
20.3 The word "canon": Cockroach and Ye Gong, two pot-carrying men.

Words "classic": Cockroach and Ye Gong, two back pot men.

Cockroach and Ye Gong, two pot-carrying men?

The truth of the matter is: this is absolutely true, but one is a good pot on the back, and the other is a black pot on the back.

Let's start with the lucky "cockroaches".

"蜾蠃" (guǒ luǒ) is the name of an insect, the origin of which first appears in the Book of Poetry, which has a cloud: "Wanbi Ming dove, Han Fei Ji Tian." My heart is sad, and I think of my ancestors. Mingfa does not sleep, there are two pregnant. ...... In the middle of the plains, there are trees, and the common people collect them. The borer has a son, and the borer bears it. Teach Erzi, like a grain. ”

Roughly speaking, it means: the little spotted dove, soaring in the sky and mourning. My heart was sad and I thought of our parents.

Sleepless nights, grateful for the advice of my parents. ...... The fields were overgrown with soybean seedlings, and everyone went to pick them together. Borers have offspring, and they take them to raise. I want to teach your children to pass on the qualities of kindness to them.

This poem expresses the author's nostalgia for his parents, his love for helping his brothers, his willingness to raise his brothers' children as his own children, and to teach them good qualities. The meaning is quite good.

Two species of insects are involved, one is a borer and the other is a worm. The borer is a larvae of the vegetable powder butterfly, also known as the "vegetable green worm", and likes to nibble on green vegetables. The cockroach is a kind of bee, because the waist is very thin, so it is also called "thin waist bee". It likes to make a nest with mud in the corners and crevices of the wall, and then put the green worms or spiders into the nest and finally seal it. About seven days and forty-nine days later, new grasshoppers came out of their nests.

20.3 The word "canon": Cockroach and Ye Gong, two pot-carrying men.

For a long time, people thought that "grasshoppers" had no distinction between males and females, could not produce their own offspring, and could only be raised by adopting the children of the borers, and then kept chanting incantations outside the cave: "Like me, like me." After about forty-nine days, the sons of the borers grew into the shape of grasshoppers, and they had offspring.

However, during the Southern and Northern Dynasties, tao Hongjing, a skeptical healer, did not believe this statement. Through a long period of observation, he discovered that the way the borer raised its offspring was not as depicted in the psalms. The cockroach is actually a very vicious insect! He wrote in the Commentary on the Materia Medica: "Now a kind of black thin waist, with mud on the side of the wall and utensils, is placed in it, and the seeds are placed in it; but more than ten green spiders on the grass are placed in it, and they still plug their mouths, so that their sons are large and become food." ... There is no female in the waist, and they all take the green worm to teach and become their own son, which is a fallacy. ”

From this text, we can know that the grasshopper is capable of giving birth, and the green spider it catches is not used as a child, but as a child's food. Since then, the true face of this insect has been revealed.


The name "Cockroach" originally came from the Book of Poetry, which symbolizes a beautiful feeling. The reason for this symbol is that people do not observe it deeply, and it is inevitable that the whole process of its growth will be speculated about by only one or two chance encounters, which will inevitably be inconsistent with the facts.

The real situation was discovered by Tao Hongjing, who had the spirit of doubt, and it was through meticulous observation and continuous tracking that he was able to glimpse the whole process of raising offspring of the grasshopper. Since then, people's understanding has changed. It turns out that the cockroach is a very vicious insect!

It is precisely some people who dare to question and dare to practice that make people revise their understanding of a certain thing and see things as they really are. "The borer has a son, the borer bears the burden" is not true, the real situation is that the borer feeds on the borer.

Let's look at the "Ye Gong" who carries the black pot.

Everyone has known the idiom "Ye Gong Good Dragon" since childhood. In the textbook, he is an object of ridicule in disguise. In fact, the historical Ye Gong shoulder to shoulder compared to Confucius. He is also the ancestor of today's Ye surname.

