
People with similar magnetic fields will meet sooner or later


Good people are the most rare, and being able to meet is naturally due to fate.

Five hundred times in a past life, I have to look back in exchange for a meeting in this life, not for anything else, but for the sake of wanting to see.

The so-called love at first sight has never been the affection of one person, but the attachment and reluctance of each other after the four eyes are facing each other.

Destined people, sooner or later will want to see, don't worry, the right fate is worth waiting.

Passing through the unknown world, the one in the passerby will amaze your eyes.

Doing relative sports, you can't let yourself stop here, you can only regret to say goodbye.

Until countless times in the dream, the figure of the other party appeared;

You realize that maybe the person who missed out is the person you've spent your life looking for.

I thought that I might never have the chance to meet again in this life, but I met the person who made your soul haunt you around the next corner.

Perhaps, fate will never fail you.

Love at first sight is passion, hormones fade, feelings precipitate.

Whether they can stay together for a lifetime depends on whether they can resonate with each other at the same frequency.

You know me, I know you, you can accompany you through the four seasons, even if there are difficult winters and dark nights in the four seasons.

The origin of love, going deep, fate, will eventually meet.

People with similar magnetic fields will meet sooner or later


Fate dictates

People with similar magnetic fields will meet sooner or later.

Holding red silk in one hand, hanging with a cane in the other hand, the childlike crane hair, galloping in non-smoke and non-fog.

Elder Yue is the red god in charge of marriage, and he uses red ropes to draw men and women and promote beautiful love stories.

Thus, there is also the causal theory that the causes of past lives are predestined from this life.

Fate is an invisible connection, without a figurative carrier.

Mathematically speaking, it is an inevitable event, while the explanation of physics is the mutual attraction of magnetic fields.

Although the fate is mostly mixed with some folk stories.

It is regarded as a desire that people's yearning for a better life has been conjured up, but it has been passed down through the ages.

The interaction between people is an intimate relationship formed by the intermingling of countless encounters and chances.

People with similar magnetic fields will meet sooner or later

Relatives and friends, close friends, lovers, no matter what form of embodiment, is a relatively fateful embodiment.

After all, people will meet countless strangers in their lives, but there are very few who can meet.

In fact, to some extent, to determine;

Fate is a secular relationship idealized by the world, a kind of relationship that is beyond many intimate relationships.

In the long river of time, the dross in it has also been discarded and the essence has been retained.

Although fate has never been conclusive, it is the closest to the truth that people can know each other.

The countless encounters in the TV series are also enough to prove the depth of their fate.

The love that can get along day and night is always unforgettable.

Fate is destined, each other will eventually meet, all you have to do is to wait quietly.

People with similar magnetic fields will meet sooner or later


Co-frequency resonance

It is not easy to find a person who resonates with the same frequency in this life.

Since fate allows two completely strangers to meet by chance, it is bound to create a romantic coincidence.

However, this can only give two strangers an opportunity to get to know each other.

As for whether they can know each other, it still depends on whether the magnetic field between the two is in tune.

The discovery of magnetic fields has always been a significant achievement in physics.

Same-sex repulsion and opposite-sex attraction also correspond to the relationship between men and women.

However, these two magnets of men and women are not looking at everyone who will suck them.

Physics can test the composition to determine whether the magnet is in tune, and men and women rely on three views and interests.

Two people who meet in a vast sea of people can like the same flavor of food and have the same understanding of the world.

This is the same frequency between people.

The same frequency is not limited to having the same pace.

My speed is seventy miles, and the other party must also maintain this frequency.

It's a bit of a embarrassment, and the probability is minimal.

The real same frequency is actually a kind of spiritual fit, and a tacit understanding can be achieved without opening the mouth.

Save a lot of unnecessary trouble, add a lot of invisible trust, this is the same frequency.

People with similar magnetic fields will meet sooner or later

Especially when two people of the same frequency resonate;

The micro-energy hidden in the body will infinitely close the distance between the two people.

It is a silent force that pushes the feelings between each other in a more stable direction.

It is mutual attraction, mutual appreciation, mutual dependence, and common progress.

For each other, achieve a better self.

This fateful other, sooner or later you will meet.

If you can hold hands for a lifetime, perhaps the fate is deep, and this life must be with you.

Although it is the yearning of countless people, it will always be true because of causes.

Love is never envied.

Instead, wait for a season that belongs to you, calm down to feel the beauty of this world, and listen to the sounds of nature with your heart.

In the blink of an eye, maybe the fate you have been waiting for for a long time will collide with you.

After all, beauty always meets unexpectedly, and fate will always wait for you at the next corner.

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