
Children have difficulty reading and writing, beware of this problem

Children have difficulty reading and writing, beware of this problem

What is dyslexia

Dyslexia is a type of learning disability. Simply put, the brain's comprehensive processing of visual and auditory information is not equal, resulting in the inability to complete reading and spelling correctly. Often manifested in literacy or reading. It is fundamentally different from dyslexia caused by mental retardation.

What are the external manifestations

Clinically, it has been found that these children with dyslexia often have some abnormal manifestations in terms of visual function, such as:

1. Strabismus or amblyopia, blurred vision, ghosting or diplopia, like to close or cover one eye;

2. When reading, it is easy to serialize and miss words;

3. When copying, you need to use your finger to locate, otherwise it is easy to make typos and miss lines;

4. Can't remember the words you've read, or can't repeat them;

5. Compared with children of the same age, they are slightly slow in action or reaction.

These are typical, learning-related dyslexia caused by binocular visual dysfunction. However, many of them are diagnosed with myopia for correction because of blurred vision, ignoring problems in visual function. There are also some who are labeled "stupid children" because their vision is up to standard, but their visual function is abnormal, resulting in reading difficulties.

How to detect early and treat correctly

If dyslexia is caused by visual function problems, it will not only directly affect children's academics, but also hit their self-confidence and affect the healthy growth of their body and mind. Therefore, we need to do a good job of the "first pass" as much as possible, pay attention to the development of children's visual function, and timely intervene and treat abnormalities when abnormalities are found.

From the age of 3, every 3 to 6 months, an optometry examination is performed to assess and grasp the development of the child's overall visual function by establishing a refractive development file. If you find any abnormalities such as the above visual function, you should immediately take your child to the hospital for diagnosis. If examination reveals visual function problems, such as strabismus or amblyopia, targeted surgery or visual function training is required to ensure the normal development of visual function.

In the face of children, love and acceptance are of course the best medicine. But as an important leader and companion on their growth path, we also need rationality and science to help those children who run slower on the track to find their own growth rhythm, calmly wait, and wait for the flowers to bloom.

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