
To deal with children who can't sit still, these 10 little tricks are enough

To deal with children who can't sit still, these 10 little tricks are enough



The baby's refusal to sit at the table to eat is a headache for the parents, and the consequences of following him step by step are either poured with vegetable juice on the clothes or the sticky grains of rice are stepped on under the feet. How can this be done? Ten tricks to help you!


First, the child can't sit still after eating

One of the manifestations: watching cartoons

Most families eat at the beginning of the cartoon show, and this temptation is difficult for babies to resist, and they often rush to the living room after a bite.

Performance two: running around

Children are "tied down" in kindergarten for a day, and when they get home, they like to wander around, sometimes just aimlessly and aimlessly. dine? Ren's food was cold, and he didn't look at it.

Performance three: playing with toys

At some point, children may be particularly fascinated by a certain toy, such as Ultraman or Train Man, and cannot bring it in kindergarten, so they go home and play with it, and refuse to let go when eating.


Second, how to deal with children who can't sit still when they eat?

Before eating

1. Prepare a set of special tableware for children

Adults' chopsticks and forks are not suitable for children. Fill a large, heavy cup or bowl with juice or milk, and your child will feel oppressed and affect his appetite. Sharp forks and fragile tableware should not be used by children to avoid accidents. Children's tableware is more suitable for children, you can take your child to buy together, let him choose his favorite tableware to promote the interest in eating.

2. Notify your child ten minutes early to eat

If the child is suddenly interrupted when he is having a good time, it is inevitable that he will be angry, rebellious and rejected, so even if he is facing a 2-year-old child, he should tell him what he is going to do in advance, and then give him buffer time, clean up the toys, and prepare for the meal.

3. Eat less snacks

A small number of meals is the most beneficial way for children to eat, but the amount of snacks outside the meal should not be too much, so as not to prevent the child from eating when they arrive at the meal. And choose foods with high nutritional value as snacks, and don't eat "junk" food. Do you think that if you eat a cup of yogurt and a bag of potato chips at 4 p.m., you will still sit and eat dinner at 5 o'clock?

4. Let the child help together

In order to meet the child's desire to learn, before eating, the mother can ask the child to help together, such as tidying up the table, setting the dishes, etc., so that the child will be full of expectations for the meal, and the possibility of sitting down to eat will be improved.

5. Change the cooking method

The reason why children can't sit still is not necessarily that the taste of the dish is not good, sometimes it is because the way the cooking is done makes the child unacceptable. Therefore, you may wish to change the cooking method frequently, steaming, braising, so that the baby has a fresh feeling. In addition, most children like brightly colored food, if the meal is made into gray, I am afraid it will be difficult to attract children to sit and eat. In addition, foods that are too cold or too hot for kids will not like.

6, add more things that children like to eat in meals

Although a balanced intake of various foods can help children develop and grow healthily, they should not be forced to eat. You can first take the food that the child likes to eat, and then from less to more, gradually add other or new foods, so that the child accepts all kinds of food, so that more children can discover more children like to eat food, as long as the diet is more varied, the child is naturally willing to sit down and eat safely. For example, children like to eat tofu and beans, and when trying new dishes, they can often put some tofu or beans into it, so that children are more receptive.

When eating

7. Teach children to use chopsticks

Many children who can't sit still are fed by their parents, so after the child is three years old, his parents can teach him to use chopsticks, learn to eat on his own, and it is easy to sit still. Children under the age of three should also let him learn to eat by himself with a spoon, if he can eat it all, he will have a sense of success, and slowly increase his interest in eating. Although it began to make a table full of grains, and the face and body were a mess, this was a necessary beginning.

8, do not scold children at the dinner table

When eating, the atmosphere should be relaxed and make the child feel comfortable. Mom must not try to make a fuss in order to make him eat more, or even make a big fuss. Don't always be in a hurry to ask, "Do you want to eat again?" If the baby says, "It's full." "His parents should stop forcing him to eat." In this way, he could slowly understand the concept of having enough to eat. Don't just take a few bites of food and run outside.

9, let the child feel hungry

The reason why the child refuses to sit down to eat is sometimes because he is not hungry. So, find a way to make him hungry. Parents can calmly say "Okay, the child is full" when the child has eaten a few bites and then run away, and then put the bowl away, not caring how much he has left. A few times down, the child will know that if he does not sit down to eat, he will be hungry. This method sounds simple, but it is not easy to do, because parents must first harden their hearts, can not always worry about their children hungry, give him snacks to eat, it is counterproductive.

Finished eating

10. Praise more

When your child is able to sit and eat in peace, don't forget to praise him. Or after the meal, his parents can play with him for a while as a reward, so that he has happy memories of eating, and he will not be rejected for eating in the future. Parents usually have to consciously instill in their children the idea of 'eat well, grow faster, and become smarter'.

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