
African students: Contributing to the construction of a community with a shared future between China and Africa

Source: People's Daily

African students: Contributing to the construction of a community with a shared future between China and Africa

At Sernondo Primary School in Guanda, the capital of Matabeleland Province, South, Zimbabwe, students draw water from wells built with Chinese aid.

Xinhua News Agency

African students: Contributing to the construction of a community with a shared future between China and Africa

Above: Maria, a young African woman, shows her blessing words written with a brush during the cultural experience session of the China-Africa Youth Gala.

Photo by Zhu Yueying, a reporter of this newspaper

Below: African youth and Chinese youth experience traditional wire-bound book production.

Photo by Li Xinyi, a reporter of this newspaper

African students: Contributing to the construction of a community with a shared future between China and Africa

Aerial view of the Garissa photovoltaic power station in Kenya built by a Chinese company.

Youth are the hope of China-Africa relations. Not long ago, a group of African young people studying and living in China participated in the Sixth China-Africa Youth Gala, had in-depth exchanges with Chinese youth, visited the Exhibition Hall of the History of the Communist Party of China, and visited Lipao Village in Yanqing District, Beijing. During the exchange activities, they enhanced their understanding of the Communist Party of China and China's development path, and also strengthened their determination to continue to be the inheritors of China-Africa friendship, and were determined to contribute to the construction of a China-Africa community with a shared future

Mendu, international students from Cameroon ——

"Brotherhood of sharing afflictions and helping each other"

Reporter Zhu Yueying

"China and Cameroon are increasingly cooperating, and China's economic achievements have attracted the world's attention, so I am determined to study in China and use the knowledge I have learned to promote Africa's development." At the end of 2015, Cameroonian Youth Mendu won the second place in the local "Chinese Bridge" competition. With the support of the Confucius Institute Scholarship, he was given the opportunity to pursue a master's and doctoral degree in international relations at Peking University.

In the past 6 years, in order to better understand China's development experience, as long as there is an opportunity, Mendu will go to various places to investigate. In Sha trench village, Xing County, Lüliang City, Shanxi Province, Mendu followed the first secretary stationed in the village to experience the work of village cadres. Visit the village, interact with the villagers, investigate and carry out barren mountain greening, planting and breeding and courtyard economic projects... Mendu witnessed first-hand how the Chinese Communist Party members led the villagers to achieve precise poverty alleviation. In the Shahu Lake Scenic Area of Yongning County, Yinchuan, Ningxia, Mendu saw that the local people combined ecology and tourism, and the green water and green mountains became golden mountains and silver mountains, creating green wealth and ecological welfare. In Xinjiang, Mendu learned that the people of all ethnic groups live in harmony and live and work in peace and contentment, more than 90% of the cotton fields in the northern Xinjiang region have been mechanized, and the construction of beautiful villages has increased the villagers' sense of gain and happiness... Mendu deeply felt after field investigation: "The Communist Party of China has always adhered to the people-centered approach, been good at maintaining close ties with the masses, and led the people to work together to achieve stable development of Chinese society." ”

"In 2013, when yellow fever ravaged Cameroon, Chinese doctors were obligated to help us. In the fight against COVID-19, China has once again helped Cameroon, and from containing the spread of the epidemic to speeding up vaccination, China has always been a staunch supporter of Cameroon's fight against the epidemic. "At present, the global epidemic is still continuing, and vaccines are a powerful weapon to defeat the epidemic. At the recent eighth ministerial meeting of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, China announced that it would provide an additional 1 billion doses of COVID-19 vaccine to Africa. "China has provided us with timely help, explaining the brotherhood of sharing hardships and helping each other." Mendu sighed.

President of the African Students Association of Peking University, Head of the African Youth Delegation in China, Founder of the China-Africa Youth Federation... All along, Mendu has been actively involved in the cause of China-Africa youth friendship and led the construction of multiple communication platforms. He has participated in many friendly activities such as the China-Africa Youth Gala, and also organized African students in China to produce anti-epidemic manuals in English, French and other languages, sharing China's anti-epidemic experience with African compatriots. In his view, young people are the bridge and link of friendship between Africa and China, and the deepening of understanding among young people in Africa and China can play a positive role in promoting people-to-people ties between Africa and China, and contribute to the construction of a community with a shared future between Africa and China.

