
Desperate... The woman was quarantined for 14 days to watch the dog tear down the house little by little

author:Bright Net

Isolating is boring?

The dog gives you a "housebreak live broadcast" at home,

Not "stopping work" for a day,

New tricks every day.

Desperate... The woman was quarantined for 14 days to watch the dog tear down the house little by little

Recently, Ms. Liu of Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, left her home for 14 days, leaving her pet dog at home alone, and during the quarantine period, she watched the dog's "complete collection of demolition" through monitoring.

Ms. Liu said that because of the isolation, she could not bring pets, so she had to leave the dogs at home. I prepared enough food for the dog in advance, because I didn't trust it, and when I left, I made a simple camera with an old computer to observe its situation.

On the day of leaving home, the dog looked a little low. However, the next day, Ms. Liu saw from the surveillance that the dog began the "demolition operation", took a big hole in the sofa, and did not "survive" any of the clothes, shoes and bags, and was turned over by the dog.

Moreover, the dog has a new "demolition plan" every day, and Ms. Liu can't manage it in front of the surveillance screen, and can only "desperately" watch the dog dismantle the home.

But Ms. Liu still said that as long as the dog is healthy and healthy, as for the new furniture, it is already being bought.

The strength of the dog's "demolition", many netizens have seen it and feel "collapsed".

Desperate... The woman was quarantined for 14 days to watch the dog tear down the house little by little
Desperate... The woman was quarantined for 14 days to watch the dog tear down the house little by little

There are netizens who understand the habits of pets, dogs are too anxious about the owner, will "demolish the home", there are also netizens said, may be no one walking the dog, the dog's energy is too exuberant, there is nowhere to vent.

Desperate... The woman was quarantined for 14 days to watch the dog tear down the house little by little
Desperate... The woman was quarantined for 14 days to watch the dog tear down the house little by little

When isolated, friends with pets are most worried about, which may be the pets at home.

Do you have pets at home? Will you take advantage of your absence to "tear down the house"?

Source: CCTV

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