The real Ye Gong

Ye Gong, formerly known as Shen Zhuliang, surnamed 芈, Shen Yinshi, name Zhuliang, character gao. At the end of the Spring and Autumn Period, the military and politician of the Chu State was the true great-grandson of king Zhuang of Chu who "did not make a sound, a blockbuster", and a first-class duke of the Chu state. Shen Zhuliang was not only good at governing the country, but also could lead troops to fight. Later, it was sealed in Yedi, which is today's Ye County, Henan, which was called Nanyang in ancient times, so it was honored as Ye Gong. Shen Zhuliang's descendants became the Nanyang Ye clan.

But how can such a wise man become a "negative model"?

First, why is Ye Gong good "dragon"?

Ye Gong came to his own fiefdom and began to worry. At that time, Ye County had a special terrain, with high south and low north, and every rainy season, the water in the south surged down, and the north became "Zeguo". After the rainy season, the south cannot hold water and becomes dryland. The north was flooded and the south was dry, and the people were miserable.

Ye Gong was determined to benefit the people, took Comrade Dayu as an example, carried forward the fine style of arduous struggle, went deep into the field, and investigated and studied. He proposed a plan to control water with "bēi". "Pi" is to build a semi-circular deep ditch in a village where farmland is concentrated, shaped like a moat of a city, which can prevent floods and store water. He sympathized with the people's feelings, organized manpower, built the east and west erpi, and solved the problem of drought and flood in the leaf land. To this day, the foundation and ruins of the Two Pi Dams still exist, and they are also one of the important cultural heritages of Ye County, Henan.

The "Ye Clan Genealogy" records that when Ye Gong was repairing Pi, he painted a picture of the water system on the wall. One person looked at the water system map like a group of dragons, and said, "I don't think Ye Gong is really a good dragon." The dragon in the picture does not draw clouds. Ye Gong said, "I just want to dig a canal to divert water dragons." This is the earliest version of the "Ye Gong Hao Long" story.

Second, how was Ye Gong smeared?

Historically, the construction of water conservancy is a good thing that "benefits in the thousand autumns." But for the people at that time, it was not the same, building water conservancy, digging soil and picking stones, tired. More importantly, who plants their own land? Ye Gong said: "It takes a thousand laborers to lead a dragon, and it needs a thousand grains, so we must not be careless", cherishing the people's strength and paying attention to the sufferings of the people, but the people of Yedi still have complaints.

After Hearing this, South Korea's Shen Buxian took the opportunity to black Chu Guo, so he wrote "Ye Gong Good Dragon" into his "Shen Zi" book, and at that time, the "bad reputation" of "Ye Gong Good Dragon" also came out.

However, what made Ye Gong completely "degenerate" was Liu Xiang, the author of the Western Han Dynasty's Warring States Policy, who interpreted the story of "Ye Gong Haolong" into the "New Order".

At that time, Emperor Hancheng favored Zhao Feiyan, who could dance on the palm of his hand, and was deserted by wine. In order to repair his own mausoleum, "great rejuvenation of the army, heavy enrichment, requisition like rain." Therefore, Liu Xiangqiao used the "Ye Gong Good Dragon" needle to advise the emperor not to build a large number of civil engineering, so there was this article:

"Ye Gongzi is tall and good dragon, hook to write dragon, chisel to write dragon, house carving to write dragon." So Fu Long sniffed it, peeped his head at Mu, and Shi Wei Yu Tang. Ye Gong saw it, abandoned it and left, lost his soul, and had no master. It is Ye Gong who is not a good dragon, and a good husband who is like a dragon and not a dragon. ”

Since then, Ye Gong has become a typical example of the opposite, lying and being shot. Wronged, more wronged than Dou'e!

Of course, the reason why Liu Xianghui wrote this is also more due to an exchange between Ye Gong and Confucius, and it is this exchange that led to the "prejudice" of Confucian disciples against Ye Gong.