Under the impetus of the joint construction of the "Belt and Road", the Project of the National Assembly Building in Cameroon is being promoted in an orderly manner, the Mombasa-Nairobi Railway has been completed and opened to traffic, and the Dohaly Multi-purpose Port of Djibouti has effectively enhanced the local entrepot trade capacity... Mendu believes that Africa-China economic and trade cooperation has strong complementarity, "looking forward to jointly building the 'Belt and Road' to promote Africa-China cooperation, achieve mutual benefit and win-win results, and create more opportunities for global development." ”

Ghanaian student Demyakir -

"Continuously promoting non-Chinese exchanges"

Reporter Li Xinyi

Ghanaian student John Demiacle is currently pursuing his PhD at the Institute of Communication Studies, Communication University of China. Before coming to China, he was no stranger to China. "At the Canada-China Friendship Hospital in Accra, Ghana's capital, many patients come from afar to see Chinese doctors; in some villages in Ghana, Chinese companies help drill wells, and villagers don't have to look for water in ponds or ditches." Demyakir said, "In Ghana, when China is mentioned, everyone praises China and says that China is a true friend. ”

Coming to China, Demyakir was surprised by the rapid development of China, 5G, high-speed rail, artificial intelligence... "In China, I feel the surging development momentum, more curious about the code of China's development, and want to understand the uniqueness of China's development model." "Coming to Beijing in 2018, Demyakir saw an extensive transportation network, a series of high-rise buildings, and universal mobile payments..." China has built a well-developed infrastructure network, including a digital infrastructure network, laying a solid foundation for modernization. Looking at China's rural areas, the road infrastructure is very good, the Internet has also achieved universal access, and there is great potential for economic development. ”

During the China-Africa Youth Gala, Demiacl was deeply impressed by his visit to the Exhibition Hall of the History of the Communist Party of China. "In the history of the Cpc's century-long struggle, there are countless touching stories, which have greatly expanded my horizons. From the Long March of the Red Army to the fight against the new crown pneumonia epidemic, I have seen that the ideal and belief of fighting for the people have been passed down from generation to generation of communists. Demyakir said: "The Communist Party of China has led the people to find the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics through arduous exploration, which is a development path suitable for China's national conditions." The Chinese Communist Party is good at formulating clear development plans and implementing them step by step, which is difficult for many countries to achieve. "In his view, the Experience of the Chinese Communist Party in governing the country also provides a reference for African political parties." Political parties should aim to ensure and improve people's livelihoods, achieve social justice through good governance, and give people the opportunity to improve their own lives. ”

"In recent years, Chinese enterprises have not only invested in Africa, but also transferred technology to African countries, and Chinese brands of cars and trucks have been produced, assembled, sold and used in Africa, and the level of Cooperation between Africa and China has been continuously improved." "With the convening of the Eighth Ministerial Conference of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, Africa-China cooperation has opened a new chapter, and the joint construction of the 'Belt and Road' is opening up a new model of Africa-China cooperation, so that African countries can achieve independent development without relying on aid and have a stronger ability to cope with various challenges," Demycker said. ”

In Demyaker's view, young people shoulder the historical responsibility of inheriting Africa-China friendship. "China's assistance to Africa has a long history and has forged a deep friendship with the African people. China fully respects the development rights and interests of African countries and the development path, and promotes common development based on the concept of mutual benefit and win-win results. ”

Demyakir hopes to return to Ghana after completing his doctoral studies, "Today, the number of African students studying in China is increasing, and the bridges and ties of Africa-China exchanges are constantly strengthening. I hope to give full play to my professional advantages after graduation, make full use of media resources and related platforms, and continuously promote non-Chinese exchanges. ”

Senegalese international student Ming Leyi——

"Non-China Friendship Passed on from Generation to Generation"

Reporter Li Yan

The first Chinese version of the "Communist Manifesto", the first "Hongqi" brand car in New China, the "Tianwen-1" Mars probe model, the high-speed rail "Fuxing" simulation cockpit... In the exhibition hall of the history of the Communist Party of China, precious exhibits tell the magnificent century-long history. "When I was in middle school, I studied Chinese history, and this visit allowed me to get close to the pulse of Chinese history and further understand the hard-won happy life of Chinese people. China's development and progress have set an example for the vast number of developing countries. During the sixth China-Africa Youth Gala, Ming Leyi, an international student from Senegal, shared his harvest with reporters.

In Senegal, whether it is the streets of the capital or in remote villages, the signs of Sino-Serbian friendship can be seen everywhere: the Senegal National Theatre, the Tess-Tuba Expressway, the Jamnyaja Children's Hospital, the rural well, the satellite TV "Wancuntong" ... "China has helped Senegal accelerate its development with technology and investment, and The friendship between Senegal and China has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people." I want to go to China to learn technology and build my hometown better. In 2017, Ming LeYi got his wish and won a scholarship jointly funded by UNESCO and the Chinese government to study at Huazhong University of Science and Technology.

After studying in Wuhan for a year, the city left a deep impression on Mingleyi: the city's development is booming, the people live and work in peace and contentment, young students are eager to learn, "China continues to expand its opening up, showing tolerance and vitality, creating unlimited possibilities for the development of young people." In 2019, he went to China again to pursue a doctorate.

