
In winter, is it better to wear a jumpsuit or a split suit for your baby? Bao Mom chose the right one, and baby is less sick

The coldest time of winter has arrived, and when the mothers take care of the baby, they are more worried, afraid that the baby will catch a cold. Especially in terms of dressing the baby, they are also more cautious.

After all, the temperature is too low now, the baby's resistance is relatively weak, once sick, it is not clear where it is uncomfortable, often making people anxious. Therefore, some mothers who are afraid of the baby's illness do not dare to wear separate clothes for the baby anymore.

In winter, is it better to wear a jumpsuit or a split suit for your baby? Bao Mom chose the right one, and baby is less sick

Wear a bodybreaker in winter, and the baby is prone to illness

In order to take good care of the baby in winter, when Bao Ma Xiaoyu visited the mall, she specially bought a jumpsuit for the baby. Bao Mom found that the split clothes that the baby wore before were OK in the summer, but the baby wore them in the winter, and as soon as he crawled on the ground, his waist was exposed.

Moreover, the baby has been a little strange lately, with inexplicable diarrhea and loose stools for several days. As soon as the mother feeds the baby to drink hot water, the baby's stomach still grunts badly. Mom suspected that this was the baby catching a cold. Therefore, I thought of quickly changing the baby's clothes, and I could no longer wear separate clothes for the baby.

In winter, is it better to wear a jumpsuit or a split suit for your baby? Bao Mom chose the right one, and baby is less sick

Dress your baby in separate clothes, although there are many kinds of benefits. For example, it is very convenient when changing diapers. Some babies are young in age, change diapers several times a day, and wear a split suit without taking off the pants for the baby, which can prevent the baby from exposing the legs and getting cold. In addition, wearing a bodycoat has an advantage, the baby's movement is more natural, not like the binding of wearing a jumpsuit is too strong, too heavy, causing the baby to move so clumsily. Babies wear split clothes and move more dexterously.

However, it is not a proper thing to wear split clothes for the baby in the winter, so that the baby can easily get sick.

In winter, is it better to wear a jumpsuit or a split suit for your baby? Bao Mom chose the right one, and baby is less sick

In winter, babies wear split clothes, which have many drawbacks:

Breathable, baby is easy to cold

The split clothes are warm and a little airy. For example, the crotch of the pants is exposed, or the baby is exposed when crawling, and the legs of some split clothes are thin and short, and the baby is prone to leaking feet. At these times, the baby is prone to wind and cold, and may have stomach pain, cold body parts, cold and other sick situations.

The abdomen is uncomfortable and the sleep is unstable

Winter split clothes, generally have elastic bands on the waistband. In order to make the baby tie the pants, the general design may be a little tight. In addition, in the winter, the baby wears thick and eats a lot normally, but the amount of exercise is not as good as in the summer, and it is likely to have a stronger feeling of fullness. Therefore, some babies sleep in a split suit, sleeping unsteadily and very uncomfortable.

In winter, is it better to wear a jumpsuit or a split suit for your baby? Bao Mom chose the right one, and baby is less sick

Of course, this is not to say that you can't wear split clothes for your baby in winter. After all, there are many advantages to giving the baby a split dress. However, in general, from the perspective of the baby's health, it is best for the mother to wear the baby's split clothes on the inside and a layer of jumpsuits on the outside in the winter.

Do you wear a split or a jumpsuit in winter? If you want your baby to get sick less, it is recommended to wear it this way

If you feel, there is no choice between wearing a split suit and a jumpsuit. Then, you may wish to refer to it and arrange it for your baby according to this method.

Wear your baby's split clothes on the inside, and then put on a one-piece of clothing on the outside. This combination of wearing can keep the baby warm, and it is relatively more convenient for the mother to take care of the baby.

In winter, is it better to wear a jumpsuit or a split suit for your baby? Bao Mom chose the right one, and baby is less sick

Wear the split clothing inside, can facilitate the mother to change the baby diaper is not wet, so that when the baby sleeps, the intimate clothes have a space to stretch up and down, making the baby more comfortable; wear the jumpsuit on the outside, can make the baby's warmth more layer, the baby's body is wrapped up in clothes around the body, the place where the air is ventilated is less, there will be no cold wind invading the body.

Moreover, the outer clothes are conjoined, giving the baby a feeling of being wrapped, which can make the baby have a warm experience, the sense of security can be improved, and the sleep is more stable.

In short, whether it is a split suit or a jumpsuit, as long as the baby is selected and worn correctly, the baby can get sick less.

In winter, is it better to wear a jumpsuit or a split suit for your baby? Bao Mom chose the right one, and baby is less sick

So, how do you choose clothes for your baby?

In fact, to choose clothes for the baby, or to bother more, because the baby can not communicate with the mother, if the clothes are not selected well, the baby will be very uncomfortable to wear. Choosing clothes for your baby, these three points are the key.

First, pay attention to the size of the clothes.

The baby's clothes are too large to be enough, and the baby's clothes will be sloppy when sleeping, and it is uncomfortable to press under the body. If the clothes are too small and too tight, the baby's body will be exposed and easy to be exposed to the wind and cold. Choose clothes for the baby, the focus is on the size, the combination is appropriate, must not affect the baby's activities, sleep, development.

In winter, is it better to wear a jumpsuit or a split suit for your baby? Bao Mom chose the right one, and baby is less sick

Second, the fabric is comfortable and pure cotton is the best

Whether you choose a split or a jumpsuit, remember not to prioritize the style of the clothes, but to consider the material fabric of the clothes first. Generally, it is made of pure cotton material, which is easy to wash and dry, and does not shed hair. Such clothes are safe and comfortable for babies to wear, and the mother can also be more at ease.

Third, clothes are simple and generous, and safety is important.

The clothes are simple and generous, and there is no safety hazard such as button off, so that the mother can be more assured. On this basis, if the color and style of the clothes can also make the baby very satisfied, the baby will dance and be very happy when he sees the clothes. Then, choose such clothes for the baby to wear, the baby's mood is happy, and the mother is also very happy.

In winter, is it better to wear a jumpsuit or a split suit for your baby? Bao Mom chose the right one, and baby is less sick

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