
Information | 299,000 yuan 0 anxiety smart electric Mocha DHT-PHEV launched pre-sale

Recently, Great Wall Motor's "0 Anxiety Intelligent Electric" new technology and Mocha DHT-PHEV pre-sale conference was held in Baoding Haval Technology Center. A total of two models of the new car were announced pre-sale prices, namely: 0 Anxiety Smart Edition 299,000 (two-wheel drive) and 0 Anxiety Performance Edition 315,000 (four-wheel drive).

Mocha DHT-PHEV is equipped with intelligent DHT with ultra-long pure electric endurance, which realizes the comprehensive subversion of the performance, intelligence and quality of China's flagship products, and its arrival will become the optimal solution for energy efficiency in this era.

Information | 299,000 yuan 0 anxiety smart electric Mocha DHT-PHEV launched pre-sale

Resonate with the same frequency as the user, opening the era of 0 anxiety intelligent electric travel

Weipai 0 anxiety intelligent electric travel concept includes right of way 0 anxiety, car use 0 anxiety, energy 0 anxiety, safety 0 anxiety, driving fun 0 anxiety five aspects, rooted in user interests and user experience, so that users can enjoy a quiet driving, fast, more intelligent comparable to the electric vehicle driving experience, but also has a long endurance, low fuel consumption, unlimited purchase (applicable to most of the restricted purchase cities) of 0 anxiety worry-free feeling, comprehensively solve the pain points of user travel, while establishing a new user cognition of 0 anxiety intelligent electric.

Information | 299,000 yuan 0 anxiety smart electric Mocha DHT-PHEV launched pre-sale

As Weipai CEO Li Ruifeng said at the press conference: "'Everything user-centric' has never been a slogan, and we know that the key to success or failure lies not in the accumulation of technology, but also in the ability of technology to meet people's real needs." Based on this starting point, the Wei brand takes the two core technologies of 'smart DHT' and 'coffee intelligence', the whole series of layout long-lasting DHT-PHEV models, and comprehensively leads the new track with '0 anxiety intelligent electric', realizes the complete transformation of the brand to the development of new energy, and becomes a smart travel partner who knows you better. ”

Information | 299,000 yuan 0 anxiety smart electric Mocha DHT-PHEV launched pre-sale

Breaking the technical barriers of international brands, Weipai has created a new architecture of long-lasting intelligent DHT PHEV

In the field of new energy, Weipai is committed to promoting the car into the clean, low-carbon main channel, completely independent design, completely independent research and development of the world's leading intelligent DHT technology, is the best efficiency in the full speed domain, the best driving experience, the highest degree of intelligence of the new energy architecture, and thus launched a long-range intelligent DHT PHEV new architecture, through the intelligent DHT "two-stop" architecture and pure electric + hybrid mode innovation and the world's leading 204km pure electric endurance breakthrough, Weipai has broken through the "anxiety" bottleneck in the global new energy field with absolute strength, rewritten the inherent pattern of global new energy technology, and established the image of China's first intelligent electric technology brand.

In terms of intelligence, Weipai has innovated to create an industry-leading coffee intelligent platform, with intelligent driving, intelligent cockpit, intelligent services, seamless docking of a variety of travel scenarios, so that cars show "high IQ" and "high emotional intelligence", creating a new standard for intelligent cars belonging to this era. Leading high-end intelligent driving functions such as NOH and HWA, intelligent cockpits that meet the needs of personalized cars, and intelligent service functions such as Xiaowei Classmate 2.0 that have been revamped on the line have all been equipped in the product sequence of Wei brand, perfectly interpreting the brand culture and technical temperature of the new generation of intelligent cars "understand you", and becoming the benchmark of the intelligent travel industry and the best choice for users.

Mocha DHT-PHEV pre-sale opened, hard-core strong electricity refreshed the new energy ceiling

As the first product of the new category of Wei brand 0 anxiety intelligent electric, Mocha DHT-PHEV integrates the great achievement of Wei brand technology, deeply integrates the two innovative core technologies of intelligent DHT and coffee intelligence, and comprehensively advanced in terms of scientific and technological configuration and intelligence, with many industry first-class and cross-level leading advantages, interpreting the technical value of technology full and performance. First of all, "hard-core strong power" is an important label of Mocha DHT-PHEV, Mocha DHT-PHEV is equipped with a 39.67kWh phEV battery, with 204km pure electric endurance under WLTC conditions, 0.45L 100km fuel consumption, 4.8s00 acceleration, and high-performance electric four-wheel drive system and other leading configurations, once again refreshing the ceiling of new energy technology, bringing 0 anxiety to the new middle-class elite of high-energy enterprising cities.

Information | 299,000 yuan 0 anxiety smart electric Mocha DHT-PHEV launched pre-sale

In terms of high-end intelligent driving, Mocha DHT-PHEV is equipped with high-end intelligent driving assistance systems such as HWA high-speed driving assistance and NOH intelligent pilot assistance, which can realize industry-leading intelligent driving such as intelligent up and down ramps and intelligent avoidance gates, and maximize the liberation of drivers' hands and feet. In the daily commute, Mocha DHT-PHEV solves the pain points of users parking in narrow parking spaces and reversing on narrow roads by integrating parking, remote control parking, track reversing, transparent chassis, etc., and gives all-round driving assistance support, allowing users to enjoy a safe and reliable smart car life.

Information | 299,000 yuan 0 anxiety smart electric Mocha DHT-PHEV launched pre-sale

Mocha DHT-PHEV is equipped with the newly launched Xiaowei Classmate 2.0, the voice function is fully upgraded, the visible speaking of support function configuration, 20 seconds of continuous dialogue, contextual understanding, etc., full sensory insight into user needs. At the same time, there are more immersive graphic images, computer vision, AR-HUD, VIMS facial recognition and AI and other functions, which can realize 360-degree seamless perception inside and outside the car, so that the car is no longer a cold means of transportation, but a caring smart partner.

Information | 299,000 yuan 0 anxiety smart electric Mocha DHT-PHEV launched pre-sale

Blowing the horn of the 0 anxiety track, the Wei brand intelligent electric matrix will usher in an outbreak

Mocha DHT-PHEV is the first piece of the puzzle of Weipai 0 Anxiety Intelligent Electric Matrix, and also blows the horn of Weipai to lead the 0 Anxiety Track. In the future, Weipai will continue to lead the 0 anxiety intelligent electric track, accelerate the integration of the two innovative core technologies of intelligent DHT and coffee intelligence, realize the comprehensive innovation and integration of new energy and intelligence, use higher technical capabilities, more open ecology, and full-life cycle services to create a future intelligent travel life, and lead the industry to accelerate to the "new blue ocean" of new energy in 2035.

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