
Cold Festival, please let your child know about these traditional cultures! Transfer to parents!

Today, we have ushered in the "Great Cold" festival, which coincides with the fourth day of "April Nine". At this time, although the weather is still cold, the harsh winter is at the end of the moon, and it is a good spring time of the year. Today, please do these 5 things with your child

Cold Festival, please let your child know about these traditional cultures! Transfer to parents!

1. Tell the child the meaning of the big cold

The Great Cold is the last of the twenty-four solar terms. The sun has a yellow longitude of 300°; it is celebrated on January 20-21 of the Gregorian calendar. Big cold, like small cold, is also a solar term that indicates the degree of coldness of the weather, and big cold is the meaning of cold weather to the extreme.

The Great Cold is the last of the twenty-four solar terms, and after the Great Cold and the Spring, that is, the new year's solar cycle is ushered in. The New Year's Festival is just around the beginning of the spring, and the taste of the cold is getting stronger and stronger. Due to the proximity of the Spring Festival, this festival period is full of joy and joy, which is a cheerful and relaxed festival.

Cold Festival, please let your child know about these traditional cultures! Transfer to parents!

During this festival, people began to busily remove the old and decorate the new, pickle the wax flavored New Year dishes, and prepare the New Year goods, because Chinese the most important festival, the Spring Festival, is coming.

2. Tell your child about the three cold weather

Wait for the chicken to start milking

"Chicken milk" on the day of the great cold,

The chicken perceives the yang of spring in advance,

Start hatching the chicks.

The second migratory bird is fiercely ill

Five days after the great cold, "the birds are fierce",

Birds such as falcons,

In a state of extreme predatory ability,

Hovering in the air looking for food,

To replenish the body's energy against the cold.

Mizusawa belly is strong

Five more days "Mizusawa Belly",

It's freezing up and down,

Extremely cold,

According to the principle of the extreme reaction of things,

Spring aquatic life in the depths of the ice,

Frozen to the extreme,

It's about to start to melt.

Cold Festival, please let your child know about these traditional cultures! Transfer to parents!

3. Tell your child about the customs of the Great Cold Festival

The so-called "Great Cold New Year", that is, the period from the Great Cold to the Lunar New Year, there will be a series of activities in the folk, which can be summarized as at least ten major customs.

The customs are: "glutinous food", "indulgence", "making teeth", "sweeping dust", "pasting windows", "waxing", "rushing to get married", "taking advantage of the ruins", "bathing", "pasting the new year red" and so on.

Cold Festival, please let your child know about these traditional cultures! Transfer to parents!

Eat sticky rice

It is a traditional custom to eat sticky rice in the morning to drive away the cold. Folk believe that glutinous rice has a higher sugar content than rice, and the whole body feels warm after eating, which is conducive to driving away cold.

In addition, sticky rice means warmth, and from the beginning of the year to the end of the year, "warm Kasa", it is even more auspicious.

Eat "chill cake"

"Cold cake" is a kind of rice cake, not only because of its glutinous rice than rice sugar content is higher, after eating the whole body feels warm, has the effect of warming the wind and cold, moisturizing the lungs and spleen and stomach.

Moreover, the people choose to eat rice cakes on the day of "big cold", and there is also the meaning of "high year", with auspicious wishes, annual peace, and good color heads that rise step by step.

Cold Festival, please let your child know about these traditional cultures! Transfer to parents!

Tail Tooth Festival

The customs of some places in the south of the mainland, every time from the cold to the spring, there are many important folk customs and festivals, such as the tail tooth festival. Tail teeth originate from the custom of worshipping the land as "teeth". Tail teeth are mainly popular in the southeast coast, especially in southern Fujian.

4. Prepare New Year goods with your children to welcome the New Year

As soon as the cold came, the Spring Festival was getting closer and closer, and people began to follow the traditional customs of sweeping the house to remove dust, remove the old cloth and the new, make New Year dishes, and buy New Year goods, looking forward to family reunion.

Let children participate in the year-end cleaning, new year goods procurement, and children's window cutting flowers, writing lucky characters, etc., all these beautiful and interesting bits and pieces will make children fall in love with traditional culture and feel the warmth of family reunion.

Cold Festival, please let your child know about these traditional cultures! Transfer to parents!

5. Give your child a warm hug

The cold weather is freezing, don't forget to give your child a warm hug. In the hug, let the child feel loved, trusted, and supported.

Dear Mom and Dad, please don't skimp on your hugs and love, less anxiety, criticism and scolding, and leave your child with a sweet winter memory.

Cold Festival, please let your child know about these traditional cultures! Transfer to parents!

When children are fully feeling the taste of the New Year, they must be careful to withstand the cold, and welcome the arrival of the Spring Festival with good health and health!

* Statement: Most of the pictures and text in this article come from the Network, compiled and edited by the small editor of the kindergarten teacher service platform, focusing on sharing excellent educational concepts, if there is infringement, please leave a message in the background to contact and delete.

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