
After Zhao Mingcheng's death, Li Qingzhao missed her husband's lonely pillow on a rainy night, and she wrote down the most beautiful loneliness

Some people say: You can escape the night of singing to the wine, and you can't escape the street where no one is around.

This loneliness has always been with us, and it is actually the norm for a person to be alone. As you get older, this loneliness will become more and more intense, and you don't feel it when you are busy, but when you are idle, this loneliness will arise spontaneously.

It's like working and going to school in the field, watching the outside world shine and green, watching other people's relatives accompanying them, thinking of their parents at home, really tears are going to fall. Wang Zengqi once said: "The family sits idly, and the lights are amiable." "This is the simplest happiness. However, the reality is that they have to leave their homes in order to survive.

This loneliness has always existed, both now and in ancient times a thousand years ago. The despair of the homeland and the grief of the death of the loved ones made Li Qingzhao extremely lonely, and this loneliness was difficult to dispel, and no one could speak of it. There is a way that it is difficult to sleep alone, not to mention that it is still raining this night, which is even more sad. Therefore, in such a time when the night rain was annoying, Li Qingzhao wrote a poem "Adding Words ugly slaves".

After Zhao Mingcheng's death, Li Qingzhao missed her husband's lonely pillow on a rainy night, and she wrote down the most beautiful loneliness

Who planted banana trees in front of the window, the atrium was shady.

Yin is full of atrium, leaf leaves are hearted, and shu rolls have more than clear.

Sad pillow on the three more rain, dripping rain.

Little by little, I am saddened by the northerners, and I am not used to getting up and listening.

At the time of writing this poem, Li Qingzhao was already alone and forced to leave his hometown. At this time, her husband Zhao Mingcheng had died, and in order to survive, she had to leave her homeland and travel from the north to the south. After coming here, the people around me don't know, the place where they live is unfamiliar, everything is strange, and everything is not used to.

How much courage does it take for a person to leave a familiar place and come to a place that is completely unfamiliar? But what can Li Qingzhao do? The family is broken, the place is wandering, and the fate is confusing.

It was late at night, and looking out of the window from the house, several banana trees stretched their branches in the rain, and there was a ticking sound. I don't know who planted a few banana trees in this courtyard, which grew particularly luxuriantly, and the banana leaves covered the entire courtyard, looking gloomy and gloomy.

Looking at the banana leaves outside the river, one by one stretched and interdependent with the leaf heart, piece by piece, side by side, people could not shake their eyes.

After Zhao Mingcheng's death, Li Qingzhao missed her husband's lonely pillow on a rainy night, and she wrote down the most beautiful loneliness

Looking back on the past, it is really lonely and sleepless. This full of sorrow disturbed people to sleep, but it rained at these three o'clock, bit by bit, as if knocking on people's hearts, and there was a faint pain. Is there such a night in the homeland? Such rain? I couldn't get used to the disturbing sound, but I had no choice but to get up in my clothes and stand by the window.

A person left his hometown and survived a long and uneventful night, but he could not survive the night rain of three more bananas. Bit by bit, it's all sad. The difficulty of returning to the homeland is sorrow, the separation of relatives is sorrow, even this courtyard is deeply sad, and the rain hits the plantain, and it is even more sorrowful.

It seems that any plant, stained with rain, can always make people more worried, rain hit the plantain, fell into the poem, it became "a little bit of plantain heartbreak, the sound of the original memory." It became "autumn windy, rainy and harmonious, plantains outside the curtain three or two, the night long man! "It became" The window knew the night rain, and the plantain sounded first. ”

Li Qingzhao has nostalgia for his homeland in his heart, and he also has concerns about people. In the middle of the night, I couldn't sleep. I have some thoughts in my heart, every bit of the window is sad, the homeland is difficult to return, the hometown is difficult to find, the old people are difficult to see, all this is unbearable to look back, how can you sleep with peace of mind?

Who planted the banana tree in front of the window? Unprovoked provoked people to add to the sadness. But no one answered the question. Looking at the picture of the rain hitting the plantain outside the window, it is as if I see myself, like a leaf of duckweed drifting with the water, and I don't know what will happen in the future.

After Zhao Mingcheng's death, Li Qingzhao missed her husband's lonely pillow on a rainy night, and she wrote down the most beautiful loneliness

But Li Qingzhao was just a weak woman, and she was alone in this chaotic world. Life has faded from its original stability and brought endless suffering. When there are relatives in her presence, she can still be spoiled, with the shyness of her daughter's family, just like "and shyness, leaning on the door to look back, but sniffing the green plum." ”

When her husband was alive, she was still a delicate and bright woman, such as "I am afraid that Lang guessed that slave noodles are not as good as flower noodles." The clouds are slanted, and the disciples want to teach Lang Bi and look. ”

But time passed, and the relatives and husbands were gone. She was the only one left to walk in this world. That delicate and bright woman had long since passed away with her homeland and relatives. To this day, the imperial court is also crumbling, the little green plum in that verse has fallen, only the plantain is stretched, the old person is gone, leaving her alone in the world, this kind of loneliness and pity for others is incomprehensible.

At this time, Li Qingzhao was like a leaf of duckweed, floating and heavy, involuntarily, even if she was no longer willing to leave her homeland, she had to cross south with the imperial court; even if she was no longer willing to part with her husband, she had no way to stop Zhao Mingcheng's departure. All of this, she was involuntarily. The hatred of the country and the family surged into her heart, pressing her breathlessly, but what could she do?

She is just a woman, she has no identity to gallop on the battlefield, nor does she have the ability to turn clouds and rain, all she does is to use her talents and leave one song after another.

After Zhao Mingcheng's death, Li Qingzhao missed her husband's lonely pillow on a rainy night, and she wrote down the most beautiful loneliness

The sound of the rain gradually increased, and the banana leaves in front of the window became more emerald green under the wash of the rain, and I was afraid that tomorrow, the leaves would cover the entire courtyard. Little by little, this rain dripped into the hearts of the homeless, into the dreams of the people of Nandu.

Every night without sleep is a particularly long time, and it is precisely in this time of silence that there is time to slowly recall the past.

Especially the travelers who have wandered away from home, whenever they come to this time, they look back on the past, they are beautiful and nostalgic. The landscapes and rivers of my hometown are always so beautiful, and even the noisy neighbors of the past are so amiable.

Every person who is wandering away from home has a deep concern for his hometown and relatives. Sometimes when I think about it, I really can't sleep all night and toss and turn, and even tears fall like rain.

It's not pretentiousness, it's just a deep concern for them. In this world, everyone has everyone's troubles, and loneliness is always shadowy and inevitable.

After Zhao Mingcheng's death, Li Qingzhao missed her husband's lonely pillow on a rainy night, and she wrote down the most beautiful loneliness

Tonight, the rain fell three times, and there was a plantain as the guide, Li Qingzhao just took this opportunity to express the sorrow in his heart for several days, and found a trace of comfort in the sound of the night rain, in the memory, in the words and sentences, so as to offset this long and lonely night. Sorrow and joy are always merciless, and every bit is the voice of the heart.

Let this rain of three o'clock bring the dream of returning to the homeland, bring the dream of the reunion of relatives, and coax her to sleep.

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