
The suicide note of the 21-year-old pregnant woman was exposed, and I saw the most unbearable truth after becoming a mother...

Hello everyone, I'm Mommy.

Bad news came: the pregnant woman who had been missing for 24 days in Anhui had been confirmed dead.

A 21-year-old young mother and unborn child are buried in the bones of winter water.

The suicide note of the 21-year-old pregnant woman was exposed, and I saw the most unbearable truth after becoming a mother...

In her suicide note, she wrote:

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry for all of you.

Continuing to live is also a drag, and I am not interested in living myself, so I want to leave this world.

If you don't want to be bothered anymore, just let me die in the river."

Don't collect my body. ”

Although it is impossible to know what happened to her, it can be seen that she is trapped in a pessimistic and world-weary mood.

The suicide note of the 21-year-old pregnant woman was exposed, and I saw the most unbearable truth after becoming a mother...

Many netizens believe that emotional instability during pregnancy, coupled with pressure from other aspects, led to her emotional collapse and light birth. If her family had cared more about her, maybe none of this would have happened.

After the tragedy, many people realized that pregnant women not only suffered physical pain, but also suffered from negative emotions.

I don't know if you have found that family members tend to pay more attention to the diet of pregnant women, and their emotions are easy to ignore.

A man asks for help online: what if the wife is too grumpy?

He said: The wife who is 5 months pregnant has too much temper, I really can't help but beat my wife, what should I do if my wife hurts herself, do I want a divorce?

The suicide note of the 21-year-old pregnant woman was exposed, and I saw the most unbearable truth after becoming a mother...

Click in with sympathy, scold and grin out. Is beating a pregnant wife still a person?

Many people, like him, feel that pregnant women are emotionally sensitive and pretentious.

In fact, due to changes in physiology, life, identity and other aspects, pregnant women are under great psychological pressure, and their emotions are inevitably affected.

My friend Fangfang was 30 weeks pregnant, and I went to visit her and found her completely unhappy.

She let out a long sigh and told me she was in a bad mood lately:

After pregnancy, I am unwell, I have no appetite for eating, I feel that everything is not going well... Every day, I worry that I can't afford to be a good mother, and I am afraid that I will live up to the little life in my belly.

The suicide note of the 21-year-old pregnant woman was exposed, and I saw the most unbearable truth after becoming a mother...

I reassured her not to be anxious and talked with her for a while before she relaxed.

Many expectant mothers are sensitive, irritable, and even inexplicably shed tears after pregnancy, and this sense of loss of control makes them feel overwhelmed.

A netizen said that she was very sticky to her husband in the first trimester.

By the third trimester, the figure is out of shape, frequent urination, constipation is serious, and the skin is deteriorating... This made her very irritable.

Although her husband was very kind to her, he inexplicably did not like him, and even had the idea of divorce.

She wondered: Obviously I love him very much, why did she become like this?

The suicide note of the 21-year-old pregnant woman was exposed, and I saw the most unbearable truth after becoming a mother...

I don't want to tell you that I felt this way when I was pregnant. At that time, I was trapped in negative emotions and could not get out, in order to find out this situation, I took the initiative to consult a psychologist.

Doctors say that pregnancy is affected by hormones and the body is more sensitive to emotions, so pregnant women care more about their emotions than before, so they often feel unhappy.

From the day we get pregnant, we have an intimate connection with the little life in our bodies. Our every move is closely related to the safety of the fetus.

If negative emotions are not alleviated, it will not only affect the health of pregnant women, but also affect fetal development.

The suicide note of the 21-year-old pregnant woman was exposed, and I saw the most unbearable truth after becoming a mother...
The suicide note of the 21-year-old pregnant woman was exposed, and I saw the most unbearable truth after becoming a mother...

This results in increased difficulty in childbirth

Did you know that pregnancy emotions affect childbirth?

Bad mood will make pregnant women secrete more adrenaline, break the acid-base balance, may trigger fetal hypoxia, leading to premature birth, miscarriage, low weight and other dangerous conditions.

Not only that, but there is more anxiety during pregnancy and a higher likelihood of depression after childbirth.

The suicide note of the 21-year-old pregnant woman was exposed, and I saw the most unbearable truth after becoming a mother...

Affects fetal development

Excessive mental stress in pregnant women affects fetal growth and development.

A Danish team studied 3560 pregnant women and the results showed:

Pregnant women are mentally disturbed or anxious, and the fetus is much more likely to suffer from cleft lip and palate; the fetus may also have physiological deformities such as small head circumference.

