
He was unable to hand over this family letter to his wife personally

author:Daily Gansu
He was unable to hand over this family letter to his wife personally

Deploring farewell.

New Gansu client January 20 news (New Gansu Daily Gansu network reporter Guo Xiurui) "Since I chose this profession, I chose its particularity. I didn't accompany you when you needed it most, but I believe you will understand me..." Geng Tao, director of the Tienan Community Police Office at the Qianjin Road Police Station of the Jiayuguan City Public Security Bureau in Gansu Province, wrote in a letter to his wife on January 6.

Unfortunately, Geng Tao could not hand over the letter to his wife with his own hands. On January 7, Geng Tao suddenly fainted during the intensive study and training of public security police organized by the Jiayuguan Municipal Public Security Bureau, and died after rescue was ineffective.

He was unable to hand over this family letter to his wife personally

A good cop with a passion for blood

"Brother Tao is gone, and I still don't believe it. In the impression, Tao Ge is always happy, and he still has many ambitions and ideas that have not been realized. Li Peng, a colleague in the same office as Geng Tao, said.

Geng Tao, who was just 41 years old, has been fighting on the public security front for 13 years.

"Geng Tao especially loves to learn, especially loves to study." Colleague Li Chenglin recalled that when he walked into Geng Tao's office, he was most impressed by a stack of neatly arranged books.

Geng Tao's father, Geng Zhanji, was a retired police officer at the Jiayuguan City Public Security Bureau. Under the influence of his father, the diligent and studious Geng Tao grew up rapidly and soon became an expert in public security work. Because of his excellent work, Geng Tao was praised by the Office of the National Narcotics Control Commission. In addition, he has also won the Jiayuguan Municipal Public Security Bureau Commendation three times and was rated as "Excellent Civil Servant" twice.

The old scalper on the anti-drug front

"When I heard the news of Officer Geng's death, I didn't sleep all night, and the things he helped me in the past always came to mind." Zhang Mou, a resident of Tienan Community, choked up and said.

Zhang mou is a community drug rehabilitation worker in Tienan community. After Geng Tao learned of the situation before his death, he often talked to him, publicized the harm of drug abuse to him, and guided him to read books with positive energy. With the help of Geng Tao, Zhang mou has a deeper understanding of the harm of drugs and is determined to quit drug addiction and get his life back on track.

Geng Tao often said: "Do a line, love a line, fine a line." During his work in the Jiayuguan Municipal Narcotics Control Office, he organized township and town cadres, police stations, and village cadres to carry wall charts of the original drug plants, entered the villages one by one to check, and increased the inventory of rental factories, abandoned factories, entertainment venues, commercial markets, stations and hotels. Every day, he was always the first to go to the unit and the last to leave.

During his work in the Jiayuguan Municipal Narcotics Control Office, Geng Tao organized and carried out 7 large-scale anti-drug propaganda activities, hung and posted more than 400 anti-drug propaganda pictures, and exhibited more than 60 exhibition boards; examined 75 drug cases, cracked 69 drug cases, entered more than 600 pieces of information on criminal suspects, and distributed more than 40,000 anti-drug publicity materials and anti-drug leaflets to the masses.

Caring people rooted in the community

"The organization trusts me, and I have to study hard and do a good job." In 2021, after Geng Tao was appointed by the Party Committee of the Jiayuguan Municipal Public Security Bureau as the director of the Tienan Community Police Office of the Qianjin Road Police Station, his enthusiasm for work became even higher, and overtime and all-night work became the norm.

"Community policing is a new frontier and I want to start from scratch." Geng Tao once said. In order to quickly familiarize himself with community policing work, he ate and lived in the police office with his colleagues for a long time, conscientiously studied community policing knowledge, and timely and accurately grasped the basic situation of the community. Soon, Geng Tao became an expert in community policing and a "Tao Brother" who often asked young comrades questions.

"Although Officer Geng has been in our community for less than a year, everyone admires him. He sincerely solves our difficulties, is the director of the police office and the big brother. Every step of Geng Tao's visit to the household was in the hearts of the masses, and the people in the jurisdiction firmly remembered this policeman.

Every time he visits the household, Geng Tao will help residents with living difficulties to do business on behalf of the household, collect relevant information on household registration and certificate collection, and even bring equipment to handle household registration business for the disabled and elderly with limited mobility. He often said: "There is nothing trivial about anything that concerns the masses, and no matter how small they are, they must be handled, and they must be done well; only in this way can the masses be satisfied." ”

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