
Please don't give up martial arts training first!

Please don't give up martial arts training first!

Physical Education Teachers Network

National physical education teacher exchange platform, welcome


I don't know when to start, there is a strange "happy education" argument that is popular, that play is the nature of children, parents should not force their children to do things they do not want to do, to respect the children's opinions.

At first glance, there is nothing wrong with this view. However, where children know so much. They don't understand, how much suffering they will have to endure and how much suffering they will experience after they do not study. They will only feel that the happiness in front of them is the most important.

You don't force him now, and when he grows up in the future, he will only blame you: Why didn't you force me to learn anything in the first place?

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Please don't give up martial arts training first!

What can determine the future of a child is persistence

A study in the United States found that it is not IQ that determines the future of a child, but persistence.

"Art is not pressurized", there is a talent leaning body, not only can enrich children's spare time, improve physical fitness, but also in the future learning and life to establish more confidence.

Therefore, sending children to interest classes is the practice of many parents now. But in fact, there is no such thing as the cultivation of interest that does not come at a cost.

Children choose an interest class, learn for a while and do not want to learn, which is a problem that many parents will encounter. So how to cultivate the quality of children's persistence?

Sticking with her is the best demonstration and the best way

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Please don't give up martial arts training first!

There are many ways for smart parents to keep their children up

Here I would like to share with you the personal experience of a parent of a student:

A little boy felt that practicing martial arts was particularly hard, and reluctantly cried and shouted, "Daddy, I don't practice anymore!" ”

In order to help his son continue to practice martial arts, the father thought of many ways. He asked his son to be a little teacher for himself, and after learning new movements and routines in the martial arts gym, he returned home and taught them to his father. Father and son sometimes even have two fights.

As long as there is a martial arts competition, he encourages his son to sign up, and sometimes, even if he does not play a game, he must sit in the audience to watch the competition, in this way, the interest is slowly formed in a sense of achievement, and the child persists on the road of martial arts.

If you want your child to practice martial arts well, parents must first do not give up

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Please don't give up martial arts training first!

Education is all about developing good habits

Mr. Ye Shengtao said: "What is education? To put it simply, it is to cultivate good habits. ”

In the process of practicing martial arts, children learn not only technical skills, not only exercise, but also develop a habit of perseverance, and this habit will accompany them throughout their lives.

Many parents will say that we don't want our child to become a professional martial artist, but only that he can enjoy the feeling of training and accumulate experience in competitions. However, martial arts are extremely skillful, and it is impossible to practice without training or persistence, and the so-called competition experience is also exercised and tested by actual combat after years of continuous participation in competitions.

For children as young as a few years old, likes and interests are not completely equated. When a child says what she likes, she may really just like it, but the formation of interest requires a process.

Whether the child can persist in this process depends on the attitude of the parents in many cases.

Please don't give up martial arts training first!

Those children who are forced to attend interest classes learn one more talent when they are young, and when they grow up, they can have one more choice. Even if you may not make a living from it, life will certainly be more fun.

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