
Baby hair is the weather vane of development, how to judge the baby's development through hair?

Baby hair is the weather vane of development, how to judge the baby's development through hair?

The little princess of the cousin's family looks super very beautiful, round and bright eyes, cute little mouth, the only fly in the ointment is that the hair is somewhat thin, and yellow.

For this reason, the cousin did not worry less, and the baby's grandmother repeatedly said that "you have to shave the baby's head, shave a few more times to 'hold it'"!

Usually when you encounter seven aunts and eight aunts, you are often often recruited" "When you were a child, your hair was yellow, it was changed like this", "Shaving your head works, shave your baby's head more".

Baby hair is the weather vane of development, how to judge the baby's development through hair?

In this regard, the cousin is already "powerless to complain", and can only quickly take the baby to the hospital for examination and seek professional help from doctors.

In fact, many parents may have heard similar sayings, the baby's hair is not good, as long as you shave your head a few times, the hair will grow black and dense, just like the rural crops pay attention to "fallow rotation".

But is the problem really that simple?

Baby hair is the weather vane of development, how to judge the baby's development through hair?

The baby's hair is poor, in fact, the body is issuing an "alarm"

In fact, the baby's hair is poor, and shaving the head is not shaved, shaving several times is actually nothing to do, and even if the shaving causes the baby's hair follicle stimulation to be uneven, it may affect the baby's hair growth.

Biologically, the keratin content in hair is as high as 97%, and keratin is composed of various amino acids, which is equivalent to nearly 30 kinds of amino acids in hair, as long as a hair is extracted to determine the content of trace elements, you can judge a variety of diseases in the human body.

Baby hair is the weather vane of development, how to judge the baby's development through hair?

In addition, because the slender cells that make up the hair are renewed very quickly, by observing the specific performance of the hair, we can sensitively and subtly perceive the changes in human health, so the baby's poor hair and some abnormal situations are likely to be the "alarm" issued by the body outward, representing certain health problems.

For example, adults sometimes stay up late continuously, or work pressure, poor mental state, will find that the hair is boring, and there is a more serious "hair loss" situation, which is because the human body hormone secretion changes, not only the physical health is negatively affected, but also the hair will have some external performance.

The same is true for babies, we usually in the process of taking care of the baby, we must pay more attention to the growth of hair, once there is an abnormal situation to deal with in time.

Baby hair is the weather vane of development, how to judge the baby's development through hair?

What are the abnormalities in your baby's hair?

1. Yellow hair, dull and rare

Generally speaking, the child's yellow hair is often a problem in nutritional supplementation, such as usually picky eating, or not eating on time, resulting in malnutrition, without supplementing enough iron, zinc and other nutrients, there will be yellow hair, boring and rare situation.

In order to avoid such problems, in addition to supervising and guiding children to establish good eating habits in peacetime, we should also pay attention to dietary balance and diversity, and prepare more food with richer collocation for the baby, "meat, eggs, milk, fruits and vegetables valley" 6 categories should contain at least 4 kinds.

Of course, for babies who are relatively young, parents do not have to worry, because the baby's hair follicles have not yet fully developed, so it is a normal phenomenon to have sparse hair when the baby is about 1 or 2 years old, the development of the hair follicles gradually matures, and the hair will become dark and dense.

However, the amount and texture of the hair will also be greatly affected by genetic inheritance, if the parents themselves have yellow and thinning hair, then the baby's situation may be difficult to change.

Baby hair is the weather vane of development, how to judge the baby's development through hair?

2. Occipital baldness

The so-called "pillow baldness", as the name suggests, is on the back of the baby pillow, with little or no hair, which is a more common type of hair loss in infants and young children.

The reason for the "pillow baldness" may be due to the baby's lack of calcium on the one hand, and on the other hand, it may be caused by physiological sweating and frequent friction between the baby's head and the pillow.

If we find that the baby is "occipital bald" at the same time, it is not easy to fall asleep, or crying after falling asleep, easy to wake up, late teeth, or uneven deciduous teeth, it may be an external manifestation of calcium deficiency and need to be examined immediately.

In addition, in order to avoid "pillow baldness", we must also try to create a good sleeping environment for the baby, control the temperature of the room, and choose a comfortable and breathable pillow.

Baby hair is the weather vane of development, how to judge the baby's development through hair?

3. Alopecia areata

Alopecia areata, commonly known as "ghost shaving of the head", may be related to poor autoimmunity, heredity, emotional tension, and endocrine.

When we find that the baby has alopecia areata, in addition to it may be due to fungal infections and skin diseases, it may also be that the baby has some psychological obstacles, often touching the hair and pulling the hair hard.

Therefore, for the "alopecia areata" situation, in addition to taking the baby to the hospital for physical examination at the first time, it is also important to pay attention to finding and correcting the baby's wrong habits and maintaining the baby's mental health.

Baby hair is the weather vane of development, how to judge the baby's development through hair?

Old Miao Conclusion:

I hope that the baby can grow up healthy and happy, which is the biggest wish of every parent.

When we take care of the baby, we should also pay more attention to the state of the baby's hair, in case there is some problem in the baby's physical health, the hair will send a "signal" at the first time.

Today's topic: Do you usually pay attention to the baby's hair?

I am Lao Miao, a super grandfather after the 80s, and the most eye-catching male head nurse in the hospital, welcome to discuss the issue of pregnancy together, and please pay attention to Lao Miao.

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