
The Three Kingdoms of Eastern Wu the least existential? With such a person in charge, does Eastern Wu have the reason for immortality?

Eastern Wu was finally destroyed by the Western Jin Dynasty. One of the reasons is that the last emperor of Eastern Wu, Sun Hao, did what he did, because his impetus was even more "ferocious" than the enemy's siege, and the demise of Eastern Wu became a matter of course.

Sun Haoqi was once because of his "talent and discernment, the king of Changsha Huan." Coupled with being eager to learn and obeying the law", and was supported by the Jiangdong Shi clan, please go back to be the Emperor of Eastern Wu. If you want to know the Huan King of Changsha, it is Sun Ce who created the foundation of Jiangdong

The Three Kingdoms of Eastern Wu the least existential? With such a person in charge, does Eastern Wu have the reason for immortality?

A man with sun ce talent, who is also eager to learn and abide by the law, and who is also proud, should have become a "good" emperor who was supported by the people and made meritorious achievements, but he became the king of the subjugated country. What did Sun Hao do to make Eastern Wu so dead?

First, my fate is not up to me

Sun Hao was originally qualified to be emperor. In the same year that Sun Hao was born, his father Sun He was officially established as the Prince of Eastern Wu, and as long as there were no accidents, when his grandfather, Sun Quan, the founding emperor of Eastern Wu, died, his father could justifiably ascend the throne, and by then, he was only one step away from the throne.

The Three Kingdoms of Eastern Wu the least existential? With such a person in charge, does Eastern Wu have the reason for immortality?

Unexpectedly, this accident did come earlier than tomorrow. When Sun Hao was 8 years old, because of his involvement in the "Nanlu Party Struggle", his father Sun He's position as crown prince was deposed, and the young Sun Hao was exiled to his hometown with his father.

The life that was originally promising suddenly became the life of a prisoner of the order. Nominally Sun He was given the title of Prince of Nanyang, but after moving to Changsha, the family was effectively placed under house arrest. In all the dynasties and dynasties, the defeated side in the party struggle has not ended well. At that time, Sun Hao's family lived every day trembling and trembling, lest a catastrophe be imminent and their lives would not be guaranteed.

The Three Kingdoms of Eastern Wu the least existential? With such a person in charge, does Eastern Wu have the reason for immortality?

But it is useless to be afraid, and it is really impossible to hide from it. In 253, Emperor Sun Jun of Eastern Wu launched a coup d'état, and fearing that Sun He would return to compete for the throne, he found an excuse to strip Sun He of his title and give Sun He suicide. As soon as Sun He died, his wife Zhang Shi also committed suicide. Sun Hao suddenly became an orphan.

At this time, the Eastern Wu regime was in chaos, but it was really a farce that I appeared before you sang. After Sun Jun, Sun Liang's ass was abolished before the dragon chair could be warmed, and Sun Xiu, who had gotten rid of him, became emperor for a few years before he fell ill and died.

The Three Kingdoms of Eastern Wu the least existential? With such a person in charge, does Eastern Wu have the reason for immortality?

According to the reason, this throne should be passed to Sun Xiu's son, but the courtiers discussed that the prince was really young, coupled with the turmoil of the times, I was afraid that I could not keep the throne, so it was better to choose an older person to be the emperor, and everyone could be stable for a while. As a result, Sun Hao, as Sun Quan's eldest grandson, was put on the throne.

Fate is like a circle, and the ones that go around are circled back. I don't know if sun hao was thinking in his heart when he sat on the throne, "I don't want to prove how great I am, I just want to tell you that what I lost must be taken back." ”

The Three Kingdoms of Eastern Wu the least existential? With such a person in charge, does Eastern Wu have the reason for immortality?

Second, the subjugation of the country depends entirely on these three points

When Sun Hao became emperor, at the beginning he really had a little "remarkable" meaning. In 264, Sun Hao declared himself emperor and changed his name to Yuan Xing. In order to maintain the stability of the dynasty, Sun Hao, who succeeded to the throne, first granted amnesty to the world as a sign of his leniency, and then gave a large reward to ensure the loyalty of his courtiers, especially to those outstanding contributors who contributed to recommending him to be emperor.

