
From the foot of the foot to the future - visit to Huang Qingyu, secretary of the party group and chairman of the Changde Municipal CPPCC

author:New Hunan
From the foot of the foot to the future - visit to Huang Qingyu, secretary of the party group and chairman of the Changde Municipal CPPCC

(Huang Qingyu, secretary of the party group and chairman of the Changde Municipal CPPCC Committee.) Hunan Daily all-media reporter Tong Di photo)

In 2022, the Changde Municipal CPPCC will adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, take the struggle for the "14th Five-Year Plan" and the new journey of striving for progress as the main line, focus on improving the level of advice and consensus building, better play the role of special consultative bodies, and contribute wisdom and strength to the comprehensive construction of a new Changde of socialist modernization.

Focus on the party and government center to make a "good voice". Closely focusing on the strategic positioning and mission tasks of "three highs and four new", focusing on the spirit of the provincial "two sessions", focusing on the decision-making and deployment of the municipal party committee and municipal government, focusing on accelerating the construction of "five good" parks, building a strong tourism city, and promoting rural revitalization, etc., we will carry out consultations and suggestions to promote the work of the party and government center.

Carry out democratic supervision and actively "add help". Take "strengthening the construction of administrative efficiency" as the theme of supervision of key matters, uniformly select and dispatch democratic supervision groups, supervise relevant functional departments, come up with more good ideas and suggestions, and help the municipal party committee and municipal government to promote the implementation of policies.

Strive to improve people's livelihood and make good use of "right to speak". Persist in taking inspection as an important way to participate in the administration and discussion of state affairs, focus on the key and difficult issues that the people are concerned about, organize and carry out inspections of the chairman's meeting, and actively reflect the demands of all parties and respond to social concerns.

Widely gather consensus to draw "concentric circles". Deepen cooperation and cooperation with party groups, strengthen friendship and exchanges with all sectors of society, guide and mobilize the vast number of CPPCC members to take the lead in leading the new social trend, widely disseminate positive energy, go deep into the sector and the grassroots to carry out various forms of propaganda activities, and gather consensus and convergence for the reform and development of Changde.

Strengthen self-construction to enhance "cohesion". Strive to create a "harmonious organ" and continuously enhance the sense of happiness and warmth of the CPPCC organs. We should do a good job in the construction of practice bases, CPPCC clouds, and cppcc members' studios, organize CPPCC members to study and train in batches at the CPPCC National Committee Training Center and well-known colleges and universities, and improve their ability and level of performing their duties.

#2022年湖南省两会 #

[Editor-in-charge: Yang Jiajun]

[Source: Hunan Daily· New Hunan Client]

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