The University of California analyzed 656 mothers and children, and the results showed that the worse the mother's mood during pregnancy, the higher the probability of the child suffering from cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

The suicide note of the 21-year-old pregnant woman was exposed, and I saw the most unbearable truth after becoming a mother...

Negative emotions also affect the development of the fetal nervous system and immune system.

We all know that the nervous system and immune system directly affect a person's intelligence and physique. This effect is not easy to detect during pregnancy, but it really affects the child's life.

Affect the child's personality

You may ask: The child's personality is cultivated, what does it have to do with emotions?

In fact, pregnancy emotions can really affect your baby's personality.

Personality cannot be separated from acquired cultivation, but the innate influence cannot be ignored.

The suicide note of the 21-year-old pregnant woman was exposed, and I saw the most unbearable truth after becoming a mother...

Studies have shown that when mothers suffer from depression during pregnancy, children are more likely to suffer from psychiatric disorders such as autism, hyperactivity, and bipolar disorder. The more negative emotions there are, the higher the proportion of children who are sick.

So it's really important to have good mood during pregnancy. If you also have negative emotions such as anxiety, bad temper, and irritability, you may wish to try the following methods.

The suicide note of the 21-year-old pregnant woman was exposed, and I saw the most unbearable truth after becoming a mother...

Musical healing

Soothing music regulates breathing and heart rate, helps us relieve stress and improve anxiety.

When I was pregnant, my doctor advised me to listen to more music. I was playing drums in my heart: Does this really work?

However, the effect was unexpectedly good - when I was thinking wildly, listening to soothing music, the whole person softened, and the anxiety and boredom were swept away.

The suicide note of the 21-year-old pregnant woman was exposed, and I saw the most unbearable truth after becoming a mother...

Come and take a trip

After the birth of the child, we will have a long time to travel, why not go to see the scenery during pregnancy?

Traveling during pregnancy can be very relaxing and allowing you to forget your troubles for a while.

Of course, not the entire pregnancy period is suitable for travel. Pregnancy from April to May is the best period, when the fetus is relatively stable.

It should be noted that do not choose too far to travel, it is best to play around the city for 1 to 2 days, one-way do not exceed 2 hours, and plan the route in advance to ensure smooth driving.

The suicide note of the 21-year-old pregnant woman was exposed, and I saw the most unbearable truth after becoming a mother...

Anxiety transfer

The root of pregnancy's emotions is that thinking too much, thinking too much, is easy to be anxious.

Anxious fat figure is difficult to recover, anxious stretch marks will always remain on the stomach, anxiety has not mastered enough parenting knowledge, anxiety is not able to be a good mother...

The best way to cope with anxiety is "anxiety transfer", doing crafts, watching TV, or reading a book... Do something lighthearted and enjoyable to distract your attention.

The suicide note of the 21-year-old pregnant woman was exposed, and I saw the most unbearable truth after becoming a mother...

The family understands

In addition to pregnant women need to take the initiative to regulate their emotions, the most important thing is the understanding and help of their families.

Realize that pregnant women's emotional ups and downs are normal phenomena, take care of her body, but also pay more attention to her psychological state, be more tolerant and considerate, and do less things that will cause them to have mood swings.

Xie Na talked about Zhang Jie's careful care for her during pregnancy, and she was full of emotions.

The suicide note of the 21-year-old pregnant woman was exposed, and I saw the most unbearable truth after becoming a mother...

Zhang Jie will prepare cookies for her to relieve morning sickness, coax her to sleep, give her comfort... The husband's care and support is an important force for Xena to maintain her calm.

I also hope that the fathers-to-be can take the initiative to take responsibility, do what they can, accompany the birth examination on time, do the food she likes to eat, prepare the maternity bag, and patiently understand her... A hug, a word of relief can make her feel much better.

If none of the above methods can make your mood better, remember to consult a psychologist in time. Allowing pessimism to spread may develop into depression, affecting the physical and mental health of mothers and children.

The suicide note of the 21-year-old pregnant woman was exposed, and I saw the most unbearable truth after becoming a mother...

Pregnancy is a long tug-of-war that makes people look forward to it and inevitably brings anxiety.

I hope that pregnant mothers can generously talk about unhappiness and do not digest emotions alone.

I also want you to be "selfish" and try to make life fun and pleasing yourself.

When you are irritable, you may wish to touch your stomach, feel that a small life is being conceived in the body, and when you think that this little guy will trust himself unconditionally, you will feel that the trivialities of those lives are not a big deal.

The suicide note of the 21-year-old pregnant woman was exposed, and I saw the most unbearable truth after becoming a mother...

Remember to light up "Watching" and share it with more people.

What other good ways do you regulate your emotions? Welcome to leave a message to share with you.

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