
diffusion! The Ministry of Education issued a reminder for the winter vacation of primary and secondary school students and young children

author:Bright Net

Winter vacation is coming, the Ministry of Education recently released the 2022 winter vacation of primary and secondary school students and young children healthy life tips tips, 2022 winter vacation primary and secondary school students and young children eye care tips, advocating the majority of students and young children holidays scientific and reasonable arrangements for life, learning.

Tips for healthy living for primary and secondary school students and young children during the winter vacation

First, we must take the initiative to prevent and control the epidemic and maintain hygiene habits.

Consciously abide by the relevant national and local epidemic prevention and control regulations, develop continuous and good personal hygiene habits, wash hands frequently, wear masks, ventilate frequently, gather less, use public chopsticks, maintain safe social distance, and maintain a clean living environment.

Second, we must pay attention to the safety of the journey and keep in mind the requirements of prevention and control.

Take the initiative to reduce cross-regional travel, and if you really need to travel, you should take the initiative to cooperate with health monitoring and epidemic prevention management in public places. Carry a sufficient amount of medical surgical masks, quick-drying hand disinfectants, disinfectant wipes and other personal protective equipment during the trip, wear masks correctly throughout the trip, and pay attention to hand hygiene, food safety and social distancing. Suspected symptoms of the body during travel should be reported actively and seek medical treatment in the nearest place in time.

Third, we must strengthen physical exercise and promote vision health.

Actively participate in various forms of physical exercise, pay attention to cold protection and warmth, and when the climate is suitable, outdoor activities for 2 hours a day. Pay attention to the changes in your own vision, develop scientific eye habits, and create a good eye environment. Adhere to the correct reading and writing posture, choose a table and chair with the right height, so that "one foot and one inch and one punch", the eyes are one foot away from the book, the fingers holding the pen are one inch away from the tip of the pen, and the chest is a fist away from the edge of the table. Follow the "20-20-20" principle, that is, every 20 minutes of using the eyes, look up at any object 20 feet (about 6 meters) away for more than 20 seconds. Strictly control electronic video screen time, avoid using mobile phones for a long time, watching TV, etc.

Fourth, we must balance dietary nutrition and pay attention to safety in diet.

Balanced nutrition, meat and vegetarian collocation, a variety of types, not partial to food, not picky eating, not overeating. The diet is mainly cereals, eating more fresh vegetables, fruits, milk, potatoes and soy products, and eating fish, poultry, meat, eggs and nuts in moderation. Drink more boiled water, drink less or no sugary drinks, and eat fewer snacks and fried foods. Do not smoke, refuse e-cigarettes, do not drink alcohol, and do not drink alcoholic beverages. Pay attention to food hygiene and safety, do not eat expired food, do not eat "three noes" food without production date, quality certificate, and manufacturer, and prevent food poisoning. Household tableware is dedicated to people and is regularly killed. Advocate the meal sharing system, use public chopsticks and male spoons, and avoid cross-infection.

Fifth, we must cultivate regular work and rest and maintain mental health.

Reasonable arrangement of work and rest, early bed and early rise, do not stay up late, do not indulge in the Network, study, activities and other time arrangements are regular. Adequate sleep is guaranteed, with 10 hours a day for toddlers and elementary school students, 9 hours a day for junior high school students, and 8 hours a day for high school students. Develop hobbies, maintain a healthy mindset, take the initiative to participate in family work, and develop labor practice and social skills. Communicate more with family and friends and learn to manage emotions.

Sixth, we must prevent potential safety hazards and avoid accidental injuries.

Strengthen self-protection when staying at home alone, memorize and learn to call all kinds of emergency helplines, and can ask for help in case of danger. Fasten your seat belt in your car. The display of fireworks and firecrackers shall comply with the relevant regulations of the local government. Standardize the use of fire, gas and electricity, pay attention to heating safety, and prevent gas poisoning. When going out, it should be within the sight of adults to avoid getting lost. Do not go skating outside the ice rink, and wear full protective equipment to prevent frostbite, sports accidents, and drowning.

Winter vacation primary and secondary school students and young children eye protection tips

First, the "double reduction" policy should be implemented, and holiday life should be planned early.

Advocate parents to change the concept of make-up classes during holidays, consolidate the results of "double reduction", strengthen parent-child communication, guide children to plan their holiday life reasonably as soon as possible, and actively participate in housework, social practice, public welfare services and other activities, so that children can spend a pleasant, fulfilling, warm and peaceful holiday.

Second, physical exercise should be guaranteed, and the warm sun in winter should not be disappointed.

Insist on participating in physical exercise, primary and secondary school students try to do more than 2 hours of outdoor activities a day, and young children should spend more than 3 hours outdoor activities every day. At home, you should try to get as much as possible into the sun through balconies, windows, courtyards, etc. Reduce the time spent with the eyes at close range and allow the eyes to rest adequately.

Third, the reading and writing posture should be correct, and the key points of prevention and control should be kept in mind.

Parents need to pay attention to their children's reading and writing posture. When children read and write, the height of the table and chair should be appropriate, so that the book is one foot away from the eyes, the chest is a fist away from the table, and the finger holding the pen is one inch away from the tip of the pen.

Fourth, paper reading materials should be selected well, and font size should be moderate.

The font size of paper reading materials should not be too small, and the material should not be reflective as much as possible to ensure comfortable reading.

Fifth, the lighting should be sufficient, and the position of the table lamp should be paid attention to.

Ensure sufficient illumination when reading and writing. When there is insufficient light, the brightness is increased by the auxiliary lighting of the table lamp, and the table lamp is placed in front of the opposite side of the writer.

Sixth, online learning with a large screen, safe distance to protect the eyes.

Video learning uses electronic products with larger screens and higher resolutions to adjust the brightness according to the environment. Strictly control the length of time children look at electronic screens, the longer they are younger, the shorter they are, and follow the "20-20-20" rule, that is, after watching the electronic screen for 20 minutes, look up at 20 feet (6 meters) and more than 20 seconds. When watching TV or projector, the eyes are more than 3 meters away from the screen. When using a computer, the eyes are not less than 50 cm away from the screen.

Seventh, the diet should be balanced and the sleep time should be sufficient.

Parents should urge their children to maintain a regular and healthy lifestyle. Pay attention to balanced nutrition during the holiday diet, eat less snacks and fried foods, and eat more fruits and vegetables. Adequate sleep time is guaranteed every day, 10 hours for elementary school students, 9 hours for junior high school students, and 8 hours for high school students.

Eighth, vision testing should be paid attention to, and health records should be kept.

Self-vision testing through the standard logarithmic eye chart, pay attention to eye health, have blurred vision and other phenomena, timely go to regular medical institutions for examination, establish vision health files, early detection, early prevention, early treatment.

Ninth, do not believe false advertisements, and do not delay in seeking medical treatment in time.

Do not rush to the doctor, do not believe that myopia can be cured, myopia degree can be reduced and other false advertisements. If myopia is found and myopia is corrected, it is necessary to go to a regular medical institution for treatment.

Source: China Education News

Source: Zhengzhou Education

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