
Baby breast milk jaundice, these 4 misunderstandings to avoid, 2 ways to help you smoothly yellowing

As the old saying goes, "ten babies nine yellow", neonatal jaundice is not uncommon, physiological jaundice can heal itself, generally does not have much impact on the baby's physical condition, the baby eats and drinks normally, the only impact is vaccination, you need to wait until after yellowing to be vaccinated.

And there is a type of jaundice called breast-milk jaundice, which bothers many mothers.

Baby breast milk jaundice, these 4 misunderstandings to avoid, 2 ways to help you smoothly yellowing

Breast milk jaundice is because of breastfeeding caused jaundice, some superstitious elderly people see this situation, will say that the mother eats the wrong thing, milk has du, harm the baby can not drink breast milk.

In fact, this is because after the baby drinks breast milk, there will be a lot of glucuronidase in the small intestine, which will catalyze the binding bilirubin into unbound bilirubin, so that the bilirubin that should have been excreted is not excreted, but increases the absorption, resulting in yellowing of the skin.

My baby is also breast-milk jaundice, and it has been tossed and turned for many months.

The jaundice value is 11 at the time of the full moon physical examination, and the doctor stops breast milk for 5 days, and if the jaundice value is reduced, it can be determined that breast milk is affected.

After stopping breast milk for 5 days, the value has dropped to 9.5, the doctor said that more sunbathing, you can go to the pharmacy outside to buy some garden yellow for the baby to drink.

I remember reading a popular science article on the Internet, saying that Ingenia yellow has been disabled, how can we still drink it? Back home and hurry to find relevant information, there is a doctor's popular science article said that the injection is prohibited, oral is not disabled, but the baby will have diarrhea when drinking.

I also found a lot of experience shared by mothers, and they all said that the baby will have diarrhea, and the pull is very strong, and I dare not let the baby drink.

Is there any other way to get back yellow? After consulting Shekang's doctor, he said that there was no other way but to stop breastfeeding and completely lower it.

The baby is still so young to stop breastfeeding, the heart is very reluctant, and worried that after stopping will return to milk, the baby has no milk to drink, or the baby does not drink breast milk.

Later, when I went to the hospital to see a doctor, it was recommended to feed breast milk in a bottle feeding, each time with a breast pump, and put it in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours before giving the baby a drink.

Although it was a bit troublesome, I was very happy to continue breastfeeding. When the baby's jaundice finally came down at almost five months, a big stone in his heart finally fell, and when he went to get the vaccine, he was as excited as if he had won the jackpot.

Baby breast milk jaundice, these 4 misunderstandings to avoid, 2 ways to help you smoothly yellowing

Does breast-lactating jaundice require breast milking?

No, you don't. Now go to the hospital to measure the jaundice value is high, if the baby is exclusive breastfeeding, the doctor will recommend that you stop breast milk for 3-5 days, if the jaundice value drops, it is generally breast milk jaundice. (Breast milk needs to be pumped out with a breast pump during breast milk stoppage to avoid returning.) )

If the baby drinks milk normally, the weight gain is normal, the jaundice value does not exceed 15mg/dl, only observation is needed, no treatment is required. Let the baby drink more milk, promote more rows, it is easy to yellow.

Baby breast milk jaundice, these 4 misunderstandings to avoid, 2 ways to help you smoothly yellowing

Breast milk jaundice yellowing mistake

1. Complete cessation of breast milk:

Stopping breast milk does make the baby quickly yellow, which is the simplest and most brutal way, but the baby cannot enjoy the benefits of breast milk.

Breast milk contains immunoglobulin A, drinking breast milk baby immunity will be stronger; rich in DHA, can make the baby smarter; breast milk immune substances, can help the baby's intestines recover, not easy to get sick. Therefore, if the situation allows, try to let your baby drink more breast milk.

2. Ingenic yellow

In August 2016, the State Food and Drug Administration issued an announcement in an annex clearly stating that newborns and infants are prohibited from using Ingenia Yellow Injection.

Baby breast milk jaundice, these 4 misunderstandings to avoid, 2 ways to help you smoothly yellowing

The injection can not be used, what about oral?

In 2017, the State Food and Drug Administration issued an announcement to revise the instructions for the oral preparation of in-garden yellow, which clarified in the annex that adverse reactions such as diarrhea, vomiting and rash will occur after oral administration of in-gardenia.

Baby breast milk jaundice, these 4 misunderstandings to avoid, 2 ways to help you smoothly yellowing

The Health Times, hosted by people's dailys, points out:

"Because the yin chen in the yin garden yellow is a laxative, the babies who use the yin garden yellow are mostly accompanied by diarrhea." Let the child defecate more, and the excess bilirubin will be excreted from the body and the jaundice will naturally recede.

Neonatal intestinal dysfunction is underdeveloped, and if diarrhea occurs, it will also cause some damage to the body. Long-term diarrhea is prone to secondary lactose intolerance, which is very unfavorable for children who are still drinking milk in nutrient absorption. Moreover, the baby's skin is delicate, diarrhea is also easy to cause diaper rash, and severe diaper rash can also be infected, causing more serious problems. ”

Therefore, it is not recommended that infants and young children easily use the oral solution of Ingenic Yellow.

Baby breast milk jaundice, these 4 misunderstandings to avoid, 2 ways to help you smoothly yellowing

3. Bask in the sun

Sunlight can help the baby reduce the level of jaundice, but if the sun exposure time is not mastered well, the ultraviolet rays in the sun will hurt the baby's eyes, skin, etc. In the room across the glass, the glass will play a little role in the light band blocked, across the glass is equal to white sun.

The most commonly heard practice of yellowing is to bask in the sun, I also took the baby to the sun every day, sunbathing for about a month, the baby did not turn white, but more and more dark, bloody lesson ah, we must learn from, appropriate sun, can not blindly bask in the sun.

4. Folk earthworks

For example, drinking glucose water, boiled water, can not fade yellow, newborns drink breast milk does not need to add additional water, must not feed the baby to drink glucose water! Do not use medicine casually, especially some proprietary Chinese medicines with "unclear" adverse reactions.

Baby breast milk jaundice, these 4 misunderstandings to avoid, 2 ways to help you smoothly yellowing

How should breast milk jaundice dehumi?

1. Jaundice value exceeds 15mg/dl:

Listen to the doctor's words, you should take a blue light, how to treat it must listen to the doctor.

2. Jaundice value is less than 15mg/dl:

Drink more milk and proper sun exposure to promote bilirubin excretion. Instead of feeding directly, use a breast pump to pump breast milk and refrigerate it for 2 hours before feeding the baby.

After refrigerating breast milk, glucuronidase activity will be reduced, the catalytic capacity will be reduced, bilirubin will be excreted, and jaundice will naturally recede.

Baby breast milk jaundice, these 4 misunderstandings to avoid, 2 ways to help you smoothly yellowing

Breast milk jaundice generally lasts for 2-3 months, the incidence is still very high, almost 2/3 of breastfed babies will appear, so the mother does not have to blame herself too much, thinking that she has done something wrong to cause the baby to have breast milk jaundice. Keep a good attitude and face jaundice with your baby.

I am @ Bean Ding Parenting, working mother, health manager, focus on baby food supplement nutrition, scientific parenting knowledge, pay attention to me, learn together on the road to parenting, grow together ~

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