
Shanxi unearthed the Western Zhou Tombs, second in scale only to the Mausoleum of the First Emperor of Qin, and the owner of the tomb resembles both a man and a woman?

One day, the staff of the DaiXian Cultural Relics Bureau suddenly received a report from a villager that an ancient tomb in Hengshui Town had been excavated. That's worth it! The archaeological team immediately rushed to the scene to carry out an investigation, this investigation is not good, and what comes into the eyes of the experts is a large hole in the cylinder!

Shanxi unearthed the Western Zhou Tombs, second in scale only to the Mausoleum of the First Emperor of Qin, and the owner of the tomb resembles both a man and a woman?

Looking down from the big hole, there was nothing in the hole, and the experts were anxious. Immediately began a careful exploration work. Such an exploration, experts are surprised and happy, because in front of the ancient tomb is very unusual, it should be more than 3,000 years ago in the Western Zhou Dynasty tomb! And the shape of the tomb is very large! 80% of them are the tombs of the nobles of the Western Zhou Dynasty! And the noble tombs must be indispensable to precious treasures. And such a huge tomb also has high research value for studying the history of the Western Zhou Dynasty! Soon the clean-up of the tomb began. Soon after a new discovery excited the experts.

Shanxi unearthed the Western Zhou Tombs, second in scale only to the Mausoleum of the First Emperor of Qin, and the owner of the tomb resembles both a man and a woman?

When the original survey was made, everyone found that there were two unknown ancient tombs hidden near the stolen tombs! They are astonishingly large and well-preserved, with a field more than 200 meters long and more than 100 meters wide not far behind them. And there are more than 300 ancient tombs buried in this field! They were neatly arranged behind two large tombs, and this strange scene shocked all the experts present at the time. Also make them confused? At this time, a bold conjecture rushed to the minds of experts, could this be the tomb of the princes of the Jin Dynasty? It should be known that DaiXian is one of the main sites of the Jin State of the Princely State during the Zhou Dynasty, and according to this, Quwo County, which is not far away, is the capital of the Jin State! After obtaining the approval of the higher cultural relics department, a well-equipped professional archaeological team came here to participate in the excavation of the tomb, and then the experts named the two large tombs found earlier as Tomb No. 1 and Tomb No. 2, because these two tombs can be described as stand out from the crowd, and the scale is beyond the norm! Presumably, the owner of the tomb buried in it must be of noble status and extraordinary rank. Therefore, experts decided to excavate Tombs No. 1 and No. 2 first. To solve the mystery of the identity of the owner of the tomb. Who would have thought that the excavation of Tomb No. 1, which has a slightly larger tomb size, has just begun, and the grand scale of the tomb has amazed the experts, and the opening area of the top floor of the tomb has exceeded 20 square meters! There is also a 27-meter-long tomb road next to the tomb, and experts speculate from the tomb road that this Tomb No. 1 should be a noble tomb of the Middle Western Zhou Dynasty more than 2700 years ago!

Shanxi unearthed the Western Zhou Tombs, second in scale only to the Mausoleum of the First Emperor of Qin, and the owner of the tomb resembles both a man and a woman?

And the princely states here and now are the Jin kingdoms! Could it be that the owner of the tomb is a generation of Jin marquises? Just after the experts carefully cleaned up the topsoil of the upper layer of the tomb, the entire tomb revealed the true face of Lushan. The tomb is a typical nail-shaped tomb! It is exactly the same as the regulation of the 9 Jinhou tombs unearthed in the Tomb of the Marquis of Jin in Northern Zhao! It seems that this tomb is really a tomb of the Marquis of Jin! But which monarch of the Jin Dynasty was the tomb director? It should be known that the royal tombs of the Jin Dynasty are distributed in quwo and Wenxi counties. However, the fact that the emperor was not buried in the capital area is not without precedent.

Shanxi unearthed the Western Zhou Tombs, second in scale only to the Mausoleum of the First Emperor of Qin, and the owner of the tomb resembles both a man and a woman?

Liu He, the Marquis of Haixia, was not buried in the Western Han Dynasty's Mausoleum Area, but was buried alone in his fiefdom, because liu He was deposed by the powerful minister Huo Guang and demoted to the title of Marquis of Haixiao only 29 days after liu He ascended the throne. After he was demoted to marquis of Haixia, he moved to his fiefdom. Could it be that the owner of this Hengshui Tomb is also like Liu He, a Jin monarch with a tortuous fate? Unexpectedly, while the experts were preparing to enter the burial chamber, an accident occurred! Due to the beauty of the sky, the sudden blizzard caught archaeologists off guard, knowing that only a thin layer of soil remained on the top floor of Tomb No. 1 that had just been excavated! It is absolutely unable to withstand the impact of such a fierce snowstorm, and if the tomb and its cultural relics have suffered immeasurable damage as a result, then the experts cannot afford such a heavy responsibility! Just when the experts were helpless like ants on a hot pot, someone came up with a good idea, and the experts followed the example of the villagers' warm greenhouses for vegetables, and painstakingly built a huge greenhouse on the top of the tomb to shield the tomb from the wind and snow. After the greenhouses are built. At this moment, everyone let go of their hanging hearts, and at this moment, the experts were still dazed and did not know that a huge surprise was waiting for them in the near future! After entering the burial chamber, the experts accidentally found that this conspicuous red was buried in a piece of loess in the chamber!

Shanxi unearthed the Western Zhou Tombs, second in scale only to the Mausoleum of the First Emperor of Qin, and the owner of the tomb resembles both a man and a woman?

