
Wary! Recently, it has been high! There is a school class quarantine!

author:Jiangxi city scene

Source | City Express, Strait Herald


The number of patients with fever and respiratory tract infections is increasing

Children bear the brunt

There are schools that have implemented class quarantine!

The high fever is nearly 40°C, and it can only be healed by itself

Attention all parents!

Wary! Recently, it has been high! There is a school class quarantine!

A parent posted:

"My son has adenovirus and has a high fever of 40°C

The doctor said there was no cure

It can only be healed by itself! ”

Wary! Recently, it has been high! There is a school class quarantine!


If it appears

Recurrent high fever and cough

Symptoms such as diarrhea and red eyes

Be sure to be wary of adenovirus infection!

Recently, there has been an increase in the proportion of children with adenovirus

Persistent high fever should cause alarm

Recently, 9 students in a class of a primary school in Binjiang District, Hangzhou City, took leave at home because of fever, and the viruses were different, including influenza, adenovirus, and respiratory syncytial virus.

The school stipulates that more than 5 students in the class should be quarantined due to illness, so the class will be quarantined from May 17, and the whole class will not participate in the school's unified interest classes, collective recess exercises, do not go to the cafeteria to eat, only go to the toilet can come out, and will be disinfected separately after class.

Li Caixue, chief physician of the Department of Internal Medicine of Hangzhou Children's Hospital, said that at present, the outpatient clinic is still dominated by children with respiratory tract infections, but the proportion of children with adenovirus is on the rise. "Three or four of the 30 children were infected with adenovirus, an increase from some time ago, and the rest of the children were mainly treated with whooping cough, influenza, and respiratory syncytial virus."

Wary! Recently, it has been high! There is a school class quarantine!

How can I be sure my child has adenovirus? Director Li mentioned that if the child has a fever for 3-4 days and the temperature is above 39°C, it is likely to be an adenovirus infection. Symptoms of different strains of adenovirus may vary, and some children may have diarrhea as the main symptom.

Does persistent high fever caused by adenovirus cause pneumonia? Director Li said: "Parents don't need to worry too much, most children with adenovirus infection are mainly infected with upper respiratory tract infection. Most of the cases are mild, but they will improve significantly after treatment, and the rate of severe pneumonia is low. ”

When a child is infected with adenovirus, can it spread to an adult? Director Li said: "It can be transmitted to adults, but adenovirus infection is mainly in children under 5 years old. Even if an adult is infected, the symptoms are relatively mild, and the probability of severe disease is low. ”

What are adenoviruses?

Symptoms of infection?

Adenovirus is an important viral pathogen in humans, which can cause a variety of diseases such as respiratory tract infections, ocular conjunctivitis, and gastrointestinal diseases due to its many types. It may also cause viral hepatitis, meningitis, myocarditis and other diseases, which are relatively rare.

Respiratory tract infections

Adenovirus is one of the most important pathogens of acute respiratory infections, causing respiratory infections and, in severe cases, pneumonia.

Patients with respiratory tract infections often present with fever, cough, sore throat, tonsil inflammation and other symptoms. Adenoviruses associated with respiratory tract infections mainly include HadV-3, 4, and 7. Among them, HadV-3 and HadV-7 are the main pathogens causing lower respiratory tract infections in children under 5 years of age worldwide.

Conjunctivitis of the eye

Adenovirus is also the main cause of conjunctivitis, which can cause acute keratoconjunctivitis, acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis and other eye diseases, and the clinical manifestations and severity vary according to the type.

Acute keratoconjunctivitis can occur in all age groups, inflammation can involve the conjunctiva and cornea, and in severe cases, pseudomembrane formation and eyelid adhesions; Pharyngeal conjunctival fever is more common in adolescents, and the main manifestations are fever, pharyngitis, acute follicular conjunctivitis and other symptoms; Acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis is more common in young adults aged 15~40 years, and the main manifestations are red and swollen eyelids, and high hyperemia in the eyelids and bulbar conjunctiva.

Gastrointestinal disorders

Adenovirus can also cause diseases such as gastroenteritis and account for a relatively high proportion of the pathogenic spectrum of diarrheal syndrome, second only to rotavirus and norovirus. It is common in children under 5 years of age, and patients with gastrointestinal infections will have abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, fever and other symptoms.

There is currently no specific drug

Don't take antibiotics blindly if you have a fever

At present, there are no specific antiviral drugs and treatments for adenovirus infection in China. Many parents are anxious when they see their children with persistent high fever, and even take out antibiotics at home for their children to take. In fact, unlike bacterial infections, antibiotics do not have much effect on viral infections. If your child is infected with adenovirus, antibiotics are not effective.

For children with adenovirus infection, they can be given antipyretic medicine, drink more water, rest more, and actively care for the symptoms. For most immunocompetent children, mild adenovirus infections can usually resolve on their own, or they can take proprietary Chinese medicine under the guidance of a doctor.

Once children have severe symptoms such as persistent high fever, severe cough, and shortness of breath, they should go to the hospital in time and actively cooperate with treatment. Similarly, the elderly and adults with low immunity should not relax their vigilance, and if the high fever does not go away, they should seek medical attention in time and do not carry it hard.

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