
Mrs. Lowry, whose mother's forty-year percussive education, nearly ruined a great painter

author:Meat ravioli
Mrs. Lowry, whose mother's forty-year percussive education, nearly ruined a great painter

Hello everyone, I'm Wonton, and today I'm going to tell you about a toxic mother-son relationship, which comes from the movie Mrs. Lowry and His Son.

At the age of 7, Lori had not yet grown up, and her mother was not troubled. Mother and son go on vacation by the sea, dance on the beach, whisper behind printed curtains...

At that time, Lowry did not realize that those memories at the seaside would be the brightest moments of his life, worth pursuing at all costs.

Since then, their family has gone downhill, and his mother rarely smiles at him.

Mrs. Lowry, whose mother's forty-year percussive education, nearly ruined a great painter

Because of the father's large debts, the family was forced to move to the workers' settlement, but the mother could not forget the former middle-class life, and always invited relatives and friends to the house to party and eat high-end snacks, ignoring the father's anger and leaving.

Her mother felt that her father had ruined her life as a pianist, and whenever life was not smooth, she always drowned her father with a series of cannon-like complaints, and his father did not dare to refute half a point.

Mrs. Lowry, whose mother's forty-year percussive education, nearly ruined a great painter

Lori's world has become gray, and he no longer likes to talk and laugh like a child of the same age, but only holds the book all day to draw.

When his father died, Lowry inherited everything from his father, including the rent collector's profession, the family's debts, and complaints from his mother, for decades.

The mother likes to blame her misfortunes on others, and she always feels that if her husband and son are angry, she will not be like this. Lori always listened silently, swallowing back the rebuttal that was about to blurt out.

Lori is in his 40s, has not married and had children, eats and lives with his mother, and rushes home after work, living in poverty, debt, and socializing and friends.

Even so, the mother was still not satisfied, and as long as Lori came home 10 minutes late, she had to ask for clarification.

Although her mother was bedridden, she was eager to control Lori's every behavior, and she had always followed the habits of the middle class, such as eating desserts and drinking afternoon tea, which Lori was accustomed to and always laughed at.

For decades Lori came like this, and sometimes his mother would smile at him, and whenever he did, he would be in a trance, as if the elegant mother of the past had returned, and he seemed to have changed back into a little boy beside his mother, intoxicated by the gentle years of the past.

Lori is not completely obedient to his mother, and he has not compromised on the matter of painting.

Lori loved to draw since he was a child, and when he went door to door with his father to collect rent, he liked to look around.

When he grew up, the interests of childhood took root in his heart, and he found a vigorous vitality among the streets and crowds of workers, and that vitality was ready to come out, forcing him to draw it on paper.

Lowry says every window, every brick, every brush of paint in his paintings is part of his soul.

Mrs. Lowry, whose mother's forty-year percussive education, nearly ruined a great painter

Lori and his paintings

However, her mother was not optimistic about his paintings and felt that Lori had lost her face.

Lori cares about his mother's evaluation, he longs for her understanding, and has always dreamed of making her happy with his own paintings.

Mrs. Lowry, whose mother's forty-year percussive education, nearly ruined a great painter

However, although Lori explained his paintings to his mother over and over again, her mother never gave him any praise.

Mother said that she admired the elegant still life paintings of flowers and fruits, and that these dirty factories that Lori painted were things that could not be put on the table, and that Lori's words not only could not sell money, but also wasted paper and pencil.

Over time, her mother thought that the main culprit for Lori's absence was painting.

In order to reduce the conflict with her mother, Lori always waits for her mother to sleep before hiding in the attic to paint, and the attic at night is exclusive to Lori's world.

There everything was still, only the smell of turpentine and the hissing of gas nozzles, and a lone star outside the window looked at him in the distance.

This was his world, and he felt safe, alone.

Mrs. Lowry, whose mother's forty-year percussive education, nearly ruined a great painter

Lowry paints the industrial community near his home, where he sees railway arches and stone bridges, high chimneys spitting out black smoke day and night, whistles, workers busy...

His mother always said that he couldn't be an artist, and he didn't think of himself as an artist, he just liked to paint, and painting didn't need a mind, it needed feelings.

As Lowry climbed up the heights, he felt the vitality of the factory; as he walked into the crowd, he felt that the crowd was also the loneliest place, and in his paintings people were generally as thin as stickmen, walking ghostly in various scenes.

His paintings are always based on lead white, like the sky above his head, and then he uses four pigments, ivory black, scarlet, Prussian blue and ochre yellow, one by one.

Mrs. Lowry, whose mother's forty-year percussive education, nearly ruined a great painter

Lowry's paintings

Xu was accustomed to being struck down by his mother and local critics, and when Lori received a letter from a gallery in London, he was in a trance.

In his letter, the gallerist said he liked Lori's words and hoped to open an exhibition for him in London.

Lori repeated the letter and repeated the manuscript in his mind, how to tell his mother the good news, he could not predict how his mother would react, and her praise for him was something very strange to him.

Sure enough, this old lady was more accustomed to and liked to pour cold water on his son, she said that the rich people in London liked to deceive people, and the letter was not enough to believe, so she took him as a small encouragement for the time being, and life also needed some sweetness.

When the mother said this, her heart was bottomless, in fact, when she first heard the news, her trance was no less than Lori's own.

Under Lori's dim eyes, the mother suddenly panicked a little, afraid that her son would leave her.

But Lori never wanted to leave his mother, all he wanted was his mother's approval, and from his mother's panic, Lu Rui still felt a little relieved, as if they were back to their childhood.

A few days later, Lori was once again flattered, and her mother said she wanted to see the sailboat he had painted in his early years.