During his doctoral studies, Ming Leyi often packed his bags and traveled all over China, "walking around China is a very pleasant experience." In Shenzhen, Asia's largest electronics market Huaqiang North shops are lined up and popular; in Yiwu, the International Trade City accommodates more than 70,000 merchants, and many African friends have set up shops here to start businesses; in Yanqing, Beijing, Licang Village relies on the development of fruit tree economy to achieve poverty alleviation... Along the way to observe the experience, along the way to exchange thinking, Ming Le Yi admired China's economic and social development achievements.

"China has won a comprehensive victory in the battle against poverty and built a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way. This is a glorious Chinese, a major advance in the global poverty reduction cause, and a great confidence in the eradication of absolute poverty in the vast number of developing countries, including Senegal. "Ming Leyi believes that China has accumulated rich experience in poverty reduction, and the industrial poverty alleviation mechanism that stimulates endogenous power has good reference significance for African countries." All countries should develop development plans tailored to their national circumstances and formulate and implement coherent policies and measures. The success of China's path has provided many enlightenments for developing countries. ”

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, the people of Chinese and Africa have been firmly united. The first time to help many African countries, donating anti-epidemic materials, dispatching medical expert teams, and providing COVID-19 vaccines... "China has enhanced africa-China friendship and mutual trust with practical actions, and africa-China friendship has been passed down from generation to generation." Ming Leyi said that during the epidemic prevention and control period, Chinese schools and classmates gave him selfless help, which made him very moved. At present, he has been vaccinated free of charge against COVID-19. "The Chinese people are united, brave the difficulties, help each other, and take the lead in successfully controlling the epidemic and resuming normal work and life." I applaud China's achievements in fighting the epidemic. ”

In Ming Leyi's view, over the years, China has made a lot of investment in Africa's infrastructure, manufacturing, agriculture, health, vocational training and other fields, provided a lot of help, and benefited a lot from Africa's development. "I am also a beneficiary of friendly cooperation between Africa and China," Ming Leyi said, adding that today, more and more young Africans are studying in China, and they bring China's advanced technology back to Africa, which will help enhance the endogenous driving force of Africa's development. The future of Africa-China cooperation is exciting.

Comoros international student Yuno ——

"Putting into practice what you've learned in China"

Yone, a Comoros student at Peking University Health School, began to enter the Beijing Civil Aviation General Hospital for internship in 2019. At 8 o'clock in the morning, he will appear in the ward on time to measure the patient's blood pressure, auscultate, ask the patient if he is unwell... Yuno has successively rotated internships in internal medicine, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics and other departments, and can now independently consult, fill in cases, and give preliminary treatment plans, becoming a "foreign doctor" trusted by patients.

Yuno's father, who was also a doctor, currently works at the World Health Organization. Influenced by his father, Yuno grew up with an interest in medicine. "Over the years, China has sent many excellent doctors to assist the Comoros, train local doctors and teach advanced diagnosis and treatment methods. In 2016, I went to China to study at the suggestion of my father. ”

"The Beijing Civil Aviation General Hospital where I interned has a professional medical team and advanced medical equipment, and the teachers in the department are very responsible for each intern doctor, so I have the opportunity to participate in the diagnosis and treatment of patients, which has accumulated valuable experience for me to be a good doctor in the future." In the relationship with Chinese doctors and patients, Yuno feels the friendliness and tolerance of Chinese people, and many doctors and patients will take the initiative to ask him if he needs help in work and life. "Everyone cares about me very much, and makes me feel warm in a foreign country."

In March last year, the situation of epidemic prevention and control in the Comoros was grim. At the invitation of the Comoros government, China has sent anti-epidemic medical teams to the Comoros. Yuno participated in the ceremony as a representative of the Comoros: "I am deeply touched by the selfless help provided by China. "Since China sent its first medical team to the Comoros in 1994, there have been 14 batches of 150 Chinese medical team members to assist the Comoros in the past 20 years." When the epidemic struck, Chinese doctors went out again, not only bringing us a professional medical team, but also supporting valuable vaccines. Many people in the Comoros have been vaccinated with vaccines made in China. I deeply feel that the friendship between Africa and China has lasted for a long time and has been continuously inherited and developed. ”

Studying in China, Yuno was often exposed to TCM treatment methods, and he deeply felt that TCM was profound and profound. "TCM is able to diagnose various diseases through pulse beating. Traditional remedies such as traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture have good efficacy but few side effects. Yuno believes that in the field of African-Chinese medical cooperation, Chinese medicine can play a greater role in benefiting the African people.

Yuno, who is about to graduate from his undergraduate degree, hopes to return to the Comoros as a doctor, accumulate more experience in diagnosis and treatment, and have the opportunity to study in China again. "For me, what I want to do most at the moment is to put into practice what I have learned in China and make my own contribution to improving the health care of the Comoros."

People's Daily ( 2022-01-18 18th edition)

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