
The sooner your baby walks, the smarter it gets? Parents don't make a mistake, walking too early and too late is not good for the baby

Introduction: The sooner the baby walks, the smarter it is? Parents don't make a mistake, walking too early and too late is not good for the baby

After having a baby, parents begin to pay attention to the baby's changes, whenever there is a new change, parents can be happy for several days, see people want to talk about it, especially in the baby learning to walk, if you find that their baby will walk a lot earlier than their peers, parents will be proud, feel that their baby is smarter, but also some parents are worried that the baby can not keep up with the development, do not want others to look down, will teach the baby to learn to walk in advance, do not know if you have done this?

The sooner your baby walks, the smarter it gets? Parents don't make a mistake, walking too early and too late is not good for the baby

The sooner your baby walks, the smarter it gets? I think many people think that it is right, in fact, it is very wrong to do so, when to learn to walk, can not explain that the baby is smart or stupid, parents do not make a mistake, too early and too late to walk is not good for the baby!

Every baby's development is early and late, is it not stupid for babies who develop late in the future? Of course not, as long as you learn to walk within a reasonable range, it is normal, that is to say, different babies, he learns to walk for different times, some may start to walk in less than ten months, and some babies may not be able to walk when they are more than one year old, as long as the baby is not more than 18 months, it is normal to learn to walk before this.

The sooner your baby walks, the smarter it gets? Parents don't make a mistake, walking too early and too late is not good for the baby

Remember this sentence, the baby learns to walk sooner or later, can not explain his IQ level, can not be equated, so the baby has not developed to the age of exercise walking, parents must not force him, so as not to harm the baby's health.

The development of each baby is basically the same, but it is different in morning and evening, it is first learned to sit up, and then learn to crawl, then learn to stand, and finally learn to walk, follow this law to be good for the baby, do not cross directly from the baby sitting to practice walking, which is very harmful to the baby.

The sooner your baby walks, the smarter it gets? Parents don't make a mistake, walking too early and too late is not good for the baby

If your baby starts to walk as early as 8 months, it will have the following effects on your baby.

The first is that the legs are affected. When the baby does not reach the age of learning to walk, his bones simply do not have the ability to support the weight of the body, then parents will often carry the baby to walk, or put the baby into the walker to sit and walk, often do so, the baby's legs will be affected, often compress the bones, will lead to deformation, the appearance of ugly leg shape, so do not want the baby to be ugly in the future leg shape, must not let the baby learn to walk too early, not earlier than 8 months.

Secondly, it affects the baby's future walking, it is easy to wrestle, this is because the baby's physical coordination is not enough, the balance ability is insufficient, then when the baby learns to walk, it is often wrestled, and some older children will wrestle from time to time, because they did not practice crawling when they were young.

The sooner your baby walks, the smarter it gets? Parents don't make a mistake, walking too early and too late is not good for the baby

If the baby can't walk after 18 months, parents should not wait any longer, and need to take the baby to the hospital to see.

When the baby is already sitting very stable, and it is almost eight months old, parents can try to put an attractive thing not far from the baby, try to let the baby to grasp, so that the purpose of doing so is to guide the baby to crawl on the ground to crawl slowly, and constantly practice, the baby will climb faster and faster.

Wait until the baby climbs very fast, you can let the baby try to stand up, at first do not stand too long, slowly the baby can stand for a long time, he can move along the fixed object by himself. Then slowly move the fixed object some distance so that the baby tries to move forward without the help of the object.

From this exercise, it can be seen that practicing the baby to walk does not need to use the baby tool at all, only need to assist the baby a little, let it go naturally without any harm, and will be very stable after learning to walk in the future.

The sooner your baby walks, the smarter it gets? Parents don't make a mistake, walking too early and too late is not good for the baby

Is your baby old enough to learn to walk? If you haven't forced it yet, if you've reached the point where you can exercise your baby to crawl, it's much easier to walk as long as you climb well.

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