In addition, according to the "Biography of Jiang Biao", Sun Hao also "issued a good edict, compassion for the people, opened a warehouse, and revitalized the poor", and at the same time, released many palace women in the palace to alleviate the situation of more men and fewer women in the Eastern Wu marriage market. The release of animals and animals from the royal hunting ground has replenished the situation in the mountains and forests where there is no hunting. For this move, everyone in Eastern Wu praised him as "Emperor Shengming".

The Three Kingdoms of Eastern Wu the least existential? With such a person in charge, does Eastern Wu have the reason for immortality?

Seeing that Eastern Wu is about to become better and better, from then on to embark on the Kangzhuang Avenue of national prosperity and people's strength, and may be able to compete with the Western Jin Dynasty in the future. But sun hao is after all sun quan's true grandson, and when personal rights are no longer constrained, the matter of pretending to be a grandson is too lazy to do.

The fox tail that gradually appears is concentrated on the three articles of "tyrannical governance, great ambition and talent, and arrogance and luxury". Only a year after Sun Hao succeeded to the throne, he killed Puyang Xing and Zhang Bu, who had once supported him as emperor, because they "heard" that the two had remorse for the matter. Killing Xu Shao was only "hearing" that when he went on an envoy to the Jin Dynasty, he praised Zhongyuan a few words.

The Three Kingdoms of Eastern Wu the least existential? With such a person in charge, does Eastern Wu have the reason for immortality?

Sun Hao forced the assassination of many of the clansmen, including Empress Zhu, the wife of the former emperor Sun Xiu, and the older two of Sun Xiu's four sons. In the more than 20 years that he was emperor, the killing of courtiers and the persecution of their families were endless. No wonder Chen Shou criticized in the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms": Hao's adulterous punishment is indiscriminate, and the number of exiles who have been killed is innumerable.

In terms of conquest, Sun Hao did not stop. It is estimated that when the emperor had military power, he became "a rat with a pole on his waist and a heart to fight a cat." Sun Hao declared himself emperor in the 4th year and led Eastern Wu in the Northern Expedition against the Jin Dynasty. However, this Northern Expedition did not have Zhuge Liang's Revival of the Han Dynasty, as a political banner, and never measured the strength of the enemy and ourselves. In his view, "Lao Tzu wants to fight" is the best reason.

The Three Kingdoms of Eastern Wu the least existential? With such a person in charge, does Eastern Wu have the reason for immortality?

As a result, the Northern Expedition lasted for 10 years, conquest every year, and almost did not taste victory. Everyone in the world understands that to fight a war is to fight supplies and to fight national strength, but compared with the Western Jin Dynasty, the strength of the two countries is very different, and Eastern Wu cannot afford to consume it at all. But this is a battle that cannot be fought, and it concerns the unification of the world. Even if Sun Hao did not send troops now, in the future, the western Jin army would sharpen its swords to the east.

Since this is the case, as an emperor, it is okay to save some money, you can spend one more day to count one day, maybe there are variables in the sky. But Sun Hao was still arrogant and corrupt. Not only did they re-expand the harem beauties by thousands, but they also indulged in wine all day long. In order to have fun, Sun Hao made all kinds of gold and silver jewelry for the concubines of the harem to wear and sumo wrestling for fun.

The Three Kingdoms of Eastern Wu the least existential? With such a person in charge, does Eastern Wu have the reason for immortality?

At the same time, Sun Hao also built a large number of civil engineering, including Lady Zuo, who was favored by herself, built an extremely luxurious mausoleum, and also built an unknown number of funerary items. In order to mourn this favored concubine for half a year, Sun Hao did not go to the court for half a year, causing panic among the people of the government and the public, thinking that he had died.

But there is nothing more outrageous than that. Only because he heard that Jingzhou had a royal spirit, which was not conducive to the current capital, he wanted to move to the old capital of Wuchang. But it didn't take long for Sun Hao to miss Jianye's good coming, and then, haohao, he moved back again. Ordinary people spend half a day moving, but this is a capital move. After tossing and turning for more than a year, laboring the people and hurting money, and consuming a lot of manpower and material resources.

The Three Kingdoms of Eastern Wu the least existential? With such a person in charge, does Eastern Wu have the reason for immortality?

