
Ancient living burials: How long can people live after entering the burial chamber? Their experiences are unimaginable

The use of living people for burial is a very barbaric and cruel act, and in the Shang Dynasty, this situation often occurred, so how long can people survive after entering a completely enclosed, dark tomb? The answer is indeed somewhat unexpected, their experience is unimaginable, interested friends can like and pay attention.

Ancient living burials: How long can people live after entering the burial chamber? Their experiences are unimaginable

Tomb group

How long can a person enter the tomb last?

In 1999, archaeologists in Shenzhen excavated the Ruins of Wubeiling, the largest group of Shang Dynasty tombs excavated by the mainland in the Lingnan region so far. In addition to a large number of funerary items, experts have also found a lot of human skeletons, according to relevant historical records, all of them were slaves who were used for burial at that time.

Moreover, in the excavated tomb group, there is also a shocking phenomenon, that is, under the owner of the tomb, a layer of dirt is also laid, and after the soil is lifted, there is a row of human bones below. Such a scene shows that before the tomb owner is buried, these mourners have been sealed with mud, suffocated to death, and then the tomb owner is placed on it, such a burial method is really too cruel.

Ancient living burials: How long can people live after entering the burial chamber? Their experiences are unimaginable

Artifacts excavated from the Wubeiling site

During the Shang Dynasty on the mainland, the burial system was very popular, and the hierarchical system of the whole country at that time was also very serious. The whole country is divided into four kinds of people, slaves are the last, and in the eyes of all the people in the other three levels, they believe that slaves are not human at all, so the treatment of slaves is very poor, and in all large-scale sacrifice activities, slaves will also be preferred as funerary goods. When each king or nobleman died, a large number of slaves were also selected for burial.

So how long can a living person survive after entering the tomb? The necessities for human survival must be food and water. According to all the tomb groups that have been excavated, some of the funerary items will also have food, but some of the funerary items will not have food. According to relevant data research, if a person does not eat anything and does not drink a drop of water, he can persist for three days at most, and after three days, what awaits him is death. If he only drinks water and does not eat food, then he can hold out for up to seven days.

Ancient living burials: How long can people live after entering the burial chamber? Their experiences are unimaginable


So if the living people enter the tomb after the burial, food and water is a very serious problem, and because all the tombs are completely closed and dark environment, how long the living people can survive in the tomb is actually related to the number of people in that environment at that time. We all know that people need to breathe oxygen, and the oxygen in a space is limited.

There are relevant experts have done data statistics, the number of people in a tomb does not exceed 18 people, then, as long as they do not talk casually, waste of oxygen, they can persist for three days, but if the number of more than 18 people, but not enough 56 people, then you can insist on a few more days, but the burial companions in this tomb, once more than 56 people, then they can directly open the death countdown, simply can not persist for a day. Therefore, it is really a very cruel and terrible thing for a living person to enter the tomb to accompany the burial, and there is not much hope for life at all.

Ancient living burials: How long can people live after entering the burial chamber? Their experiences are unimaginable

Remains of martyrs


And there is one of the most important factors, that is, the psychology of fear, I don't know how many people have heard the story of the blindfolded wrist cutting, which is a kind of interrogation in terms of psychological torture. It is to blindfold the prisoner's eyes, and then on his wrist, a light knife, but this knife is not broken, so for life, there is not much threat. But the prisoner's eyes were already blindfolded, and he didn't know how deep the wound was, but he felt the pain, and knew that his wrist had been cut.

Then, the interrogator will put a dripping device next to his wrist, so that the water is like blood, constantly dripping and falling, this sound falls in the prisoner's ear, as if it were his own blood, constantly draining, and then the prisoner will have a very fearful mentality, he will continue to think that his life is passing.

Ancient living burials: How long can people live after entering the burial chamber? Their experiences are unimaginable

Under the torment of this fear, many people will not be able to hold on, or even collapse directly, which will achieve the results that the interrogators want. In this way, he got what he wanted to know, but when the prisoner took off his blindfold, he would see his wrist, which was actually just a little bit of skin, nothing.

The fear of the living after entering the tomb is also the same situation, although according to the statistics, people can still survive for a few days, but in the tomb, closed and dark environment, the emotions in people's hearts will be infinitely magnified. Under the contemplation of this emotion, all the external conditions will not be very effective, so it probably will not survive at all, and the data statistics will be counted at that time.

Ancient living burials: How long can people live after entering the burial chamber? Their experiences are unimaginable


During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, King Wu had some conflicts with his daughter, so her daughter was very disgusted and hated him, even to the point of committing suicide. But King Wu loved his daughter very much, so after her death, he built a very large mausoleum for him outside the city, and the funerary items inside were also countless, with a lot of gold and silver jewelry, silk and silk, and precious jade.

