

Is there a reverse to think about the real purpose of the Spring Festival file?

It's like Xiaogu in the movie

I always want to find a different kind of life, but I forget the original beauty

The Spring Festival stall for the New Year was supposed to be a time for family fun

Moms and dads care about this comedy movie with you

There are stories that they can understand

There are characters that they can bring in

There are shadows of their own

There are also ways to have fun for them

Throughout the Spring Festival movie, the best thing that brought me the viewing experience was "Exchange Life"

It's like taking you to the cinema when you were a child, and you laughed happily

They laughed happily

Now watch them laugh happily

The corners of my mouth also rose unconsciously

This is the most precious meaning

This is the best movie-watching experience of the entire Spring Festival

I'm silent, and sometimes I care too much about myself and forget about my family

It's better to stop and go back to chat with your parents

Or take them to see "Exchange Life"

Experience the happiness of home from their laughter

The happiness around you is the real distance

Throughout the Spring Festival movie, the best thing that brought me the viewing experience was "Exchange Life"

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