
Boys inherit several characteristics of motherhood, not just superstition! It makes sense!

What are the genetic characteristics of boys' mothers? Next door to my house, there are a pair of half-brothers, Xiao Gang and Xiao Qiang, who are almost the same age, but their personalities and looks are very different, and even their IQ is very different. Neighbors all know that Xiao Gang's mother suffers from intellectual problems and disappeared after Xiao Gang was born, so Xiao Gang is intellectually deficient but does not affect normal life. And the little strong mother in the back is a normal person, smart and capable.

Boys inherit several characteristics of motherhood, not just superstition! It makes sense!

Although this is only an individual situation in life, in fact, big data prompts are reasonable. Because in the mother's genetic factors, there are many influences on male babies, especially in IQ, skin color, height, appearance characteristics, etc. There is a high probability of inheritance to boys.

1. IQ

Generally, the IQ of boys will be more inherited from the mother, from the analysis of the human body's genetic chromosomes, the male chromosome combination is XY, the female is XX, so the Y chromosome must be inherited from the father, and the male X is definitely from the mother, and because the X chromosome is a gene that affects iq, so the intelligence of boys and the intelligence of the mother are inseparable, and the intelligence problem is more affected by the mother's genetic inheritance.

Boys inherit several characteristics of motherhood, not just superstition! It makes sense!

2. Height

Folklore says that the mother is short, and the children are basically not very tall. The implication is that the height of the child is greatly affected by the mother, and the mother is not tall, so the probability of the child growing tall is not large. Especially for boys, the height gene is more "limited" by the mother's height, and the Internet can also search for a formula for calculating height in general! In this era, the height of boys is still relatively mindful, and it is a plus for mate selection! All loved the little brother of 180.

3. Skin color

Everyone should know that there is some discrimination against black people in foreign countries! The main reason for the restriction is still the powerful skin color gene of black! As long as one of the children is a black couple, the children are basically black! But racial discrimination is very undesirable, everyone has their own aesthetics, we Asians are more like yellow people, if the skin is white, it is also very attractive, the so-called "a white cover a hundred ugly". In a couple, if the mother's skin color is fair, then the chance of her son's skin color being whiter is greater than the probability of the father's white skin color, but even if there is no congenitality, the acquired attention to sun protection and dietary conditioning, exercise, etc., can also make the skin look good.

Boys inherit several characteristics of motherhood, not just superstition! It makes sense!

4. Appearance

The last point is the appearance characteristics, if the mother has dimples, then the son is likely to have. Double eyelids are also mainly inherited from the mother. Although I personally think that boys with single eyelids are very attractive, very manly, and then have a warm dimple, laughing is too warm! And the big flash ka zi lan big eyes are still better for girls to have.

Boys inherit several characteristics of motherhood, not just superstition! It makes sense!

According to the latest big data survey, I think there is a reason why the older generation often says that boys are like mothers and girls are like fathers. However, parents only hope that their children are healthy and healthy, and naturally there are no parents who do not love their children.

On the road to parenting, we are all novices, how to take better care of children, you can pay attention to me, and discuss with me those things on the road to parenting.

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