
I pamper you under the shadowless light

I pamper you under the shadowless light

I pamper you under the shadowless light

From the moment you put on your white coat

I have a beautiful name


From the moment you step into the operating room

I have an honorable mission

Create beauty

I pamper you under the shadowless light

For this

I put down roots in the operating room


day after day

For this

I focused on the shadowless light


Fun to do it

I pamper you under the shadowless light

On the road of medicine

I sweated like rain

Do everything in one's power

On the road of medicine

I am wholehearted


I pamper you under the shadowless light

Never forget

The Hippocratic Oath

I use gentle hands

and exquisite craftsmanship

For you

Erase pain and trouble

Never forget

Landingale's oath

I use full blood

And all the energy

Pamper you

Let the joy and sweetness continue

I pamper you under the shadowless light

early morning

I came in the light


I walked away draped in starlight

I pamper you under the shadowless light

In soft lighting

I am a devout messenger

Give you beauty

Bring warmth to you

I pamper you under the shadowless light

In the long river of time

I want to be a ferryman

Give happiness to you

Give hope to you

Author's institution: Xi'an International Medical Center Plastic Surgery Hospital

Author: Wang Dan

Review: Yan Bo

【Tips】Pay attention, there are a large number of professional medical science, revealing those things about surgical anesthesia for you~