And this red is actually from a beautifully patterned, colorful textile object, this textile is well preserved, there is no trace of erosion of the years, to know that the number of textiles unearthed in the ancient tombs that have been excavated so far is countless! It can be seen that this colorful silk cultural relics are precious and rare. But why has it not decayed over thousands of years? It wasn't long before experts had an answer, and the red fabric was well preserved because it had long since been deeply imprinted and blended into the soil. That is why this textile has been preserved to this day. And this piece of textile is not an ordinary textile, it is a desolate curtain recorded in ancient documents, it is a drapery covering the coffins of ancient nobles! Not only is the curtain extremely rare, but it is only used in the tombs of ancient nobles, and it is a symbol of ancient aristocratic status! The absurd curtain of more than 10 square meters in Tomb No. 1 is rare and extremely precious. Not only is the size of this desolate curtain surprisingly large, but a phoenix that spreads its wings and flies high and comes alive is impressively rusted on it. The phoenix seemed to be about to break through the shackles of the ministry at any moment. As we all know, the phoenix has been referring to high-ranking aristocratic women since ancient times. A princely tomb with a woman buried? This is too unexpected, to know that the concept of male superiority and female inferiority in the Western Zhou Dynasty has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and it is even more impossible for women to become princes. Could it be that the judgment of previous experts has been wrong? Tomb No. 1 is not the tomb of the princes? But the tomb of the princes' wives? However, not only is there a lot of doubt in Tomb No. 1, but also in Tomb No. 2, which is smaller in size, it is even more suspicious, because Tomb No. 2 has unearthed a large number of weapons used by men! You must know that the ancients had extremely strict requirements for status hierarchy, and since this is a joint burial tomb of husband and wife, why does the husband's identity seem to be lower than that of the wife? What is the identity of the tomb owner and his wife? At this time, experts found three bronze dings in Tomb No. 2! In the Western Zhou Dynasty, the ceremonial instrument system had strict regulations, "Heavenly Son Nine Ding, Princes Seven Ding, Doctor Five Ding, Qing Shi Three Ding." At this time, the excavation of Tomb No. 1 also reached a critical period, and Five bronze statues were excavated in Tomb No. 1, and it seems that the owner of this tomb is indeed a prominent Prince of Western Zhou! However, the distribution and regulation of this tomb seem to be somewhat yin and yang, and the ethics are unclear? Just after the experts carefully opened the lid of the coffin, they froze as if they had been struck by lightning, and the owner of the tomb was covered with jade, and there were many kinds of jade, including jade, jade pipe, agate pipe, material pipe and so on.

Shanxi unearthed the Western Zhou Tombs, second in scale only to the Mausoleum of the First Emperor of Qin, and the owner of the tomb resembles both a man and a woman?

Under the meticulous restoration of the experts, these jade objects finally took on their original appearance, and it is obvious that they come from the precious necklace worn by women! And the owner of the tomb has three sets of necklaces of different styles and different materials on his neck! Unfortunately, due to the age, the bones of the tomb owner have long been decayed, and experts can only judge the general direction of the bones, and the age and gender of the tomb owner are unknown. Until the end of the excavation, the identity of the owner of the tomb remained a mystery. From this point of view, the only way to solve the mystery clue of the identity of the owner of Tomb No. 1 is to rely on the bronzes and epitaphs unearthed in the tomb.

Shanxi unearthed the Western Zhou Tombs, second in scale only to the Mausoleum of the First Emperor of Qin, and the owner of the tomb resembles both a man and a woman?

The emperor did not live up to his painstaking efforts, and the experts finally found a bronze in the hidden corner, and this bronze was engraved with the epitaph of their hearts, and the owner of this tomb was Uncle Wei and his wife Biji! Sure enough! Buried in Tomb No. 1 is indeed a woman, she is Biji! And the smaller tomb is buried in the king of the kingdom! So why could Bi Ji, as a female streamer, enjoy the same treatment as the princes in the Western Zhou Dynasty, where men were superior to women? This has to say about Biji's life. Mid-Western Zhou Dynasty. As a royal family with the surname Ji, Bi Gong was powerful and powerful. Biji was born into the royal family as his daughter and had a distinguished status. Naturally, her status was higher than that of her husband, Junjie. The difference in the burial regulations of the two is also understandable. However, this Uncle's origin is not small, "Bo" This title comes from the king of Wu after he destroyed the Shang and established the Zhou Dynasty. After king Wu cut down the throne, he divided ninety-seven princely states and formulated a 5-level knighthood system of "Gonghou Bozi Male". Experts believe that Qiu Bogui was the monarch of the State of Wei, and that the State of Wei was also one of the 97 vassal states in the early days of the Western Zhou Dynasty, and its status was also quite noble. This mysterious country that existed 2700 years ago is almost a blank in the historical texts, and only a few bronzes and their inscriptions have recorded only a few words, and the Fengbird Zun is the most significant historical current politics among them. Through the analysis and interpretation of the excavated artifact inscriptions and tomb grades, experts learned that as one of the princely states of the Western Zhou Dynasty, the Kingdom of Wei was once strong, and they actively married with the various countries, and also created a very glorious history! But in a hurry, the prosperous and powerful ancient country was finally abandoned by history and disappeared into the long river. According to an inscription on a bronze dome in the Shanghai Museum in the 1990s, experts learned that the reason why the State of Wei perished was because they feared the powerful Jin State, and when the two countries clashed, the weak State of Wei chose to surrender to defend itself, and was finally annexed by the State of Jin. Became a member of the Jin Dynasty. Although the Kingdom of Wei has long ceased to exist, more than 2,000 years later, the excavation of the Hengshui Tomb has re-emerged in front of the eyes of the world. We believe that in the near future, the development of science will completely unveil the mystery of the ancient kingdom, so that we can understand the legendary and distant country! Let's wait and see!

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