
Aomi Kerong has spread to 10 cities in China, how to deal with the Spring Festival? Experts: Precise prevention and control, no need to increase the number of layers

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According to incomplete statistics reported by the Health Times reporter, as of 11:00 on January 20, Aomi Kerong has swept 10 cities in the mainland, including Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Anyang in Henan, Dalian in Liaoning, Guangzhou in Guangdong, Zhongshan in Guangdong, Zhuhai in Guangdong, Shenzhen in Guangdong, and Meizhou in Guangdong.

The Health Times reporter interviewed a number of confirmed people in Ami kerong and found that after infection with Omiclon, the characteristics of each person were different, most of them were manifested as low-grade fever, cough, sore throat, drowsiness, and general weakness. He Na, dean of the School of Public Health of Fudan University and professor of epidemiology, told the Health Times reporter that the key is to do a good job in personal protection and community prevention and control accurately, and there is no need to increase the number of layers.

Aomi Kerong has spread to 10 cities in China, how to deal with the Spring Festival? Experts: Precise prevention and control, no need to increase the number of layers

Beijing South Railway Station on the first day of the Spring Festival. Photo by Niu Hongchao, a reporter of The Health Times

Local spread of Omikerong: Mostly related to overseas imports, especially the need to be vigilant against international express delivery

On December 13, 2021, Tianjin reported the first case of infection with the Ami Kerong variant in the mainland, which was detected by inbound personnel at the isolation point. On 8 January, two confirmed cases were reported in Tianjin's Jinnan District, both of which were cases of infection with the Aomi Kerong variant.

On 16 December 2021, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, reported an overseas-associated native case, which is a Variant of Aomi Kerong.

The Omikeron variant was first detected in South Africa on 9 November 2021, and on 11 January 2022, WHO announced that Omikeron had replaced Delta as the dominant strain on a global scale. Compared with the previous four strains, Omilon spreads faster, has a higher viral load and a stronger transmission capacity.

Due to the hidden spread of Aomi Kerong, the source of transmission of Tianjin Aomi Kerong is not yet clear, but it has spread to Dalian, Liaoning, Anyang, Henan and other places.

On 13 January, Shanghai added 2 new locally confirmed cases and 3 local asymptomatic infected people. In one day, Shanghai identified the source of the epidemic as an asymptomatic person imported from abroad, and accurately delineated a milk tea shop on Yuyuan Road in Jing'an District as "the world's smallest medium-risk area".

On 15 January, Beijing reported a locally confirmed case. According to a press conference on the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic in Beijing, the case had signed an international courier from Canada on January 11. Beijing CDC has collected 22 specimens of the international mail environment, all of which were positive for nucleic acid testing, and detected specific mutation sites of the Omikerong strain.

On 16 January, the first case of infection with Omikejong was reported in Shenzhen. On January 17, the Shenzhen Municipal Government Information Office announced at a press conference that the case 17 infected with Aomi Kerong was engaged in the collection and delivery of overseas frozen reagents, contacted and spun off the courier from North America on January 12, did not do personal protection, had sore throat symptoms on the 14th, and was positive for nucleic acid screening on the 15th, and did not rule out the possibility that the epidemic was infected by exposure to new coronavirus contaminants imported from abroad.

According to the press conference on epidemic prevention and control in Zhuhai on January 17, the infected people in Zhuhai, Zhongshan and Meizhou, Guangdong Province, were infected in the same transmission chain, and the early cases of illness were engaged in customer service work of a certain enterprise, and they often came into contact with overseas imported goods. According to the current on-site epidemiological investigation and laboratory testing, experts have judged that the epidemic is not excluded from being caused by exposure to contaminated inbound items.

Aomi Kerong has spread to 10 cities in China, how to deal with the Spring Festival? Experts: Precise prevention and control, no need to increase the number of layers

Xi'an International Port District, the staff sorts the courier. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Xiao

The epidemic in Beijing, Guangdong Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Zhongshan, Meizhou and other places seems to be related to items imported from abroad, and Beijing, Guangdong Shenzhen and Henan are still facing the dual pressure of two strains, Aomi Kerong and Delta. The relevant staff of the Chengdu Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention revealed to the Health Times reporter that Aomi Kerong is highly contagious and is more likely to be attached to the surface of the object. Since January 17, his team has strengthened the disinfection and testing of international express delivery overnight.

How to deal with the hidden dangers of the epidemic that international express delivery may bring? The reporter inquired about the "Notice on Further Strengthening the Epidemic Prevention and Control Work of the Provincial Delivery Link of International Mail Express" issued by the Guangdong Postal Administration and found that after the international mail express arrived at the Mail Exchange Bureau and the Express Supervision Center, the six-sided disinfection of the bag collection bag was first carried out, and after 24 hours of standing, the bag was opened, and the loose parts were killed on six sides again, and then stood for 24 hours.

