
Just pregnant and can't sleep at night what's going on?

Recently, many friends have been nagging with Chenghe jun that I am now 6 weeks pregnant, and I can't sleep until 12 o'clock at night. In the morning, I woke up at 6-7 o'clock, and I was very sleepy at noon but I couldn't sleep at all, which was a very devastating thing.

Just pregnant and can't sleep at night what's going on?

Chenghejun believes that there are many pregnant mothers who have also had such an experience, and soon after becoming pregnant, the quality of sleep at night is very poor, and it is difficult to enter sleep, which is very painful. It not only causes a great burden on the psychology of pregnant women, but also has a very large impact on life, which also makes many pregnant women very confused, do not know how to cause this poor sleep, and do not know how to deal with improvement, so when pregnant women have this situation, they should look for the cause in time, and actively seek solutions, so that it is possible to make sleep problems disappear as soon as possible, so as not to cause serious impact on the body.

There are many reasons for women's poor sleep at night after pregnancy, it is caused by a variety of factors working together, so for pregnant mothers who have insomnia problems, it is best to pay attention to the care in life, relax in mood, and through scientific treatment methods, so that they can restore a good night's sleep as soon as possible.

Just pregnant and can't sleep at night what's going on?

Causes of insomnia at night after pregnancy in women

1, hormone changes: women will have great physiological changes after pregnancy, hormone levels will also change, estrogen and progesterone secretion will increase a lot, thereby affecting the autonomic nerves, resulting in poor sleep in pregnant women who have just become pregnant.

2, mental sensitivity: for women who are pregnant for the first time, it is inevitable that there will be great pressure on the psychology, resulting in the occurrence of mental sensitivity. And this will seriously affect the mood, wild thinking, which will seriously affect the sleep status of pregnant women.

3, emotional instability: pregnant women who have just become pregnant are usually emotionally unstable, their doubts are also relatively heavy, they are also extremely sensitive, stimulated by external factors, it is easy to produce fierce ideological struggles, which will cause the problem of poor sleep.

4, malnutrition: because the development of the fetus requires a lot of nutrients, pregnant women do not adjust their diet in time, nutrition can not keep up with the excitement of the autonomic nerves, resulting in pregnant women at night can not sleep.

Just pregnant and can't sleep at night what's going on?

Ways to improve insomnia at night after pregnancy in women

1. Pay attention to a balanced diet. In the daily life of eating habits and balanced diet is necessary, if you eat some irritating foods for a long time, it will be irritating to the brain, resulting in sleep is difficult to enter the state as soon as possible. In addition, a balanced diet after pregnancy can effectively supplement nutrition, and it is inevitable that malnutrition will lead to physical discomfort and affect sleep.

2. Control personal emotions. In the third trimester of pregnancy, because the mood of pregnant women becomes more and more nervous, it is easy to be affected by bad emotions, which in turn induces a variety of diseases, insomnia is one of the most common problems. It is best to control personal emotions in life, and do not let emotional problems become more and more serious, and even affect sleep.

3. Suitable sleeping environment. This is also extremely important for pregnant women who have just become pregnant, a good sleeping environment can improve sleep, so there are conditions to choose a quiet environment when sleeping.

Just pregnant and can't sleep at night what's going on?

Finally, because the cause of pregnant women who have just become pregnant can not sleep at night, and for pregnant women is also a very important thing, if the treatment is not good on pregnant women's far-reaching impact, when sleep problems occur, must not be careless, must pay more attention to rest, balanced supplement nutrition, pay attention to good mood, sleep conditions will be effectively improved, insomnia symptoms will automatically disappear.

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