
After the completion of the merger, where will Wang Gang, the former deputy general manager of FAW Mazda, go?

Operator Finance Network Wan Huan Xi / Wen

FAW Mazda has been in the industry for many years, has experienced many changes, and of course has witnessed the growth of a large number of talents, and the operator finance will reveal the past history of Wang Gang, then deputy general manager of FAW Mazda.

After the completion of the merger, where will Wang Gang, the former deputy general manager of FAW Mazda, go?

Relevant information shows that Wang Gang has a bachelor's degree, but he did not disclose his department. Wang Gang has been in the FAW system for many years, and he has also cultivated a solid skill because of this.

According to relevant information, Wang Gang was only a technician in the body factory of FAW Group in the early days, and later he successively served as deputy section chief, workshop director and secretary of the party branch of FAW Group Body Factory, deputy general manager of FAW Hongta Yunnan Automobile Co., Ltd., deputy director and executive deputy director of the light vehicle management department of FAW Group, and head, director and executive deputy general manager of the preparatory team of Tianjin FAW Toyota Motor Co., Ltd.

It is even said that Wang Gang later served as the general manager of FAW Toyota and the assistant general manager of FAW Group Corporation. Today, Wang Gang has been transferred to FAW Mazda, where he holds the position of deputy general manager.

But now, FAW Mazda and Changan Mazda have reached a merger and reorganization. It is understood that FAW Mazda Automobile Sales Co., Ltd. was established on March 1, 2005, which is an automobile sales company jointly funded by China FAW Group Co., Ltd., FAW Car Co., Ltd. and Mazda Automobile Co., Ltd. of Japan.

Changan Mazda Automobile Co., Ltd., formerly known as Changan Ford Mazda Automobile Co., Ltd. Nanjing Company, was established on April 19, 2005, and was completed and put into production on September 24, 2007, and was jointly funded by Chongqing Changan Automobile Co., Ltd. and Mazda Automobile Co., Ltd., a century-old enterprise of China Automobile, with each side accounting for 50% of the shares.

The merger also means that in the future, Mazda will only have one joint venture company in China, Changan Mazda. Where does Wang Gang go today, I believe that time will tell everything, and his information cannot be found on the Internet at present.

(Editor-in-Charge: Wan Huanxi)

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