
Write the people's epic with heart and hard work

author:Xinxiang Review
Write the people's epic with heart and hard work
Write the people's epic with heart and hard work

General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed in his important speech at the opening ceremony of the Eleventh National Congress of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and the Tenth National Congress of the China Writers Association: "I hope that the vast number of literary and art workers will adhere to the people's position and write an endless people's epic." This ardent hope, full of broad people's feelings, has pointed out the direction for the vast number of literary and art workers to move forward.

Deeply understand the rich ideological connotation of "adhering to the people's position" and "life is the people, and the people are life". General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "Originating from the people, for the people, and belonging to the people, is the fundamental position of socialist literature and art, and is also the driving force for the prosperity and development of socialist literature and art." "The people are the mother of literature and art, and the growth of literature and art cannot be separated from the nourishment of the people, and there is an inexhaustible source of abundance for all literature and art among the people." Whether the vast number of literary and art workers can uphold the people's stand, whether they can harbor deep feelings for the people, and whether they can admire and praise the people's creation, dedication, and even sacrifice from the bottom of their hearts is in essence a fundamental question of "for whom to create and speak for whom." More than 70 years ago, Zhou Libo participated in the Yan'an Literary and Art Forum and listened to Comrade Mao Zedong's speech, which further strengthened his belief in exploring the road of national form of literary creation. In his essay "Thought, Life and Form", he expounded the significance of a writer's deep life for writing a good work. He said: "What matters is to take your own heart with you, to participate in work and struggle. Treat the place of work as a family, treat the masses as relatives, and advance and retreat with them, with sorrow and joy, and with love and hatred. To do so, we can write good works in the future. Zhou Libo rushed to the front line full of enthusiasm, took a gun in one hand, created with the other hand, and wrote "Battlefield Diary" in the smoke and gunfire. In August 1946, he went deep into the front line of land reform and resolutely went to Yuanbao Town, Shangzhi County, Heilongjiang Province to lead the land reform work, and wrote "The Tempest". In September 1955, he and his family moved from the capital Beijing back to Taohualun Township in Yiyang County to participate in the establishment of high-level agricultural cooperatives, and spent 7 years writing a huge work "Great Changes in Mountain Townships". His flesh-and-blood connection with the people and the artistic practice of co-creating a new life vividly interpret the profound ideological connotation of adhering to the people's position. Zhou Libo's realistic creative spirit of "going to the masses" and "going to the fiery struggle" to absorb nutrition, find materials, and refine themes is always worth learning and carrying forward.

Deeply understand the historical orientation of literature and art, and firmly grasp the theme of the times of national rejuvenation. Today, socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era, and the comprehensive construction of a moderately prosperous society has been completed as scheduled, and the first centenary goal has been achieved. Under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, a new journey to achieve the second centenary goal has begun. The new journey of the new era is the historical orientation of contemporary Chinese literature and art, and national rejuvenation is the theme of the times in today's China. Realizing the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is a long-term and arduous great cause. The vast number of literary and art workers must not only have a strong sense of mission to devote themselves to this great cause, but also have the courage to be witnesses and participants in this great process. In this historical orientation, there are magnificent great changes, rapid changes, a new atmosphere of openness and innovation, a grand narrative and a brand-new spiritual outlook of the broad masses of the people working together with one heart and one mind to build a socialist modern power, and the land of China is jumping at every moment to create new lives and new miracles, bursting out the surging passion of painting new pictures, and transmitting the beautiful yearning and magnificent strength of upward goodness and beauty. Only when the broad masses of literary and art workers are sober-minded and have a clear direction, find the correct historical orientation, firmly grasp the theme of the times, and integrate their own life pursuits and artistic lives with the future of the country, the destiny of the nation, and the aspirations of the people can they hold high the banner of the people's literature and art, carry forward the spirit of the times, promote their careers with literature, cultivate their lives with literature, establish their hearts with literature, and cast their souls with literature; on the new journey, they can truly sink their hearts, feelings, and thoughts into the people, feel the pulse of the times and the brilliance of life together with the people, and sing songs for the times and the people.

Deeply understand the logical relationship between adhering to artistic ideals and carrying forward the right path and pursuing the value of life. General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: "The vast number of literary and art workers should emphasize taste, style, and responsibility, consciously abide by the law, follow public order and good customs, consciously resist money worship, hedonism, and extreme individualism, and behave in an upright and upright manner and do things innocently." "Facts have proved that whether an artist can establish the core values of socialism, truly adhere to artistic ideals, carry forward the right path, and pursue both virtue and art determines the ideological depth, artistic height and aesthetic thickness of his works." For some time now, the reason why in the field of literature and art and in social life has appeared the phenomenon of seeking speed, chasing after false names, vulgarity, vulgarity, and kitsch, and some people have even become makers, followers, and advocates of unhealthy trends, is because these people regard their own cultivation as a private matter, do not cherish their reputation as writers and artists, have no reverence for art, and do not have a sincere heart for professions. Goethe said, "In art and poetry, personality is everything." "From my own creative practice, I have experienced that the ideological and artistic quality of the work is determined by the author's personality, ideology, morality, and artistic accomplishment. The practical process of going deep into life and writing is actually tempering the writer's own personality, ideological character and artistic talent. In order to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the CPC, I created the movie "He Shuheng", and I went to Ningxiang in Hunan, Ruijin in Jiangxi, Changting in Fujian and other places for interviews, inspections, research and discussions, and directly felt the living conditions of the older generation of revolutionaries in the years of hardship and hardship and revolutionary struggle, their feelings for home and country, and their spirit of struggle. In those days, He Shuheng's heroic feats of strengthening his faith, daring to struggle, not fearing sacrifice, and finally shedding the last drop of blood for the Soviets were always educating me, enlightening me, infecting me, and shaping me. This process is actually the process of undergoing a vivid and profound revolutionary education in faith. This is a process in which party members and writers strengthen the tempering of party spirit and consciously discipline themselves and cast their souls. I have always believed that only in this way can we truly remember the ardent hopes of the party and the people and write the people's epic poems of the new era with heart and soul.

(Excerpted from Xinxiang Review, No. 2, 2022)

Write the people's epic with heart and hard work

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