
Is X-ray or CT harmful to the fetus?

Since the pregnancy, pregnant mothers need to start up to ten months of long gestation career, in the middle of which in order to ensure the health of themselves and the baby, will do regular obstetric examinations, many novice mothers-to-be on the pregnancy of some of the instruments are not assured, if the number of times to do too much, may cause harm to the development of the fetal treasure in the abdomen, is this really the case?

Is X-ray or CT harmful to the fetus?

There are two types of radiation

Ionizing radiation: It is a kind of radiation produced by having enough energy to make electrons leave atoms, such as X-rays, CT, intervention, nuclear medicine and radiation therapy, etc., which belong to the category of medical ionizing radiation. Ionizing radiation exceeding a certain dose can damage cells or alter the structure of DNA, which is harmful to the human body.

The other is non-ionizing radiation, which has very little radiant energy. MRI, B ultrasound, as well as computers, mobile phones, televisions, microwave ovens, ovens, hair dryers, etc., are non-ionizing radiation, which hardly causes damage to the human body.

Ultrasound is non-ionizing radiation, and routine ultrasonography does not have adverse effects on the fetus. Ultrasound is a very safe test for pregnant women. There is no evidence that ultrasound B has had adverse effects such as teratogenicity on the fetus. However, medical examinations follow the principle of "pros and cons", if not necessary, do not repeatedly do a certain test to understand the fetal condition because it is "harmless".

Is X-ray or CT harmful to the fetus?

Ionizing radiation is harmful to the human body, so pregnancy must not do X-rays, CT examinations?

Actually, not necessarily. How harmful ionizing radiation is to the fetus depends mainly on the gestational age and radiation dose at the time of these tests.

What is it that a pregnant woman has a chest x-ray resulting in a child's deformity?

Without irradiation, there will also be 4% to 6% of newborns with various types of deformities, but the vast majority are mild, such as a placenta nevi, one more finger or toe, etc., so the child has a deformity is not necessarily the result of diagnostic radiation.

X-ray examination during pregnancy, these should be noted:

1. The use of radioactive iodine isotopes during pregnancy is contraindicated and should not be used.

2. Radiographic contrast agents should be avoided as much as possible if possible. Use should only be considered if the benefits of use are much greater than the possible damage to the fetus.

3. If multiple x-rays are required, a radiologist should be consulted to calculate the total dose of radiation that the fetus may receive in order to guide the diagnosis.

Is X-ray or CT harmful to the fetus?

There are many people as soon as they hear the X-ray, they can immediately think of radiation, become very worried, in fact, after pregnancy due to special circumstances must be examined and do not have to be nervous, consult more obstetrics and gynecology doctors, listen to the opinions of professionals, do not think about themselves. I wish all pregnant mothers can safely pass the entire pregnancy and give birth to a healthy and smart baby! I really understand the baby, I understand you more about the baby!

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