
The Beijing Winter Olympics will fully achieve "carbon neutrality", why is it driving hydrogen energy vehicles to "show their skills"?

The footsteps of the Beijing Winter Olympics are getting closer and closer, and the Olympic atmosphere on the streets of Beijing is getting stronger and stronger. This Winter Olympics is not only exciting events to look forward to, but also to show many "green environmental protection" features around the event, and the Beijing Winter Olympics is also expected to become the first Olympic event to truly achieve carbon neutrality.

The Beijing Winter Olympics will fully achieve "carbon neutrality", why is it driving hydrogen energy vehicles to "show their skills"?

According to reports, during the Beijing Winter Olympics, all 26 venues in the three major competition areas will use "green electricity", photovoltaic power generation and wind power generation from Zhangjiakou, Hebei Province, which means that for the first time in the history of the Olympic Games, 100% green electricity supply will be achieved in all venues. In addition, the Beijing Winter Olympics involve energy consumption and actively promote the popularization of more environmentally friendly "hydrogen" energy, which has also become the highlight of the Winter Olympics.

The Beijing Winter Olympics will fully achieve "carbon neutrality", why is it driving hydrogen energy vehicles to "show their skills"?

Hydrogen is a clean, efficient, safe and sustainable secondary energy source. The Beijing Winter Olympics will not only use hydrogen energy for the Olympic torch fuel, but also ignite the hydrogen energy main torch at the Beijing Winter Olympic Games at the opening ceremony. In addition, the Beijing Winter Olympics will demonstrate the operation of more than 1,000 hydrogen fuel cell vehicles and more than 30 hydrogen refueling stations. During the race, more than 700 hydrogen-fueled buses will be put into use in Yanqing and Zhangjiakou. At this Winter Olympics, a complete set of hydrogen energy travel industry chain will be displayed.

Hydrogen energy vehicles usher in a good time to promote

As a quadrennial international event, the winter Olympic ice and snow project is carried out in a low temperature environment, and the low temperature has a greater impact on the start and endurance of electric vehicles, and the charging time is relatively long, compared to the hydrogen energy vehicle has many advantages such as high efficiency, long endurance, low temperature start, and fast hydrogen filling speed, which is almost tailor-made for the Winter Olympics scene.

The Beijing Winter Olympics will fully achieve "carbon neutrality", why is it driving hydrogen energy vehicles to "show their skills"?

During the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games, all vehicles providing connection services between venues will use hydrogen fuel cell buses, including buses, minibuses and other models, to provide transportation support services for the event. This hydrogen bus has a cruising range of 630 kilometers, which can achieve low temperature start of -30 °C and meet the requirements of low temperature operation. Compared with traditional fossil energy vehicles, hydrogen buses can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by about 70 kilograms per 100 kilometers.

In order to avoid potential risks, these hydrogen fuel buses specially use hydrogen-electric collision multi-coupling technology. It is understood that the technology can monitor the real-time status of hydrogen and electricity in real time and ensure collision safety, covering high-pressure hydrogen storage cylinders, power batteries, fuel cells, driving motors, collision structure safety design and many other links, with multiple early warning functions, comprehensively escorting the safety of hydrogen buses.

The Beijing Winter Olympics will fully achieve "carbon neutrality", why is it driving hydrogen energy vehicles to "show their skills"?

The smooth operation of nearly 1,000 hydrogen energy buses every day is not simple, and it is necessary to provide guarantees in terms of hydrogen supply and transportation. Hydrogen production channels come from two aspects, one is separated and purified from the hydrogen-containing industrial by-product gas, and the other is the use of wind power electrolysis of water to hydrogen technology, so the process of hydrogen production is not only environmentally friendly but also low price.

"Through the demonstration application of this Winter Olympics, it shows that the key technologies of Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles in China have made breakthroughs and have reached the world's leading level in some application scenarios." Yang Fuyuan, a professor at Tsinghua University's School of Vehicles and Vehicles, said. At the same time, through the Winter Olympics, the majority of consumers also have a new understanding and understanding of hydrogen energy vehicles, changing some of the previous prejudices, which also helps the promotion of hydrogen energy models.

The development of hydrogen vehicles is still subject to many restrictions

In the past year, the electric vehicle market has ushered in an explosive market, and the supporting facilities related to charging are also rapidly improving, but there are still some bottlenecks in electric vehicles that cannot be broken. For example, the charging time is long, the mileage in winter is reduced, and long-distance travel is inconvenient, so it is still worth looking forward to hydrogen vehicles. With the further improvement of the hydrogen energy industry chain, hydrogen energy vehicles are expected to expand from the "Winter Olympic platform" to more application scenarios.

The Beijing Winter Olympics will fully achieve "carbon neutrality", why is it driving hydrogen energy vehicles to "show their skills"?

However, the development of hydrogen energy models is still subject to many restrictions, the first of which is the number of supporting facilities, and there is still a big gap from daily travel needs. At the same time, not only the number of hydrogen filling stations is small and the distribution is unbalanced, ordinary users may have to cross most of the urban area to hydrogenation, long-distance travel is not guaranteed, which can not be solved in the short term.

Secondly, due to the influence of local natural conditions, the cost of hydrogen production in various places is relatively large. If it is impossible to achieve photovoltaic, wind and other natural resources to generate electricity to electrolyze water to produce hydrogen, then the daily cost of users using hydrogen energy vehicles will be very high. So not all regions and all models meet the conditions for the transition to hydrogen.

The Beijing Winter Olympics will fully achieve "carbon neutrality", why is it driving hydrogen energy vehicles to "show their skills"?

Therefore, in the future, the development of hydrogen energy vehicles in various places will show great differences, like Ordos has natural resources such as photovoltaics and wind, and low electricity costs, and the proportion of hydrogen energy vehicles is expected to reach a very high proportion within 5 years. In addition, hydrogen energy vehicles in the field of commercial vehicles such as buses and heavy trucks have more prospects for development, because the routes of this type of vehicle are relatively fixed and it is easier to arrange hydrogen refueling stations. In the passenger car market, there is still a big gap between the use cost and supporting equipment of hydrogen energy vehicles compared with electric vehicles.

Conclusion: With the opportunity of the Winter Olympics, hydrogen energy models will be understood and recognized by more consumers, and the hydrogen energy automobile industry will also enter the fast lane of rapid development. The hydrogen energy industry has been written into the "14th Five-Year Plan" and the Outline of Long-term Goals for 2035, for cities and car companies, they can seize the opportunity of hydrogen energy development according to their actual conditions and seize the next new energy outlet!

The Beijing Winter Olympics will fully achieve "carbon neutrality", why is it driving hydrogen energy vehicles to "show their skills"?
The Beijing Winter Olympics will fully achieve "carbon neutrality", why is it driving hydrogen energy vehicles to "show their skills"?
The Beijing Winter Olympics will fully achieve "carbon neutrality", why is it driving hydrogen energy vehicles to "show their skills"?

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