
9 people in a class have a fever and ask for leave, and the class is isolated! Be wary of this virus →

9 people in a class have a fever and ask for leave, and the class is isolated! Be wary of this virus →

9-year-old Yuanyuan

He is in the third grade at a primary school in Binjiang District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang

Recently, there were 9 students in the class who had a fever

Take time off work at home

And viruses are different

Influenza, adenovirus,

Respiratory syncytial virus is present

Yuanyuan School Regulations

More than 5 students in the class took leave due to illness

Class segregation is to be implemented

Class quarantine began on May 16

On May 16, Yuan Yuan also began to sneeze wildly when he returned home. Ms. Wang said that she hoped that the symptoms were caused by rhinitis, and she had already given her child anti-rhinitis drugs.

Ms. Wang said: "Our baby's tablemate was also infected yesterday, it was the flu, and I took leave to go home today. Many of her friends also posted on the circle of friends, saying that many of her children's classmates were sick, "The most serious one is an adenovirus." ”

9 people in a class have a fever and ask for leave, and the class is isolated! Be wary of this virus →

How menacing are adenoviruses?

Just over a week ago

Xiaofang reported

The head of the same head in Hangzhou posted

My son has a high fever of adenovirus, which is almost 40°C!

And the doctor said there was no cure

It can only be healed by itself

It resonated with many netizens

(Click on the image below to review the previous report ↓)

At that time, many friends left messages

Adenovirus is commonly known as the "big mouth" of Shanghainese

Some parents said that their children were infected

Continuous high fever

"It's a test for kids and parents!"

9 people in a class have a fever and ask for leave, and the class is isolated! Be wary of this virus →
9 people in a class have a fever and ask for leave, and the class is isolated! Be wary of this virus →
9 people in a class have a fever and ask for leave, and the class is isolated! Be wary of this virus →
9 people in a class have a fever and ask for leave, and the class is isolated! Be wary of this virus →


If I am infected with adenovirus, how long will the infection last?

Will it cause pneumonia?

Can adenovirus become severe?

How can I be sure my child has adenovirus?

It is known that adenovirus

It is an acute respiratory infection in children

One of the most common culprits

After infection in children

Respiratory tract infections and pharyngeal conjunctivitis are common

Department of Internal Medicine, Hangzhou Children's Hospital

Chief Physician Li Caixue said


At present, the outpatient clinic is still dominated by children with respiratory tract infections, but there is an upward trend in children with adenovirus. "Three or four of the 30 children were infected with adenovirus, an increase from some time ago, and the rest of the children were mainly treated with whooping cough, influenza, and respiratory syncytial virus."

Director Li mentioned that if the child has a fever for 3-4 days and the temperature is above 39°C, it is likely to be an adenovirus infection. Symptoms of different strains of adenovirus may vary, and some children may have diarrhea as the main symptom.

9 people in a class have a fever and ask for leave, and the class is isolated! Be wary of this virus →

What is an adenovirus?

Doctor's introduction,

Adenovirus is a common respiratory virus,

It is known to infect humans

There are more than 50 types of adenoviruses.

Adenovirus is mainly transmitted through the respiratory tract, and the child's immunity is weak, so there may be cases where one person in the class is infected and transmitted to several children. If the child is diagnosed with adenovirus infection, it is recommended to take leave to recuperate at home to avoid cross-infection among classmates; It is recommended that the child's body temperature be normal for 48 hours and the virus antigen will turn negative before returning to school.

9 people in a class have a fever and ask for leave, and the class is isolated! Be wary of this virus →

After your child is infected with adenovirus

Can it be transmitted to adults?

"It can be transmitted to adults, but adenovirus infection is prevalent in children under 5 years old. Even if an adult is infected, the symptoms are relatively mild, and the rate of severe disease is low. ”

9 people in a class have a fever and ask for leave, and the class is isolated! Be wary of this virus →

Can persistent high fever cause pneumonia?

The doctor said that the clinical manifestations of adenovirus are mainly fever, which lasts for a long time, often a high fever that lasts for more than 3 days. If the child persists in high fever, it is recommended to take a chest X-ray to further clarify.

"Parents don't need to worry too much, most children with adenovirus infection are mainly infected with upper respiratory tract. Most of the cases are mild, but they will improve significantly after treatment, and the rate of severe pneumonia is low. Director Li said.

It is reported that

At present, there is no specific drug treatment for adenovirus infection.

Symptomatic treatment is the mainstay.

For most immunocompetent children, adenovirus infection is self-limiting, and mild cases generally resolve spontaneously without special treatment; If the disease worsens and develops adenovirus pneumonia, treatment should be carried out under the guidance of a doctor.

Director Li reminded that after being infected with adenovirus, it is important for children to rest well, so as to improve immunity and promote early recovery from the disease. In general, the incubation period of adenovirus is 3-10 days, with an average of 1 week. If the child comes into contact with an infected classmate, it is recommended to observe for a period of time, wash hands frequently, ventilate frequently, pay attention to rest, and do a good job of daily protection.

9 people in a class have a fever and ask for leave, and the class is isolated! Be wary of this virus →

How can I protect myself from the virus?

Doctors remind that it is important to maintain a balanced and comprehensive nutritional intake for your child, ensure adequate sleep and appropriate exercise, and improve your child's immunity. At the same time, do a good job of personal protection, try not to take your children to crowded places, wash your hands frequently, ventilate more, wear masks, and reduce contact with classmates infected by adenovirus.

Source: Comprehensive Orange Persimmon Interactive Urban Express (Reporter: Wu Shuang), previously reported, netizen comments

Editor: Li Lijie

9 people in a class have a fever and ask for leave, and the class is isolated! Be wary of this virus →

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