
Wuxi Zoo gave birth to a baby white tiger to collect domineering "tiger names" from the whole society

Source: China News Network

Wuxi, January 19 (China News Network) (Reporter Sun Quan) Approaching the Spring Festival of the Year of the Tiger, Wuxi Zoo rare white tiger baby tiger new year celebration. The reporter learned from the Wuxi Zoo on the 19th that a white tiger baby was born in the White Tiger Garden of the park a few days ago, and is now being artificially fed. The white tiger baby has not yet taken a name, and the park has decided to collect the domineering "tiger name" from the whole society, hoping that the public will actively participate and dip the "tiger qi" together.

Rescue the little white tiger keeper as a temporary "tiger father" in the cold winter

On December 27 last year, in the delivery room of the White Tiger Garden of Wuxi Zoo, a tigress paced back and forth anxiously, roaring in a low voice from time to time, and lying on the delivery bed from time to time. According to Master Wang, a breeder in the beast area of Wuxi Zoo, this is a sign before the birth of the tigress.

At 1:00 a.m. on December 27, the tigress successfully planted the next baby white tiger. The keepers waited for more than 5 hours, but they did not wait for the birth of the second white tiger baby. The keepers concluded at the time that the first-time motherhu had given birth to only one cub.

Wuxi Zoo gave birth to a baby white tiger to collect domineering "tiger names" from the whole society

The temperature in the greenhouse is suitable, and the white tiger baby walks back and forth. Photo by Sun Quan

Surprisingly, the breeder paid attention to the postpartum condition of the tigress in real time through the surveillance screen, and found that the tigress was not willing to get close to the white tiger baby or lick it. In the early morning of the same day, the outdoor temperature was minus 6 degrees Celsius, and the indoor delivery room temperature was only 7 degrees Celsius, and if the tigress did not care about it, the white tiger baby was likely to freeze. In this regard, the breeder resolutely isolated the tigress and carried the white tiger baby that was about to freeze out of the delivery room for emergency heat preservation and rescue.

After 7 hours of hard work, the white tiger baby finally eased up. At 1 p.m. on December 27, the white tiger baby finally ate the first sip of "tiger life". Master Wang, the breeder, became a temporary "tiger father" and prepared imported cat milk powder for the white tiger baby.

Wuxi Zoo gave birth to a baby white tiger to collect domineering "tiger names" from the whole society

Inside the Wuxi Zoo, a white tiger walks on a plum blossom pile. Photo by Sun Quan

The 24-hour duty to take care of the white tiger baby is becoming more and more active

For this hard-won white tiger baby, all the staff attach great importance to it, and veterinarians and breeders take turns to take care of it 24 hours a day. According to the requirements, the staff paid great attention to the temperature in the nursery box, the water temperature of the milk powder, the body temperature of the white tiger baby and the mental condition, and made a complete record.

In fact, the white tiger baby really opened the food in the early morning of December 28, and it ate about 15 ml of milk in several bites. On December 29, the white tiger baby had its first bowel movement, which was darker in color. By this time, the breeders were slightly relieved.

If the tigress brings it herself, she will lick the tiger to stimulate its defecation, so how does the artificially bred white tiger baby defecate? Master Wang introduced that he will generally hold the white tiger baby with one hand and the other hand to soothe before and after feeding, if it does not struggle, it means that it still has to defecate, if it struggles, it means that it is not needed.

At present, the white tiger baby is becoming more and more lively, and the milk powder has been gradually increased from the initial 5 ml / ton to the current 90 ml / ton, with a regular quantitative 6 tons a day, basically three days a can of milk powder. The weight has also increased from 1028 grams at birth to more than 2800 grams now.

According to the growth needs of white tiger babies, Wuxi Zoo also arranges keepers to add probiotics, calcium, cod liver oil, fresh milk, meat and so on to it in a timely manner. Master Wang told reporters that the white tiger baby will be able to try to eat some minced meat slowly after a while.

Wuxi Zoo gave birth to a baby white tiger to collect domineering "tiger names" from the whole society

Under the warm winter sun, several tigers leisurely "strolled". Photo by Sun Quan

Collect domineering "tiger names" from the society in the hope that the public will be contaminated with "tiger qi"

The newborn white tiger baby is female, usually the breeders call it "Tiger Treasure" and "Little Tiger Girl", and wuxi zoo hopes that the public can give this tiger-headed white tiger baby a domineering and cute "tiger name".

"Now we are facing the whole society to 'call for names', and the name should have a good meaning." At that time, participants and finalists will have the opportunity to receive tickets to Wuxi Zoo and related cultural and creative products. The relevant person in charge of Wuxi Zoo said that he hopes that in this way, the public will be immersed in "tiger gas" in the Year of the Tiger.

Wuxi Zoo gave birth to a baby white tiger to collect domineering "tiger names" from the whole society

The white tiger baby is in a good mental state. Photo by Sun Quan

It is reported that the white tiger baby will meet with tourists at the Honey Castle in Wuxi Zoo's A Bear Park during the Spring Festival of the Year of the Tiger. At present, there are 31 cats in Wuxi Zoo, including Siberian tigers, white tigers and African lions. In order to increase the behavioral richness of tigers and reduce the stereotypical behavior of captive animals, in the zoo, careful keepers will also hang food on high tree stumps or hang above plum blossom stumps to attract tigers to passively "fitness". (End)

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