20.3 The word "canon": Cockroach and Ye Gong, two pot-carrying men.

According to the "History of confucius's family", in 490 BC, Confucius traveled around the world to Ye County. So Ye Gong consulted Confucius on the principle of government, and Confucius said: "Those who are near are happy, and those who are far away" are allusions to the idiom "near yue far away". Ye Gong also asked Confucius's disciple Zilu what kind of a person Confucius was, but Zilu did not answer for fear of saying the wrong thing. Confucius said: "The female Xi does not know, but she is also a person, angry and forgetful, happy to forget worries, do not know that the old age is coming to Yun'er? ”

These two things are nothing, the key is that the political views of Ye Gong and Confucius in this exchange are different. Ye Gong said, "There are those who are direct in our party, and their fathers carry sheep, and the son proves them." The translation is: "I have a frank and straightforward man there, and his father stole sheep and he denounced it." And Confucius's answer was: "The straight of our party is different: the father is hidden for the son, and the son is hidden by the father." - Straight in the middle. The translation is: "My frank and straightforward people there are different from yours, the father hides for his son, the son hides for his father,—— and the bluntness is here!" This dialogue represents the difference in the political philosophy of the two men, and Ye Gong pays more attention to the law of the state.

Confucius, on the other hand, paid more attention to the gift of affection.

The question of whether Ye Gong and Confucius's views are superior or inferior is not judged for the time being, but it will certainly affect Ye Gong's views and evaluations of Confucius. The following year, King Zhao of Chu wanted to hire Confucius and give him seven hundred miles of land. This proposal was rejected by Prince Shen, who said: "The great king's ministers do not have such a virtuous ability as Zigong, Yan Hui, Zilu, and Zaiyu, if he is appointed, then can the Chu state still maintain power?" I think that when King Wen and King Wu made their fortunes in the land of a hundred miles, they all unified the world, and now let Confucius have seven hundred miles of land and a group of shrewd and capable disciples, which is not a good thing for the Chu Kingdom! King Chu Zhao felt that it made sense, so he gave up the idea.

Confucius did not enter the Chu capital, and the only person he had contact with was Ye Gong. Ye Gong and Prince Shen had a friendly relationship, so it is easy to speculate that Ye Gong informed Prince Shen of his communication with Confucius. Confucius's so-called view of "relatives and relatives hiding from each other" is fundamentally part of his restoration of Western Zhou Lile, thus establishing an orderly hierarchy of Tianzi-princes-doctors.-scholars. However, the late Spring and Autumn period was an era of clan disintegration, and the princes replaced the clan rules with state laws and brought the people under the direct control of the state. Therefore, of course, the King of Chu did not want Confucius to restore his "Zhou Ritual", which is also the reason why Confucius traveled around the world and encountered walls everywhere.

Of course, Confucius's disciple Zi Zhang did not say anything good about Ye Gong, zi Zhang was Confucius's disciple Zhao Sun Shi, who had followed Confucius around the world, and Confucius evaluated it as "Shi Ye Pu (secluded)". Therefore, Liu Xiang borrowed the mouth of Zi Zhang in the "New Preface" to say the parable of "Ye Gong Hao Long". The excerpts in the New Preface are the stories circulated from the Zhou Dynasty to the Western Han Dynasty, the purpose of which is to promote benevolent government to the emperor. The ideological basis of the book is naturally Confucianism, and from the Book of Han to the Siku Quanshu, this book has always been included in the Confucian category. Of course, this matter may not really be said by Master Zhao Sun, or it may be a passage from the Warring States people, but since he is deliberately smearing Ye Gong, it is not strange to say that it is the creation of Confucian post-learning, not to mention that Liu Xiang, who edited this matter, is also a great Confucian!

〇日 on the moon will be

The gentleman asked: "The borer has a son, and the borer bears the burden", what is the truth? ( )。

A. Borers and grasshoppers are good friends, symbiotic and mutually beneficial

B. The worm feeds on the borer as its youngest son

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〇上期An answer: Flounder

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