Omikejong infected: dry cough, low-grade fever, hoarseness, still feel tired after recovery

"In the first two days of diagnosis, I couldn't sleep well every night, my palate was very painful, and my throat was sore. When I go to bed at night, I will be woken up by every sip of water. Wang Yu (pseudonym), a Chinese in Italy, told the Health Times reporter that when she first diagnosed Aomi Kerong, she had a low-grade fever and was afraid of cold, and she slept more than 12 hours a day. After three days, the symptoms lessened and turned to low-grade fever and dry cough.

A week later, Wang Yu's self-test results were negative. She received two doses of the vaccine without taking any medication and recovered a week later. "After recovering, you can still feel the 'tiredness' of the body, the fatigue, the fatigue after a serious illness." Wang Yu said.

Jenny (pseudonym), a Chinese American, did not sleep well in the first few days of infection with Omiclon, sleeping only 2 or 3 hours a day. After testing positive, she had no fever, sore throat, but hoarse voice and a mild cough at night. "It's milder than a cold, but I'm immune and I've been vaccinated with three doses." Jenny said in an interview with The Health Times.

Lin Lin (pseudonym), a Chinese American, said that the experience of contracting Omicron and severe colds was similar. After testing positive at the hospital, he went to a convenience store to buy fever and cold medicine and began a week-long home isolation. At first, Lin Lin had a low-grade fever intermittently and his body temperature was 38 ° C. After the fever subsides, the most intense experience is a sore throat, so painful that you can't eat. But after a week, the symptoms all subsided, and now Lin Lin has returned to normal social and life.

"It started with a runny nose, then a dry cough, and the symptoms faded within a week or so." Gao Hai (pseudonym), a Nigerian Chinese, introduced to the Health Times reporter that nearly 30 colleagues around him were diagnosed with Omicron, and some colleagues were infected twice, and no sequelae were found.

A number of Omikejong confirmed people introduced to the Health Times reporter that after infection with Omikejong, the symptoms were low-grade fever, cough, sore throat, drowsiness, general weakness, etc., and the time of cure was about one week, and the representation of Omikejong in each person was different, which had a lot to do with the individual's immune system.

Although the symptoms of the Omilon infection are similar to those of the cold, and many interviewees said that they are "similar to a severe cold" and "like a mild cold", can you think that Omiljung is a "large flu"? Wang Yu, a confirmed patient, said that for viruses with little known sequelae such as the new crown, describing Aomi Kerong as a large flu is an excuse for some countries to not properly control it.

Zhang Wenhong, director of the National Center for Infectious Disease Medicine and director of the Department of Infectious Diseases at Huashan Hospital affiliated to Fudan University, has also previously refuted the "big flu" claim, according to which the variant "bites." A country and region need a strong immune barrier and medical resources to defend itself against the threat of Omicron. On the one hand, it is necessary to build a strong immune barrier through vaccination, and on the other hand, the case fatality rate must be controlled very low.

The Spring Festival is approaching, how to meet The Omitrong? Experts: Precise prevention and control, no need to increase the number of layers

"We are all spinning shafts, we need to work more than 12 hours a day, and we have done more than 10 rounds of nucleic acid testing." A community worker in Anyang, Henan Province, told the Health Times reporter that since the outbreak of the epidemic, she was responsible for leading medical staff to do nucleic acid testing for residents with limited mobility, making phone calls, ensuring the daily life supply of residents, and smoothly seeking medical treatment. The staff member said that in the face of the more powerfully transmitted Aomi Kerong virus, the local government can only take multiple rounds of nucleic acid testing, screening as soon as possible, and strengthening the traceability of circulation.

The Health Times reporter learned from the medical departments in Guangdong, Zhejiang, Tianjin and other places that the spread of Aomi Kerong is stronger, but the response measures in specific epidemic prevention are no different from other strains.

Aomi Kerong has spread to 10 cities in China, how to deal with the Spring Festival? Experts: Precise prevention and control, no need to increase the number of layers

"The Omiljung strain is highly contagious and has the potential for immune escape in vaccinated populations due to genetic variations." Zhang Rongguang, a professor at the School of Public Health of Zhengzhou University, suggested in an interview with the Health and Health Times reporter that when traveling, individuals should obey the instructions of epidemic prevention personnel, wear masks correctly, reduce gatherings, pay attention to hand and facial hygiene, disinfect public facilities in time, and try to avoid unprotected exposure to public environments that may be polluted.

Yang Haiyan, a professor at the School of Public Health of Zhengzhou University, said that the current situation is more complicated, the transmission of Aomi Kerong is more insidious, highly contagious, during the Spring Festival, it is recommended to reduce the flow, avoid unnecessary gathering, and do a good job of personal daily protective measures.

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