However, King Wu did not seal the mausoleum immediately, but instead made some very strange moves. On the day of the burial of the king's daughter, he actually ordered two white cranes to be found and placed in the city to dance. Such an order was indeed incomprehensible to many people, but many people in the city at that time had never seen such a rare thing as the dancing of the white crane, so they all walked out of their homes and went to the center of the city to watch.

Ancient living burials: How long can people live after entering the burial chamber? Their experiences are unimaginable

Wu Wang Lu Lu

However, after the white crane had danced halfway, it began to walk towards the outside of the city, and the lively people who saw the liveliness also followed behind, and the huge crowd followed the white crane out of the city. Everyone's eyes were attracted by the dancing of the white crane, and no one realized that they had gradually entered the tomb of King Wu's daughter. When they reacted, knowing that they had, and had entered the tomb, it was too late.

King Wu had already ordered the tomb to be closed when the last person walked in, and they shouted inside, and no one would come to rescue them at all, but just consume the oxygen inside. It is not difficult to see from this incident that most of the attempts to make the living buried are through coercion and inducement, or by means of unseemly.

Ancient living burials: How long can people live after entering the burial chamber? Their experiences are unimaginable

The mausoleum of King Wu

The burial of the living

In fact, during the Qin Dynasty, the bad habit of using living people to be buried gradually decreased, and the Terracotta Warriors were a miracle that shook the world, and at the same time, he was also the underground regiment used by Qin Shi Huang for burial. At that time, Qin Shi Huang thought that after death, people would go to another world, and that world was the same as the world in which he was located, so in order to enjoy everything before his death, he built his mausoleum into a very luxurious underground palace.

And Qin Shi Huang also thought that even if he died, he would lead his soldiers and horses through the world, so he must have an underground army. But he did not choose to use living people to be buried at that time, but built such a spectacular terracotta warriors, using these clay figurines to replace the living people for burial. Since Qin Shi Huang, for a long time, there have been very few things about the burial of living people, in fact, it has something to do with this practice of Qin Shi Huang. But in the Ming Dynasty, the burial of living people suddenly became popular again, which is to say a story of the Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang.

Ancient living burials: How long can people live after entering the burial chamber? Their experiences are unimaginable

Terracotta Warriors

Located in Nanjing, the Ming Xiaoling Tomb is the mausoleum of the famous emperor Zhu Yuanzhang of the Ming Dynasty, in the tomb of Zhu Yuanzhang, archaeologists have found a very strange phenomenon, that is, most of the martyrs used to accompany the burial at that time are women, and judging by the posture of their remains, when they are placed in the tomb, the body is fixed, the legs are open, showing an O-shape, what is going on?

It is necessary to talk about the burial system of the Ming Dynasty, which is stipulated in the Ming Dynasty, when the emperor of the dynasty died, all the concubines except the empress had to be martyred, and what is even more outrageous is that the families of these concubines are not rich or noble, and the mother's family in the current dynasty can also be regarded as a well-known official, but none of them has fought for a way for their daughter to live.

Ancient living burials: How long can people live after entering the burial chamber? Their experiences are unimaginable

Ming Xiaoling Scenic Area

This is because the Ming Dynasty also had a system, that is, if these concubines went to be martyred, then their brother or father who was an official in the dynasty could be promoted, and the position they were promoted to was still very high, higher than the generals who generally went to the battlefield to kill the enemy, and the position obtained in this way was still hereditary.

That is to say, sacrificing a daughter can ensure the glory and wealth of their own family for a long time, so these people will choose to sacrifice the women of the harem in exchange for their own future, and it has to be said that these women are also victims of the times. The reason why these female martyrs found in Zhu Yuanzhang's tomb were fixed to the same posture was because they had lost their lives before entering the tomb.

Ancient living burials: How long can people live after entering the burial chamber? Their experiences are unimaginable

Zhu Yuanzhang

After Zhu Yuanzhang's death, all the women in the harem who needed to be buried were distributed to a white silk in their hands, which was used by them to kill themselves. According to some relevant records, in Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes, these women in his harem are all just tools used to give birth to children, and there is not much affection between them at all. Before Zhu Yuanzhang felt that he was about to die, he had already thought that this group of women could not do anything, and raising them was also a waste of money and food, so he simply let them all be martyred.

The burial of the living, this barbaric and brutal act, is really despised and hated by human beings. After the Kangxi Emperor, the royal family never had this phenomenon again, but the events recorded in history are really sad, and those people are all victims of their time. The times we live in now are really good times.

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