Sailing is One of Lowry's few brightly coloured works, painting his most precious memories, when he was 7 years old, he and his mother vacationed by the sea.

He remembered that shortly after that, the family had moved here, and his mother would not let him play with the workers' children, so he obediently hid behind the curtains.

At that time, his mother had not become so hysterical, he did not put on the burden of growing up, he cherished that time very much, so he painted everything down and gave it to his mother as a birthday gift a few years ago, hoping that her mother could feel the beauty of that memory.

Mrs. Lowry, whose mother's forty-year percussive education, nearly ruined a great painter

It was only when her mother saw this painting that she turned her head away, and Lori had to hang the painting on the porch.

And now lori had heard that his mother was going to see the painting, which made him vaguely feel that the bright days of the past had returned.

Mrs. Lowry, whose mother's forty-year percussive education, nearly ruined a great painter

But the reason the mother thought of the painting was because she said that a neighbor named Dorlin, who was as miserable as she was, had moved here from the upper community because she was burdened by her husband.

Doreen especially liked Lowry's sailboat, saying it was a pleasant painting that made her mother feel that there was light on her face.

The mother also said that Dorlin had also suggested that the painting should be sent to the local exhibition, and there was news in the newspaper that the exhibition was collecting works.

However, after a while, Lori came back to see her mother hysterical, it turned out that Lori in addition to sending "Sailboat" to the exhibition, unauthorized to send another "Factory Gate" also to the exhibition, and "Factory Gate" was bought by Dorin's husband.

The mother said that Dorin was angry, thinking that Lori had joined forces with her husband to tease her and deliberately bought the picture that could not be on the table, and Dorin even angrily said that he wanted to break off his relationship with his mother.

Mrs. Lowry, whose mother's forty-year percussive education, nearly ruined a great painter

The mother spoke with a nose and eyes, as if she really was a dorin person. It turned out that there was indeed such a female neighbor, and her mother had been watching her come and go for a long time, and "Factory Gate" was indeed bought, because the exhibition sent money and letters.

But it wasn't Doerin's husband who bought the painting, and even Dowling never came and never spoke to his mother.

The news of the exhibition was only what my mother saw in the newspaper, and all this was just the conjecture of an old lady who had been sick for many years, but the yin and yang mistakenly let Lori participate in the exhibition and successfully sold her own work.

Her mother was worried that Lori would leave him, thinking of giving a little good color, but she thought that Lori's work would definitely be rejected again.

Who knew that Lori also sent "Factory Gate" to the exhibition, and this painting that was incomprehensible in her mother's eyes was actually bought.

Mother felt that Lori had once again ruined her life, her neurosis had intensified, and after a sneer at Lori, she tore up the letter from the London gallerist to Lori.

This time Lori finally collapsed, he did not understand, just because some people appreciate his works, some people are willing to buy his works, his mother is not happy?

He said he would agree to the gallery owner's offer to send all his works to London. When my mother heard this, she began to question her again, saying the most vicious words of parenthood.

Lowry was shocked, he was in his 40s, and his mother actually said that she had never wanted him as a child.

He stood alive in front of her eyes, how fiercely his mother had taken the heart to deny him so much.

Mother's words were like a sharp blade, fiercely piercing into Lori's heart socket, which was the most fatal blow to Lori.

Mrs. Lowry, whose mother's forty-year percussive education, nearly ruined a great painter

Lori rushes up to the attic to burn all the paintings, and every confrontation with his mother, Lori loses.

His tears mixed with the rain flowed down, and each of his works was painted for his mother, hoping that her mother would feel relieved, but her mother really didn't care.

No one came to comfort Lori, and he poured all the gasoline on the painting, but in the end he was reluctant to light it.

If he is not painting, then what strength does he have to live? If he can't live, who will take care of his mother?

Painting has become Lori's soul, and his mother is his life, and he can't give up any of them.

After this night, Lori and her mother's life returned to its original state, continuing to live in the suffocating and oppressive ordinariness.

Lori commutes to and from work every day, taking care of her mother's diet and living, while her mother is still nitpicking.

It wasn't until the afternoon of that day that my mother suddenly said, "Can you hang Sailboat in my bedroom?" ”

The sailboat pulled the mother and son back to the beautiful beach, and the mother sighed, "At that time you were very cute, and I was very happy, but one day we will all die, the house will be demolished, no one knows that we existed, everything will be reduced to nothingness." ”

Lori said softly, "Everything will remain in the painting, forever and ever." ”

Mrs. Lowry, whose mother's forty-year percussive education, nearly ruined a great painter

In 1939, Lowry's mother died, and a year later, Lowry held a major exhibition in London, becoming one of the most popular and beloved British artists, and his paintings now sell for millions of pounds.

In 1968, Lowry was awarded the Medal and Knighthood, but Lowry refused, saying his mother's death made the honor seem meaningless.

Then today's story is over, I am deeply touched after watching this movie, and there are many parents like Lori's mother in reality, who never praise their children, but have been hitting education, which will make children fall into inferiority complexes and lack of self-confidence.

Lowry did not receive praise from his mother during his mother's lifetime, and after her mother's death, he also felt that his achievements were meaningless, and his whole life was to live for his mother, and eventually lost himself.

Mrs. Lowry, whose mother's forty-year percussive education, nearly ruined a great painter
Mrs. Lowry, whose mother's forty-year percussive education, nearly ruined a great painter

So what do you think about mother Lori's way of educating? Welcome to leave a message to discuss.

Wontons are recorded, focusing on the world's strange things, the brain hole is very large, like to remember to pay attention to me.

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