At this time, Sun Hao was no longer the lord of the people who saw people and boasted, but the dimwit and tyrant who was disappointed by the people. His perverse behavior is tantamount to adding a lot of dirt to the pit he dug for himself. If such a kingdom is not dead, then it is called no heavenly reason.

Third, must Eastern Wu die?

In the third year of Jianheng, that is, in 271 AD, nine years before Sun Hao surrendered to the Western Jin Dynasty, an outrageous thing happened. There was a man named Diao Xuan, who said that he himself had broken the heavens through numerology, and came up with a proverb: "The yellow flag and purple cover are found in the southeast, and there will eventually be the one under the heavens, jing and Yang." ”。

The Three Kingdoms of Eastern Wu the least existential? With such a person in charge, does Eastern Wu have the reason for immortality?

This means that the time has come for the old Sun family of Eastern Wu to unify the world. In order to support this unreliable remark, he also claimed to have heard the nursery rhyme "Wu Tianzi is on the top" from the people who surrendered from the Western Jin Dynasty, and thought that this was an instruction given by God.

Knowing that he was the true son of heaven, Sun Hao was naturally overjoyed and could not wait to go north. He also brought his mother, wife, and harem beauty Sanqian, since it was the highlight of his life, how could he have no witnesses.

The Three Kingdoms of Eastern Wu the least existential? With such a person in charge, does Eastern Wu have the reason for immortality?

Alas, this is like a king, compared with the calm and vicious politicians of the Sima family on the other side of the river, it is simply a giant baby. Wu Zhihong once said that there is only one other person in the whole world of the giant baby, and the whole world must be centered on his own will. He does not accept the difference, and the difference is the enemy of the world.

Sun Hao's various performances after becoming emperor, his tyrannical governance, his ambition and talent, and his arrogance and extravagance all show his level of psychological development, which is still a 6-month-old baby. And his tyrannical temperament comes from his experience before he became emperor.

The Three Kingdoms of Eastern Wu the least existential? With such a person in charge, does Eastern Wu have the reason for immortality?

An 11-year-old child suddenly fell from a golden food to a life of displacement. What could have been an innocent childhood was full of killing machines like walking on thin ice. At the age when you need the love and protection of your parents, you have to face the bad news of your own death.

Coupled with the repeated escape from death, the shadow cast in the heart of this teenager, Sun Hao must be able to develop a normal personality and psychological state, that is strange. At this point, Qin Wang's body can also be glimpsed.

The Three Kingdoms of Eastern Wu the least existential? With such a person in charge, does Eastern Wu have the reason for immortality?

A psychologically twisted and "cunning" Sun Hao, the best ending is probably to surrender to the Western Jin Dynasty and eventually grow old in Luoyang. If in the prosperous world, the entire empire may still be able to barely support him, but it will not be so fast. Unfortunately, this is the Three Kingdoms, a chaotic world. But even if another Ming Lord becomes the emperor, it will also coincide with the prosperous world, and will Eastern Wu be able to perish?

From the modern point of view, we certainly know that the answer is of course no. Because the entire Chinese nation has always demanded reunification, this is an irreversible torrent of history. In terms of strength, Eastern Wu was really not an opponent of the Western Jin Dynasty, and even at one time, the Western Jin Dynasty did not regard Eastern Wu as an opponent.

The Three Kingdoms of Eastern Wu the least existential? With such a person in charge, does Eastern Wu have the reason for immortality?

The only question is who will carry out the unification and who will be unified. Unfortunately, Dongwu is the latter, and in the era when big fish eat small fish, the results are obvious. And Sun Hao is just the one who happened to push this historical event forward.


In 280 AD, Sun Hao imitated Liu Chan and prepared a ceremony for the fall of the country, leading 21 people, including crown prince Sun Jin, to surrender to the Jin army. As Emperor of Eastern Wu, Sun Hao showed political naivety, administrative stupidity, tyranny in the use of spells, and financial profligacy, which eventually led to the accelerated demise of Eastern Wu.

The Three Kingdoms of Eastern Wu the least existential? With such a person in charge, does Eastern Wu have the reason for immortality?

Although there are certain internal laws for the change of dynasties, people cannot go against the tide of history, but personal factors will also play a pivotal role, and Eastern Wu, which is ruled by an emperor who acts like Sun Hao, is indeed justified.

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